MzDuffleBaglady's Blog

Pick 3 Playing style!

Everyone has their own playing style.

I see Missouri play a lot of different playing styles.

Find one you like.

I know, Missouri pick 3 lottery is a two digit return playing style state.

I know, 2 pairs that repeat, fast!

07x and 81x.

Followers!  yes, it happens and I just saw it, and caught some feelings, because, I know someone that plays followers, and how did he not catch this play?

It was two playing styles working together, 2 digit return and followers, with using the calendar!

So, yeah, I came across this early today, while finishing my Easter Sunday Dinner.

One more item to cook, "Butter sauce noodles"!

I was looking at the 006, 006, 006, trying to figure the reason this happened in the game.

I came across, a play that is a 2 digit return and followers!


Entry #7,444

Boxed vtrac 245 , played as 452!

Yet, it's due in box form midday and evening.

Let's see what happens within the next 7 days!

The loophole is:  Vtrac boxed, 245 is due on all three charts.

Time to crunch for the winner!🤣

Or, just play all 8 sets for 50 cent box.

I like straight wins for a $1.00= $600.00


Boxed form, most due on evening draw.





Entry #7,440

All you need is a Platinum Membership!

Mar 26, 2024, 2:29 am

I still expect to see 908 in some form on the midday draw.

Although 908 hit evening , 3/25/2024, it is still out over 500 draws on midday.

That will help in understanding why numbers repeat.

Best of Luck.



The case study is for the due straight order for the midday draw, for the series, 890!  I favor, 09x for the due straight front pair, 09x!

What throw me is, if you look at the last time the 890 combo play, it played as 908, exactly how it played on 3/25/2024!

Looking at a glance at this history, 098 could be the straight play for midday.


Missouri pick 3, giving out humble pies🤣!

Entry #7,436