CajunWin4's Blog

John Brennan -The CIA -Zbigniew Brzezinski Columbia University & Obama

John Brennan -The CIA -Zbigniew Brzezinski  Columbia University & Obama
Thursday, January 10, 2013 12:21


The Last Refuge

undefinedTime to connect the dots, again.  Treehouse Research – Going Deep.

While attending Occidental University, 1979 – 81′, young Barack Obama meets a former Jimmy Carter administration official Zbigniew Brzezinski.  Brzezinski is a key CIA asset and expert on Russia.   He later becomes a mentor, and then much later a foreign policy advisor to President Elect Obama.

Obama is friends with three Pakistani college roommates, muslims, Mohammed Hasan Chandio, Wahid Hamid, and Indian Vinai Thummalapally.  In the summer of 1981 Obama travelled with his friends to Pakistan.

Brzezinski with Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan

Brezinski was deeply involved in the U.S. aspects to support Osama Bin Laden against the Russians in Afghanistan.   Pakistan was the base of operations against the Russians in support of the Mujahadeen.  Simultaneous to this time Brezinski is in Pakistan / Afghanistan, so is John Brennan as part of his CIA duty.

BEAR WITH ME – Obama goes to Pakistan in the summer of 1981 and then for some reason there is a gap in his historical references and timeline.  He does not reappear until the fall of 1982 attending Columbia (?) - or so the story is told, where he graduated in May of 1983.   (This timeline has always been a thorn in my psyche of reconciliation).

Obama and Pakistani friend Hasan ChandooThe trip to Pakistan was unexpectedly notedin an April 2008 fundraiser .  We wrote about it HERE.    Just two weeks before this speech and surprise announcement of his 1981 visit to Pakistan, employees of John Brennan  (who would become Obama’s terror chief) were caught tampering with Obama’s passport files. It should be noted  that “Obama’s top terrorism and intelligence adviser, John O. Brennan, heads a firm that was cited in March 2008 (just before this April fundraiser) for breaching sensitive files in the State Department’s passport office, according to a State Department Inspector General’s report released July 2009.  On April 19th the key figure Lt. Quarles Harris Jr., 24, who had been cooperating with a federal investigators, was found slumped dead inside a car.

However, against the backdrop of events at the time in 1981 Pakistan/Afghanistan, andundefinedagainst the backdrop of both Brennan and Brzezinski being in the same area, at exactly the same time, things are adding up.

Again, consider Obama reportedly walked away from a full ride scholarship at Occidental the summer of 81′ never to return.  Instead he turns up, on paper only, at Columbia University the fall of 82′.   But no-one, I mean NO-ONE has ever noted him ever having attended there – Consider:

1) “Columbia University will not divulge whether the “alleged” diploma issued was in the name of Barry Soetoro or Barack Hussein Obama. No public record exists regarding the diploma.”

continue article here:

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Entry #289

Chief Justice Of The Supreme Court John Roberts Schedules A Case By Attorney Taitz Regarding Obama's

Chief Justice Of The Supreme Court John Roberts Schedules A Case By Attorney Taitz Regarding Obama’s Forged IDs to be heard in conference before the full Supreme Court
Wednesday, January 9, 2013 14:24

Press release!

Law offices of Orly Taitz

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States John Roberts scheduled a case by attorney Orly Taitz dealing with Barack Hussein Obama’s use of forged IDs to be heard in conference before the full Supreme Court. The case titled Noonan, Judd, MacLeran, Taitz v Bowen provides a mountain of evidence of Barack Obama using a last name not legally his, forged Selective Service application, forged long form and short form birth certificate and a Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425 which was never assigned to him according to  E-Verify and SSNVS. Additionally, this case provides evidence of around one and a half million invalid voter registrations in the state of California alone.

Please, keep in mind, Richard Nixon was reelected and sworn in, but later was forced to resign as a result of Watergate. over 30 high ranking officials of Nixon administration including Attorney General of the United States and White HouseCcounsel were indicted, convicted and went to prison.  ObamaForgery gate is a hundred times bigger then Watergate.  More corrupt high ranking officials, US Attorneys, AGs and judges were  complicit, committed high treason by allowing a citizen of Indonesia and possibly still a citizen of Kenya Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barack (Barry) Soebarkah, aka Barack (Barry) Soetoro to usurp the U.S. Presidency by use of forged IDs and a stolen Social security number

SCOTUS printout is below. For more information on this and other cases please, go to

web site Attorney Taitz can be contacted at, fax-949-766-7603. In case of an emergency only she can be contacted by phone 949-683-5411

No. 12A606
Edward Noonan, et al., Applicants
Deborah Bowen, California Secretary of State
Docketed: December 13, 2012
Lower Ct: Supreme Court of California
  Case Nos.: (S207078)
~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings  and  Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dec 11 2012 Application (12A606) for a stay, submitted to Justice Kennedy.
Dec 13 2012 Application (12A606) denied by Justice Kennedy.
Dec 26 2012 Application (12A606) refiled and submitted to The Chief Justice.
Jan 9 2013 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of February 15, 2013.
Jan 9 2013 Application (12A606) referred to the Court.

~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Phone~~~
Attorneys for Petitioner:
Orly Taitz 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy (949) 683-5411
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA  92688
Party name: Edward Noonan, et al.
Attorneys for Respondent:
Kamala Harris Attorney General (916) 445-9555
P. O. Box 944255
Sacramento, CA  94244-2550
Party name: Deborah Bowen, California Secretary of State


2013-01-09 14:03:31


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Entry #288

Retired Admiral Makes Stunning Accusation. Benghazi-Gate Is The Treasonous & Impeachable Criminal En

Retired Admiral Makes Stunning Accusation. Benghazi-Gate Is The Treasonous & Impeachable Criminal Enterprise That Can Bring Barack Obama Down.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013 11:25


From: Carl T.

———- Forwarded message ———-

From:GrassTopsUSA Date: Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 7:56 AM Subject: Retired Admiral Makes Stunning Benghazi-Gate Accusation To:



Retired Admiral Makes Stunning Accusation. Benghazi-Gate Is The Treasonous And Impeachable Criminal Enterprise That Can Bring Barack Obama Down.   It’s even worse that we previously thought. A retired four-star admiral is now claiming that Barack Obama intentionally conspired with America’s enemies to stage a bogus attack and the kidnapping of an American ambassador so he could “negotiate” the release of a “hostage” and bolster his mediocre approval ratings just prior to the election?

The Washington Examiner, quoting retired Four-Star Admiral James Lyons, writes: “[T]he attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi… was the result of a bungled abduction attempt…. the first stage of an international prisoner exchange… [that] would have ensured the release of Omar Abdel Rahman, the ‘Blind Sheik’…”

But something went horribly wrong with Obama’s “October Surprise.” Although the Obama Regime intentionally gutted security at the consulate prior to the staged kidnapping, former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty disobeyed direct orders to stand down, saved American lives, single-handedly killed scores of attackers…and the attackers, believing that the Obama Regime had betrayed them, tortured Ambassador Chris Stevens and dragged his body through the streets.

Make no mistake; Benghazi-Gate is the criminal enterprise that will bring the Obama Regime down, but that won’t happen if Congress helps Barack Obama sweep this criminal conspiracy under the rug. We must demand answers… we must demand action… and we mustn’t stop until Congress uncovers the truth and removes the Usurper-in-Chief from office.


Make No Mistake: Lyons Is Only Scratching The Surface.   Some will say that Admiral Lyons’ accusation is not a smoking gun. We agree, that’s EXACTLY why Congress MUST investigate Benghazi-gate.

MOREOVER,we firmly believe the problem with Admiral Lyons’ assertion is that he is ONLY SCRATCHING THE SURFACE… the full and complete truth is much, much worse.

Benghazi-gate is NOT about a bogus YouTube video series of lies. It’s NOT about Obama Regime foreign policy ineptitude. We are dealing with something much more sinister… something potentially treasonous and the following questions, posed in an article in The New American, go to the heart of the matter.

What was the Obama administration’s full role in helping violent Jihadists, self-styled al Qaeda terrorists, and Western-backed “revolutionaries” take over Libya in the first place?


Did that half-baked scheme to arm Jihadist leaders, who… had previously fought U.S. troops in Iraq, contribute to the attack, as countless experts and officials have suggested?

What was actually going on at the compound in Benghazi, which as the report states, was never a “consulate” despite establishment media claims?

Was Ambassador Stevens recruiting and arming Jihadists and terrorists to wage war on the Syrian regime after what Obama called the “success” in Libya, as a growing body of credible evidence suggests?

Why did the administration claim for so long that the attack was just a “protest” over a YouTube video gone awry, even when it knew definitively that was not the case?

Was the lack of security at the compound a political ploy to conceal the extent of the lawlessness and utter chaos left in the wake of Obama’s unconstitutional “regime change” war on Libya, as even members of Congress have alleged?

It’s clear. Benghazi-Gate is only a small piece of a much larger criminal enterprise… an attempt to conceal what The New American calls; “the Obama administration’s full role in helping violent Jihadists [and] self-styled al Qaeda terrorists.”

And treason is an impeachable offense. Congress has the power and constitutional authority to get to the bottom of this mess… and we’re going to see to it that they do their constitutional duty.


The Election Is Over And Congress Has Run Out Of Excuses For Delays.   Prior to the election Barack Obama continually told us that “Osama bin-Laden is dead and GM is alive,” but the sad truth is that Osama bin-Laden’s organization is alive and well and the Obama Regime may be giving aid and comfort to this terrorist network.

And prior to the election, Fox News’ Geraldo Rivera pontificated that Republicans shouldn’t “politicize” Benghazi-gate.

Swaggering onto the set of Fox and Friends Rivera bloviated: “I think we have to stop this politicizing” and Rivera issued the following veiled warning to Republicans: “Do we want to try and influence the election with a tragedy that happened in North Africa?”

Ironic, isn’t it? Barack Obama played politics with the lives of Americans and Obama drones, like Rivera, in the media covered Obama’s rear and threatened to accuse anyone and everyone who mentioned it of “playing politics.”

And weak-willed Republicans apparently took Rivera’s threat to heart as Rivera also said that Republican Senators John Barrasso, James Inhofe and Bob Corker, who all sit on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee “all agree that the supercharged atmosphere around the story – prudence dictates that these hearings be postponed until” after the election.

Well, the election has come and gone. Congress has no excuse. The American people needed the truth BEFORE the election… NOW… we’re demanding it.

Americans are dead. Are more lives in jeopardy? Did Barack Obama lie to cover up foreign policy ineptitude or did he lie to cover up something much worse? Is our own government actually conspiring with America’s enemies?

The American people deserve to have those questions answered and moreover the American people deserve justice.


  Chris Carmouche



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Entry #287

Peter Schiff: "Even If You Raise Taxes To 100%, We Couldn't Pay It Off. We're Going To Default On Th

Peter Schiff: “Even If You Raise Taxes To 100%, We Couldn’t Pay It Off. We’re Going To Default On This Debt.”
Tuesday, January 8, 2013 8:33

Let’s just tax the hell out of everybody and get it over with.” – Melissa Francis, Host – Fox Business

from SchiffReport:


Entry #286

DHS Insider Report: Coming This Spring: "Life for the Average American is Going to Change Significan

DHS Insider Report: Coming This Spring: “Life for the Average American is Going to Change Significantly”
Monday, January 7, 2013 0:50
SHTFplan Editor’s Note: The following interview is both informative and terrifying, and essential reading for anyone concerned about what comes next.

What the DHS Insider suggests is about to happen is exactly what many of us fear – a police state takeover of America, with urban centers to be pacified first, all outspoken critics of the government to be silenced, and travel restrictions across the United States to come shortly thereafter.

The dollar collapse, riots, the mobilization of domestic law enforcement, gun control, rationing of food and gas, suspension of the U.S. Constitution and a complete lock-down of America as we know it. According to the report, sinister forces within the U.S. government operating at the highest levels of our country’s political, financial, intelligence and military hierarchies have set into motion a series of events that will leave the populace so desperate for government intervention that they’ll willingly surrender their liberty for the perceived security of a militarized police state.

Interviewer Doug Hagmann cites an anonymous source operating deep inside the Department of Homeland Security, which may leave many skeptical of the accuracy of the reports. But the fact is, were such events being planned behind the scenes we certainly wouldn’t be given official mainstream warning. If real, the report is a game changer, and it makes sense that anyone privy to such information would want to keep their identity hidden. Whistle blowers in America who expose the corruption of officials in our government are treated not as patriots, but as traitors, and are often branded as psychos or terrorists.

What’s most alarming is the speed at which these events may play out.

The latest from “DHS Insider” (This is the complete interview from The Hagmann and Hagmann Report)


23 December 2012: After a lengthy, self-imposed informational black-out, my high-level DHS contact known as “Rosebud” emerged with new, non-public information about plans being discussed and prepared for implementation by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in the near future. It is important to note that this black-out was directly related to the aggressive federal initiative of identifying and prosecuting “leakers,” at least those leaks and leakers not sanctioned by the executive office – the latter of which there are many.

Due to those circumstances, my source exercised an abundance of caution to avoid compromising a valuable line of communication until he had information he felt was  significant enough to risk external contact. The following information is the result of an in-person contact between this author and “Rosebud” within the last 48 hours. With his permission, the interview was digitally recorded and the relevant portions of the contact are provided in a conversational format for easier reading. The original recording was copied onto multiple discs and are maintained in secure locations for historical and insurance purposes.


The following began after an exchange of pleasantries and other unrelated discussion:

DH: Do I have your permission to record this conversation?

RB: You do.

DH: I’ve received a lot of e-mail from people wondering where you went and why you’ve been so quiet.

RB: As I told you earlier, things are very dicey. Weird things began to happen before the election and have continued since. Odd things, a clampdown of sorts. I started looking and I found [REDACTED AT THE REQUEST OF THIS SOURCE], and that shook me up. I’m not the only one, though, that found a [REDACTED], so this means there’s surveillance of people within DHS by DHS. So, that explains this cloak and dagger stuff for this meeting.

DH: I understand. What about the others?

RB: They are handling it the same way.

DH: I’ve received many e-mails asking if you are the same person giving information to Ulsterman. Are you?

RB: No, but I think I know at least one of his insiders.

DH: Care to elaborate?

RB: Sorry, no.

DH: Do you trust him or her. I mean, the Ulsterman source?

RB: Yes.

DH: Okay, so last August, you said things were “going hot.” I printed what you said, and things did not seem to happen as you said.

RB: You’d better recheck your notes and compare [them] with some of the events leading up to the election. I think you’ll find that a full blown campaign of deception took place to make certain Obama got back into office. The polls, the media, and a few incidents that happened in the two months before the election. I guess if people are looking for some big event they can point to and say “aha” for verification, well then I overestimated people’s ability to tell when they are being lied to.

DH: What specific incidents are you referring to?

RB:  Look at the threats to Obama. Start there. The accusations of racism. Then look at the polls, and especially the judicial decisions about voter ID laws. Bought and paid for, or where there was any potential for problems, the judges got the message, loud and clear. Then look at the voter fraud. And not a peep from the Republicans. Nothing. His second term was a done deal in September. This was planned. Frankly, the Obama team knew they had it sewn up long before election day. Benghazi could have derailed them, but the fix was in there, so I never saw anything on my end to suggest a ready-made solution had to be implemented.

DH: What’s going on now?

RB: People better pay close attention over the next few months. First, there won’t be any meaningful deal about the fiscal crisis. This is planned, I mean, the lack of deal is planned. In fact, it’ necessary to pave the way for what is in the short term agenda.

DH: Wait, you’re DHS – not some Wall Street insider.

RB: So you think they are separate agendas? That’s funny. The coming collapse of the U.S. dollar is a done deal. It’s been in the works for years – decades, and this is one of the most important cataclysmic events that DHS is preparing for. I almost think that DHS was created for that purpose alone, to fight Americans, not protect them, right here in America. But that’s not the only reason. There’s the gun issue too.

DH: So, what are you seeing at DHS?

RB: We don’t have a lot of time, tonight – our meeting –  as well as a country. I mean I have heard – with my own ears – plans being made that originate from the White House that involve the hierarchy of DHS. You gotta know how DHS works at the highest of levels. It’s Jarrett and Napolitano, with Jarrett organizing all of the plans and approaches. She’s the one in charge, at least from my point of view, from what I am seeing. Obama knows that’s going on and has say, but it seems that Jarrett has the final say, not the other way around. It’s [screwed] up. This really went into high gear since the election.

But it’s a train wreck at mid management, but is more effective at the lower levels. A lot of police departments are being gifted with federal funds with strings attached. That money is flowing out to municipal police departments faster than it can be counted. They are using this money to buy tanks, well, not real tanks, but you know what I mean. DHS is turning the police into soldiers.

By the way, there has been a lot of communication recently between Napolitano and Pistole [TSA head]. They are planning to use TSA agents in tandem with local police for certain operations that are being planned right now. This is so [deleted] important that you cannot even begin to imagine. If you get nothing else out of this, please, please make sure you tell people to watch the TSA and their increasing involvement against the American public. They are the stooges who will be the ones to carry out certain plans when the dollar collapses and the gun confiscation begins.

DH: Whoa, wait a minute. You just said a mouthful. What’s the agenda here?

RB: Your intelligence insider – he knows that we are facing a planned economic collapse. You wrote about this in your articles about Benghazi, or at least that’s what I got out of the later articles. So why the surprise?

DH: There’s a lot here. Let’s take it step by step if you don’t mind.

RB: Okay, but I’m not going to give it to you in baby steps. Big boy steps. This is what I am hearing. Life for the average American is going to change significantly, and not the change people expect. First, DHS is preparing to work with police departments and the TSA to respond to civil uprisings that will happen when there is a financial panic. And there will be one, maybe as early as this spring, when the dollar won’t get you a gumball. I’m not sure what the catalyst will be, but I’ve heard rumblings about a derivatives crisis as well as an oil embargo. I don’t know, that’s not my department. But something is going to happen to collapse the dollar, which has been in the works since the 1990′s. Now if it does not happen as soon as this, it’s because there are people, real patriots, who are working to prevent this, so it’s a fluid dynamic. But that doesn’t change the preparations.

And the preparations are these: DHS is prepositioning assets in strategic areas near urban centers all across the country. Storage depots. Armories. And even detainment facilities, known as FEMA camps. FEMA does not even know that the facilities are earmarked for detainment by executive orders, at least not in the traditional sense they were intended. By the way, people drive by some of these armories everyday without even giving them a second look. Commercial and business real estate across the country are being bought up or leased for storage purposes. Very low profile.

Related Stories
Entry #285

Obama supporters shocked, angry at new tax increases

Obama supporters shocked, angry at new tax  increase

    By Joseph  Curl


Sunday, January 6, 2013







Sometimes, watching a Democrat learn something is wonderful, like seeing the  family dog finally sit and stay at your command.

With   President Obama back in office and his life-saving “fiscal cliff”   bill  jammed through Congress, the new  year has brought a surprising  turn  of  events for his sycophantic  supporters.

“What happened that  my Social  Security withholding’s in my paycheck just   went up?” a  poster wrote on  the liberal site  “My   paycheck just went  down by an amount that I don’t feel comfortable   with. I  guarantee this  decrease is gonna’ hurt me more than the  increase  in income  taxes will  hurt those making over 400 grand. What  happened?”

Shocker. Democrats  who supported the president’s  re-election just had NO   idea that his  steadfast pledge to raise taxes  meant that he was really  going  to raise  taxes. They thought he planned  to just hit those filthy  “1   percenters,” you know, the ones who  earned fortunes through their    inventiveness and hard work. They  thought the free ride would continue    forever.

So this week, as  taxes went up for millions of Americans —  which   Republicans predicted  throughout the campaign would happen — it  was fun  to  watch the  agoggery of the left.

“I know to expect between $93 and $94 less in my paycheck on the 15th,” wrote  the ironically named “RomneyLies.”

“My   boyfriend has had a lot of expenses and is feeling squeezed right    now,  and having his paycheck shrink really didn’t help,” wrote    “DemocratToTheEnd.”

“BlueIndyBlue” added: “Many of my friends didn’t   realize it, either. Our   payroll department didn’t do a good job of   explaining the coming   changes.”

So let’s explain something to our   ill-informed Democratic friends. In   2009, Mr. Obama enacted a “holiday”   on the payroll tax deduction from   employees’ paychecks, dropping the   rate from 6.2 percent to 4.2 percent.  But  like the holidays, the drop   ended, and like New Year‘s, the  revelers woke up the next  morning with  a  massive hangover and a pounding  head.

“Bake,” who may have been   trolling the site, jumped into the thread  posted  Friday. “My paycheck   just went down. So did my wife’s. This hurts  us. But  everybody says   it’s a good thing, so I guess we just suck it up  and get used  to it. I   call it a tax increase on the middle class. I  wonder what they call   it.  Somebody on this thread called it a ‘premium.’  Nope. It’s a tax,  and  it  just went up.”

Some in the thread argued that the new tax —  or the  end of the  “holiday,” which makes it a new tax — wouldn’t  really  amount to much.  One calculated it  would cost about $86 a month for  most  people.  “Honeycombe8,” though, said  that amount is nothing to  sneeze  at.

“$86 a month is a lot. That would pay for … Groceries  for a  week, as   someone said. More than what I pay for parking every  month,  after my   employer’s contribution to that. A new computer after a  year. A  new  quality  pair of shoes … every month. Months of my copay  for my  hormones.  A new thick  coat (on sale or at discount place). It  would pay  for what I  spend on my dogs  every month … food, vitamins,  treats.”

The Twittersphere was even funnier.

“Really,  how am I  ever supposed to pay off my student loans if my  already  small  paycheck  keeps getting smaller? Help a sister out, Obama,”  wrote “Meet   Virginia.” “Nancy Thongkham” was much more furious.  “F***ing Obama!   F***  you! This taking out more taxes s*** better f***ing  help me out!!   Very upset  to see my paycheck less today!”

Story Continues →

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Entry #284

Shock Video: 290 Million People Killed By...

Shock Video: 290 Million People Killed By…
Saturday, January 5, 2013 20:05
…Democide. Anyone who is worried about guns in the hands of Americans should really be much more concerned about what happens AFTER guns are removed from the hands of a country’s citizens. Can Americans really afford to find out ‘after the fact’? We have history to teach us now. Let us not make the same mistake these earlier societies made. Death by government. 290 million people dead. Killed by their governments. Mass murderers agree; gun control works. It’s time to realize, the greatest killer of all time and the biggest threat to you and your family, government. The US government is here to serve us, we are not here to serve them. It is time for our leaders to obey the laws of our land- Demand it! Please call your Loacl State and federal lawmakes and tell them no more gun control!

One of the most patriotic, America-loving actors of our lifetime was John Wayne.  He was very active in Elections and was never shy about saying how much he loved our country.



Please call your Local, State and Federal Lawmakers and tell them no more Gun Control. Here is the link to contact your congressmen.



The Mother of All Stats

The Human Cost of “Gun Control” Ideas


The Genocide Chart © 2002
Government Dates Targets Civilians Killed   ”Gun Control” Laws  Features of Over-all ”Gun Control” scheme
Ottoman Turkey 1915-1917 Armenians (mostly Christians) 1-1.5 million Art. 166, Pen. Code, 1866 & 1911 Proclamation, 1915 • Permits required •Government list of owners •Ban on possession
Soviet Union 1929-1945 Political opponents; farming communities 20 million Resolutions, 1918 Decree, July 12, 1920 Art. 59 & 182, Pen. code, 1926 •Licensing of owners •Ban on possession •Severe penalties
Nazi Germany & Occupied Europe 1933-1945 Political opponents; Jews; Gypsies; critics; “examples” 20 million Law on Firearms & Ammun., 1928 Weapon Law, March 18, 1938 Regulations against Jews, 1938 •Registration & Licensing •Stricter handgun laws •Ban on possession
China, Nationalist 1927-1949 Political opponents; army conscripts; others 10 million Art. 205, Crim. Code, 1914 Art. 186-87, Crim. Code, 1935 •Government permit system •Ban on private ownership
China, Red 1949-1952 1957-1960 1966-1976 Political opponents; Rural populations Enemies of the state 20-35 million Act of Feb. 20, 1951 Act of Oct. 22, 1957 •Prison or death to “counter-revolutionary criminals” and anyone resisting any government program •Death penalty for supply guns to such “criminals”
Guatemala 1960-1981 Mayans & other Indians; political enemies 100,000- 200,000 Decree 36, Nov 25 •Act of 1932 Decree 386, 1947 Decree 283, 1964 •Register guns & owners •Licensing with high fees •Prohibit carrying guns •Bans on guns, sharp tools •Confiscation powers
Uganda 1971-1979 Christians Political enemies 300,000 Firearms Ordinance, 1955 Firearms Act, 1970 •Register all guns & owners •Licenses for transactions •Warrantless searches •Confiscation powers
Cambodia (Khmer Rouge) 1975-1979 Educated Persons; Political enemies 2 million Art. 322-328, Penal Code Royal Ordinance 55, 1938 •Licenses for guns, owners, ammunition & transactions •Photo ID with fingerprints •License inspected quarterly
Rwanda 1994 Tutsi people 800,000 Decree-Law No. 12, 1979 •Register guns, owners, ammunition •Owners must justify need •Concealable guns illegal •Confiscating powers
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Entry #283

Obama Will Lie Under Oath

Obama Will Lie Under Oath     

        Sunday, January 6, 2013     

Screen shot 2013-01-06 at 1.24.12 PM

Looking back over the last four years, it is now obvious that the greatest  symbolic moment of President Barack Obama’s first term was the very first  moment.

That is when Obama placed his left hand on Abraham Lincoln’s Bible, raised  his right hand, and followed the lead of Chief Justice John Roberts in  attempting to recite the oath that all American presidents must take, swearing  to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Obama  and Roberts mangled the oath, a poignant precursor of their subsequent exertions  to mangle the Constitution itself.

The Constitution says: “Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he  shall take the following Oath or Affirmation: — ‘I do solemnly swear (or affirm)  that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and  will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of  the United States.’”

After Roberts and Obama failed to recite these words correctly — as more than  a million watched from the National Mall — Obama decided to take the oath a  second time, on Jan. 21, 2009, in front of a few reporters in the White House  Map Room.

“We believe that the oath of office was administered effectively and that the  president was sworn in appropriately yesterday,” White House Counsel Greg Craig  said in an explanatory statement. “But the oath appears in the Constitution  itself. And out of an abundance of caution, because there was one word out of  sequence, Chief Justice Roberts administered the oath a second time.” But if  Obama’s second oath-taking was essentially a symbolic gesture, it lacked the  most powerful element of his first oath-taking: This time he did not use a  Bible.


Entry #282

UN Positioning To Decimate Your Rights!

UN Positioning To Decimate Your Rights!
Saturday, January 5, 2013 1:00
Franklin D. Roosevelt “ The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism — ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. ” 

­­Sustainability. Smart Growth. High-density urban mixed-use development.

These terms are more than environmentalist buzzwords. They are the beginning of a blueprint to make you more dependent, more restricted, and therefore, more controlled. It’s called “Agenda 21.”

The United Nations believes there will be no social justice until people in every part of the world have access to wealth redistribution, mostly courtesy of the United States. That means your prosperity is going to have to be taken down a notch or two, in the form of relinquished rights (Small Arms Treaty) or fees (Internet Treaty), and given to others. Because not everyone enjoys the standard of living that you do, and freedom under a Constitution such as yours, you must pay.

Because your life must change as some sort of restitution to those who are not so fortunate, the United Nations, that fairest and most just of organizations, is of course going to be the world body that makes sure “social justice” occurs and equality blankets our planet.

Fax Congress Now!

Little by little, global bureaucrats, emboldened by the encouragement of our current President, are looking for ways to regulate and weaken the American way of life. Our current President will not honor our Constitution or the Founders’ ideals for America, so it is up to you and me to shine a spotlight on this danger and stop United Nations encroachment upon our liberties!

Government interference in the name of “sustainability” is going to affect:

YOUR FAMILY – The U.N. Population Fund is calling for a global population reduction through family planning. Was it always your plan to have a large family? Better check with the United Nations first.

YOUR HOME – Global warming screamers say farmland and suburbia is harming the planet.  You better to move to a densely populated urban center, instead. Furthermore, the answer to population growth is denser cities. Michail Fragkias, chief scientist for the UIN’s “Planet under Pressure” says,  “If cities can develop in height rather than in width that would be much more preferable and environmentally not as harmful. “ Yale University professor Karen Seto agrees, saying “We certainly don’t want them strolling about the entire countryside. We want them to save land for nature by living closely [together].”

Think about it: how many articles have you seen recently on new condo developments in your area, or, fascinating videos of people who are making the move to compact, 500 square foot dwellings?

YOUR INTERNET FREEDOM – Vint Cerf is typically referred to as “the godfather of the Internet.” In the early 1970’s he helped design the structure behind it, and he now has to become its biggest defender as the United Nations is gathered to work on Internet regulation.

“Starting in 1973, when my colleagues and I proposed the technology behind the Internet, we advocated for an open standard to connect computer networks together. This wasn’t merely philosophical; it was also practical. This openness is why the Internet creates so much value today.” But…a closed-door meeting of the world’s governments is taking place in Dubai, and regulation of the Internet is on the agenda,” he said. “The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is convening a conference from Dec. 3-14 to revise a decades-old treaty, in which only governments have a vote.”

Cerf (and also companies like Google) argue that this treaty could increase censorship and give governments the power to shut down the Internet in their countries—just as we’ve seen happen most recently in Syria, and previously in Egypt.

YOUR LAND – Obama’s “Great Outdoors Initiative” is his strategy to quietly acquire millions of acres of land—both public and private. Although the government owns about one acre out of every three in America, it’s not enough. Obama’s work is part of the U.N.’s Wildlands Project, which was never ratified by the U.S. Senate and calls for approximately 50 percent of the United States to be set aside as “wildlands”, where no human can enter.

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Only 15 percent of Americans know about Agenda 21, and we want you to help us get the word out about this blueprint for changing the way we “live, eat, learn and communicate,” broken into 8 sections addressing every single area a human being could possibly impact during their time on earth: agriculture, ecosystem, education, energy and housing, population, public health, recycling, and transportation.

“Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by every person on Earth…it calls for specific changes in the activities of all people… Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced… ” Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (Earthpress, 1993).

Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chairman of ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability, formerly the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) said, “Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.”

Agenda 21 began in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. President George H.W. Bush signed it, and then in 1995, President Bill Clinton issued Executive Order #12858 creating the President’s Council on Sustainable Development so the U.S. could start lining up our environmental policy with Agenda 21 directives. Right now, its provisions are probably embedded within your city, county and state ordinances, and you may not even be aware of it.

Fax Congress Now!

Don’t you remember Obama telling us we shouldn’t think we were going to be able to keep our thermostats the way we want them and drive our SUV’s? Well…Agenda 21 is invading our cities and towns and implementing regulations that will make sure Obama and the U.N. keep us in line with their worldview.

While it may seem inconceivable that our “leaders” would allow a world body like the United Nations to decimate our rights, it is definitely not out of the question, especially with Barack Obama in the White House! He was raised by people who disliked what America stood for, and all his actions and associations since then have demonstrated that he does not identify with the United States, nor does he feel pride in the American culture.

We need to spread the word about Agenda 21, and encourage people to contact Congress about the U.N.’s plans for our country. Congress needs to protect our Constitution, and that means they need to campaign for those who hold our liberty and sovereignty dear. We cannot afford the world visions of Barack Obama, George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder.

Fax Congress Now!


Tony Adkins Conservative Daily

Entry #281

The Middle Class In America Is Being Wiped Out – Here Are 60 Facts That Prove It

The Middle Class In America Is Being Wiped Out – Here Are 60 Facts That Prove It
Friday, January 4, 2013 14:51
Exposing The Truth About Our World One Story At A Time

The Middle Class In America Is Being Wiped Out - Here Are 60 Facts That Prove It

The middle class in the United States is being systematically destroyed, and nobody is doing much of anything to stop it.  Our incomes are shrinking, our share of the income pie is at an all-time low, our jobs are being sent overseas, debt burdens have soared to unprecedented heights and millions of formerly middle class Americans have fallen into poverty.  America once had the largest and most vibrant middle class that the world has ever seen, but now it is rapidly being shredded.  Unfortunately, this is particularly true for younger Americans.  Today, families that have a head of household that is under the age of 30 have a poverty rate of 37 percent.  That is astounding.  The truth is that there are not enough decent jobs for the hordes of young people that are entering the marketplace each year.  Once upon a time, a college degree was just about a guaranteed ticket to the middle class, but in 2011 more than half of all college graduates under the age of 25 were either unemployed or underemployed.  Sadly, statistics tell us that the younger you are, the less likely you are to have a chance to live “the American Dream”.  Nearly half the country already lives in a household that receives direct financial assistance from the federal government, and that percentage grows with each passing day.  We are rapidly being transformed from a country of middle class citizens into a country of impoverished government dependents.  If dramatic changes are not made, the middle class in America will continue to decline every single year.  What would our society look like if the middle class disappeared entirely at some point?

The following are 60 facts that prove that the middle class in America is being wiped out…

#1 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the middle class is taking home a smaller share of the overall income pie than has ever been recorded before.

#2 As the middle class shrinks, more Americans than ever have been forced to become dependent on the federal government.  Federal spending on welfare programs has reached nearly a trillion dollars a year, and that does not even count Social Security or Medicare.  Welfare spending is now 16 times larger than when the “war on poverty” began.

#3 Median household income in the U.S. has fallen for four consecutive years.  Overall, it has declined by over $4000 during that time span.

#4 The U.S. economy continues to trade good paying jobs for low paying jobs.  60 percent of the jobs lost during the last recession were mid-wage jobs, but 58 percent of the jobs created since then have been low wage jobs.

#5 The number of Americans living in poverty has increased by more than 15 million since the turn of the century.

#6 The number of Americans on food stamps has grown from 17 million in the year 2000 to more than 47 million today.

#7 Back in the 1970s, about one out of every 50 Americans was on food stamps.  Today, about one out of every 6.5 Americans is on food stamps.

#8 According to the Pew Research Center, 61 percent of all American households were “middle class” back in 1971.  Today, that figure has fallen to 51 percent.

#9 In the United States today, 35 percent of all households live on $35,000 or less each year.

#10 One recent survey discovered that 85 percent of all middle class Americans believe that it is harder to maintain a middle class standard of living today than it was 10 years ago.

#11 62 percent of all middle class Americans say that they have had to reduce household spending over the past year.

#12 According to one survey, 77 percent of all Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck at least part of the time.

#13 In 1989, the debt to income ratio of the average American family was about 58 percent.  Today it is up to 154 percent.

#14 Total U.S. household debt grew from just 1.4 trillion dollars in 1980 to a whopping 13.7 trillion dollars in 2007.  This played a huge role in the financial crisis of 2008, and the problem has still not been solved.

#15 While debt loads for middle class families are going up, the net worth of those same families is going down.  According to the Federal Reserve, the median net worth of families in the United States declined “from $126,400 in 2007 to $77,300 in 2010“.

#16 The percentage of working age Americans with a job has been below 59 percent for 40 months in a row.

#17 Today there are about 3.25 million Americans that say that they want a job but that have not searched for a job in more than a year because they believe that it is so hopeless.

#18 When you total up all working age Americans that do not have a job in America today, it comes to more than 100 million.

#19 The unemployment rate for African-Americans rose dramatically from 13.2 percent in November to 14.0 percent in December.

#20 The unemployment rate for Americans in the 18 to 29 year-old age bracket is 11.5 percent overall.  For African-Americans in that age group, the unemployment rate is now up to 22.1 percent.  Millions of young people believe that the system has totally failed them.

#21 Families that have a head of household under the age of 30 have a poverty rate of 37 percent.

#22 Last year, an astounding 53 percent of all U.S. college graduates under the age of 25 were either unemployed or underemployed.

#23 Today, approximately 25 million American adults are living with their parents.

#24 According to the Tax Policy Center, the recent fiscal cliff deal will raise taxes more for those making between $30,000 and $200,000 a year than it will for those making between $200,000 and $500,000 a year.

#25 According to a Gallup survey, only 60 percent of all Americans say that they have enough money to live comfortably.

#26 One recent survey found that 63 percent of all Americans believe that the U.S. economic model is broken.

#27 Each year, the average American must work 107 days just to make enough money to pay local, state and federal taxes.

#28 Consumer debt in America has risen by a whopping 1700 percent since 1971.

#29 There are now 20.2 million Americans that spend more than half of their incomes on housing.  That represents a 46 percent increase from 2001.

#30 The average American household spent approximately $4,155 on gasoline during 2011, and electricity bills in the U.S. have risen faster than the overall rate of inflation for five years in a row.

#31 According to USA Today, many Americans have actually seen their water bills triple over the past 12 years.

#32 Health insurance costs have risen by 23 percent since Barack Obama became president. According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, health care costs accounted for just 9.5% of all personal consumption back in 1980.  Today they account for approximately 16.3%.

#33 In 1999, 64.1 percent of all Americans were covered by employment-based health insurance.  Today, only 55.1 percent are covered by employment-based health insurance.

#34 According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, 46 percent of all American workers have less than $10,000 saved for retirement, and 29 percent of all American workers have less than $1,000 saved for retirement.

#35 The United States has lost an average of approximately 50,000 manufacturing jobs a month since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001.

#36 The United States has lost more than 56,000 manufacturing facilities since 2001.

#37 According to the Economic Policy Institute, America is losing half a million jobs to China every single year.

#38 In 2000, there were more than 17 million Americans working in manufacturing, but now there are less than 12 million.

#39 Back in 1950, more than 80 percent of all men in the United States had jobs.  Today, less than 65 percent of all men in the United States have jobs.

#40 Since 2000, U.S. multinational corporations have eliminated 2.9 million jobs in the United States and have added 2.4 million jobs overseas.

#41 According to Professor Alan Blinder of Princeton University, 40 million more U.S. jobs could be sent offshore over the next two decades if current trends continue.

#42 According to one study, between 1969 and 2009 the median wages earned by American men between the ages of 30 and 50 declined by 27 percent after you account for inflation.

#43 At this point, one out of every four American workers has a job that pays $10 an hour or less.  If that sounds like a high figure, that is because it is.  Today, the United States actually has a higher percentage of workers doing low wage work than any other major industrialized nation does.

#44 According to the Pew Research Center, only 23 percent of all American workers believe that they have enough money to get them through retirement.

#45 According to the Economic Policy Institute, the wealthiest one percent of all Americans households on average have 288 times the amount of wealth that the average middle class American family does.

#46 In the United States today, the wealthiest one percent of all Americans have a greater net worth than the bottom 90 percent combined.

#47 According to Forbes, the 400 wealthiest Americans have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans combined.

#48 The six heirs of Wal-Mart founder Sam Walton have a net worth that is roughly equal to the bottom 30 percent of all Americans combined.

#49 At this point, the poorest 50 percent of all Americans collectively own just 2.5% of all the wealth in the United States.

#50 The United States now ranks 93rd in the world in income inequality.

#51 The average CEO now makes approximately 350 times as much as the average American worker makes.

#52 Corporate profits as a percentage of GDP are at an all-time high.  Meanwhile, wages as a percentage of GDP are near an all-time low.

#53 Today, 40 percent of all Americans have $500 or less in savings.

#54 One recent survey found that 28 percent of all Americans do not have a single penny saved for emergencies.

#55 Shockingly, at this point 48 percent of all Americans are either considered to be “low income” or are living in poverty.

#56 According to one calculation, the number of Americans on food stamps now exceeds the combined populations of “Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming.”

#57 According to the U.S. Census Bureau, an all-time record 49 percent of all Americans live in a home where at least one person receives financial assistance from the federal government.  Back in 1983, that number was less than 30 percent.

#58 According to U.S. Census data, 57 percent of all American children live in a home that is either considered to be “poor” or “low income”.

#59 For the first time ever, more than a million public school students in the United States are homeless.

#60 According to a stunning new Gallup survey, 65 percent of all Americans believe that 2013 will be a year of “economic difficulty”.

Related Stories
Entry #280

Egyptian Mag Affirms Brotherhood Infiltration Of White House – Claims 6 American Muslims Have Strong

Egyptian Mag Affirms Brotherhood Infiltration Of White House – Claims 6 American Muslims Have Strong Influence On U.S. Policy
Thursday, January 3, 2013 20:59


Art Moore * WND

Effectively affirming the concerns of five much-maligned Republican House members and the evidence presented in an investigative book, an Egyptian magazine claims six American Muslim leaders who work with the Obama administration are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who have significant influence on U.S. policy.

Egypt’s Rose El-Youssef magazine, in a Dec. 22 story, said the six men turned the White House “from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

The Egyptian article was translated and reported by the Investigative Project on Terrorism, or IPT.

IPT said that while the story is largely unsourced, it is significant because it raises the issue to Egyptian readers.

The article names Arif Alikhan, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development; Mohammed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council; Rashad Hussain, the U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference; Salam al-Marayati, co-founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, or MPAC); Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA; and Eboo Patel, a member of President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.

Meanwhile, outspoken Republican congressman Louie Gohmert has been pressing for an investigation of the Muslim Brotherhood’s influence on the federal government, contending a probe is necessary because of the Obama administration’s “horrendous decisions” in backing the so-called “Arab Spring” revolutions in the Middle East.

The East Texas lawmaker was one of five Republican Congress members who stirred bipartisan controversy in June by raising concern about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the nation’s capital.


Read more at WND:

Entry #279

Stunning Video: Government Statistics Prove Armed America Is Safer Than Disarmed Europe

Stunning Video: Government Statistics Prove Armed America Is Safer Than Disarmed Europe
Tuesday, January 1, 2013 16:59
By Josey Wales

Folks there is a hidden agenda behind the push to ban Rifles and clips the hold more than 5 rounds. The following charts, links to and the statistics show that the gun control push has hidden motives.

The Video below walks you through the continuing decrease in violent crimes since 2002. I have added data and links that go back to 1993. You be the judge. Please help spread this information to all Americans. The Mainstream Media is not reporting on this, nor will they.

Conventional wisdom is that crime rates typically rise with the unemployment rate. The theory is that people without jobs have the motivation and the time to commit crime. This economic downturn, which started nearly four years ago, is something of an anomaly in this respect.

Crime statistics graphic

Not only has the crime rate NOT significantly increased with the unemployment rate, but violent crime and property crime rates have decreased over the last several years. In fact, the violent crime rate fell in the United States by 12% in 2010 (the most recent statistics available from the Bureau of Justice Statistics).


This video works psychologically as well as factually, I suppose that’s why the opponents will try and twist this into a statistical debate to muddy the message. The messenger keeps a cool head and a perfect minimalist approach that no opponent can refute.   A+++


There were 16204 murders in 2002 that’s a 1% increase over 2001, But 2002 murder rate was 10.9% lower than 1998 and  But a 33.9% decrease over 1993.

Figure 2.2

Crime Index

Percent Change from 1998

Crime Index (Percent Change from 1998)


So why is Government run Mainstream Media not reporting this positive news?  Why does the government fear guns so much? There is a hidden agenda here, but what is it exactly?

Figure 2.3 Source:

Crime Index Offenses

Percent Distribution1 2002

Crime Index Offenses (Percent Distribution)

From the chart below, Clearly Rifles are not the most abused weapon of choice when it comes to murders. In fact Rifles of all types seem to be the least prefered weapons of choice. So why is the government working so hard to remove Rifles from society? These are the questions that need to be answered. Folks some thing clearly is not right with the recent push by mainstream Media and the government attacking the ownership of Rifles and clips that hold more than 5 rounds.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Table 20



by State, Types of Weapons, 2011


State Total murders1 Total firearms Handguns Rifles Shotguns Firearms (type unknown) Knives or cutting instruments Other weapons Hands, fists, feet, etc.2
Alaska 29 16 5 0 3 8 6 5 2
Arizona 339 222 165 14 9 34 49 59 9
Arkansas 153 110 52 4 6 48 22 17 4
California 1,790 1,220 866 45 50 259 261 208 101
Colorado 147 73 39 3 5 26 22 31 21
Connecticut 128 94 54 1 1 38 18 10 6
Delaware 41 28 18 0 3 7 8 2 3
District of Columbia 108 77 37 0 1 39 21 9 1
Georgia 522 370 326 16 16 12 61 83 8
Hawaii 7 1 0 1 0 0 2 1 3
Idaho 32 17 15 1 0 1 4 8 3
Illinois3 452 377 364 1 5 7 29 29 17
Indiana 284 183 115 9 12 47 36 43 22
Iowa 44 19 7 0 2 10 10 10 5
Kansas 110 73 31 3 5 34 11 16 10
Kentucky 150 100 77 6 5 12 13 24 13
Louisiana 485 402 372 10 8 12 28 29 26
Maine 25 12 3 1 1 7 4 7 2
Maryland 398 272 262 2 5 3 75 34 17
Massachusetts 183 122 52 0 1 69 30 22 9
Michigan 613 450 267 29 15 139 43 89 31
Minnesota 70 43 36 3 3 1 12 12 3
Mississippi 187 138 121 6 4 7 26 14 9
Missouri 364 276 158 13 9 96 28 42 18
Montana 18 7 2 3 1 1 4 5 2
Nebraska 65 42 35 2 1 4 7 9 7
Nevada 129 75 46 2 1 26 20 25 9
New Hampshire 16 6 1 2 1 2 4 6 0
New Jersey 379 269 238 1 5 25 51 41 18
New Mexico 121 60 45 2 2 11 21 32 8
New York 774 445 394 5 16 30 160 143 26
North Carolina 489 335 235 26 19 55 60 57 37
North Dakota 12 6 3 0 0 3 4 0 2
Ohio 488 344 187 8 13 136 44 80 20
Oklahoma 204 131 99 8 9 15 26 21 26
Oregon 77 40 13 1 2 24 22 10 5
Pennsylvania 636 470 379 8 19 64 73 66 27
Rhode Island 14 5 1 0 0 4 5 4 0
South Carolina 319 223 126 10 12 75 38 40 18
South Dakota 15 5 3 1 0 1 4 3 3
Tennessee 373 244 172 7 13 52 51 62 16
Texas 1,089 699 497 37 48 117 175 134 81
Utah 51 26 15 4 1 6 5 9 11
Vermont 8 4 2 0 0 2 2 2 0
Virginia 303 208 110 10 15 73 33 41 21
Washington 161 79 58 1 3 17 29 36 17
West Virginia 74 43 23 10 3 7 11 13 7
Wisconsin 135 80 60 7 3 10 21 13 21
Wyoming 15 11 7 0 0 4 0 1 3
Virgin Islands 38 31 27 0 0 4 5 2 0
  • 1 Total number of murders for which supplemental homicide data were received.
  • 2 Pushed is included in hands, fists, feet, etc.
  • 3 Limited supplemental homicide data were received.

Data Declaration

Provides the methodology used in constructing this table and other pertinent information about this table.

Here are several links to the FBI.Gov Website.,—- -2011/offenses-known-to-law-enforcement/expanded-offense-data   do your own research and please help spread the truth about crime rate in America. The Government and Mainstream Media chose to glamorize the recent mass shooting to further their push for their gun control agenda.

Critical reads:

Click Here To Read More News Mainstream Media Ignores, By Josey Wales!

Related Stories
Entry #278

Obama may have a criminal past... Send it to Congressmen /Senators

Obama may have a criminal past...

Trump is correct, Barry Soetoro, AKA Obama is hiding something in his past that is very bad... and it may not be his citizenship. (Trump would not say this if he did not know something and he has the money to get the dirt...)

As an IRS tax examiner,one of many former federal jobs, I have seen what it appears Barry Soetoro has done, mostly by illegal aliens attempting to acquire a new identity in the U.S and/or criminals looking to acquire a new ID.

Barry, AKA Obama, was lawfully adopted by a foreign national, Lolo Soetoro, and Barry's name was legally changed to "Barry Soetoro". (Barry’s own admission) Barry Soetoro was also made an official legal Indonesian citizen. (again Barry’s own admission)  The adoption would be noted in Barry's vital statistics record in Hawaii on his original birth certificate...

OR Lolo Soetoro may have always been Barry's legal birth farther. The public does not know for sure at this point who Barry's father really was and Barry himself may not know.

Barry was raised as a Muslim in Indonesia and attended a Catholic funded school that permitted all faiths to attend. 

Barry's mother dropped him as a dependent for some reason, maybe even when Barry was adopted by Lolo Soetoro.  His mother's passport records dropped Barry as a dependent indicating Barry was no longer a legal dependent of his mothers. (The passport records of his mother have been produced showing Barry was no longer a dependent when Barry was permanently residing in Indonesia.) Barry went to Hawaii to live with his alleged grand parents after Lolo Soetoro and Barry's mother divorced.

A "certificate of live birth" can have names changed on it including a child's birth name, and birth parent’s names. Even a modified date of birth can be on a "certificate of live birth".  This occurs frequently for adopted children where the birth parent does not want the child to know who they are. The public has no idea who Barry’s real birth father is or who Barry’s real birth mother is. (Barry could have been adopted by his mother) The original birth certificate is the only legal vital statistics record of a person’s birth parents, birth location, birth date, etc… I can get a “certificate of live birth” for a dead person; I cannot get a birth certificate of a dead person without “Deceased” on it. (I’ve tried)

There is no evidence Barry Soetoro ever lawfully changed his name to “Barrack Hussein Obama”. There is no proof Barry Soetoro was born with the name "Barrack Hussein Obama". I’m willing to bet the name “Barrack Hussein Obama” is not present on the real birth certificate as Barry’s birth name or as Barry’s birth father. I have pictures of me with my mother and Jimmy Buffet… that doesn’t make him my father even if I start using the name Jimmy Buffet.

The public knows Barry Soetoro finished high school in Hawaii as Barry Soetoro and attended Occidental as Barry Soetoro where he did drugs and flunked out of school. After dropping out of Occidental, Barry showed up in New York, homeless and on drugs. (Barry’s own admission) Barry then hooked up with a Pakistani to live with and traveled back to Indonesia on his new boyfriend’s dime to renew his Indonesian passport and traveled to Pakistan with him.

Ask any law enforcement officer in a large city or detective and they will tell you homeless young men on drugs in large cities usually end up as male prostitutes.  Barry ended up as a world traveler with a degree… (Not likely)

Barry Soetoro returned to New York from Pakistan and began using the fictitious name “Obama” for some reason. (again Barry Soetoro’s own admission) One could only suspect that a person addicted to drugs returning from Pakistan to New York, the main route for Afghan heroin into the U.S., maybe Barry had a reason to start using a new name. There are literally over 1 million open warrants on file in New York… maybe Barry is one of them?....

After spending some time in New York allegedly working under the name “Obama”, It appears Barry used the fictitious name "Barrack Hussein Obama" for the first time to file his federal taxes in Connecticut at a Post Office Box for the purpose of evading paying taxes in New York and /or to establish a new identity. (This is a felony with no statute of limitation.) 

When the IRS received Barry Soetoro’s federal tax filing, the IRS could not attach the name Barrack Hussein Obama to the SSI number provided or the address provided. So the IRS assigned the fictitious name "Barrack Hussein Obama" a tax ID number for a person from Connecticut (Where Barry unlawfully filed a federal tax form using a false name). Barry Soetoro began using the tax ID number as his SSI number when using the fictitious name Barrack Obama. This is why Barry Soetoro has a Connecticut SSI number. When I worked for the IRS, I saw this occur more than once and yes, it is a felony to knowingly file a fraudulent federal tax forms. Most of the politicians that cheat on their taxes claim it was an accident. That is how they get away with their tax cheat crimes. Using a fake name is no accident. 

It appears Barry fled New York to Chicago using his new identity to get a job . He likely ordered a fake diploma to bolster his new identity as "Obama". Fake Diploma's were very big in the 80's and diploma mills were even being used by federal workers to get promotions. There is evidence his alleged attendance at Columbia was faked (Barry never attended Columbia) and Barry lied his way into Harvard (he had no transcripts to get in)... Including telling the Saudi royal family he was fighting in Afghanistan with the Muslim Jihad against the Russians, so they would help him get into a law school.

The Saudi's apparently loved Barry's story of Jihad in Pakistan/Afghanistan and paid for Barry to attend Harvard under the name "Obama". The Saudi family has admitted to paying for Obama to attend Harvard and gave Harvard a gift of $20 million dollars. Harvard in turn made their special attendy President of the law review a person that never wrote a single law review.... I guess that is what $20 million buys at Harvard.

It is unlikely Barry was a Jihadist and was most likely a drug mule if anything, maybe even a CIA street hire to haul Afghan heroin back to New York, so the Afghans could buy U.S. made stinger missiles with U.S. dollars to shoot down Russian helicopters?... I hired people over seas to do work below my pay grade all the time, even foreign nationals... I think this is the story Barry told the Saudi's, but he was most likely really just a drug mule/dealer and probably still wanted on an outstanding warrant in New York.

Barry’s selective service registration is not normal either… 

After I looked at Barry’s selective service filing I noticed it was most likely fraudulent too based on the name he used. Barry did not start using the name "Obama" until he returned from Pakistan (long after he flunked out of school in California) His selective service record (maintained in Chicago coincidentally) shows he registered at a Hawaiian post office as “Obama” in Sept 1980... Problem, Barry was getting high in California at Occidental in Sept 1980 (Barry's own admission) and was not using the fictitious name "Obama" at that time. Barry began using the fictitious name "Obama" only after he returned from Pakistan. The selective service filing is fraudulent.

NEW NOTE - On the the Selective Service Registration, Barry did not have the Connecticut Tax ID number he used on the Registration until after he began using the name "Obama" in New York. More evidence his Selective Service filing is fraudulent.

Barry returned to Chicago and attend a semi-christian radical black church with his first female love Michelle. Barry admits keeping in touch with Phil Boener, who traveled to New York from Occidental to be with Barry and was most likely Barry's first love.

Barry still could not get a real job, because he was still a fraud, even with his Harvard degree in hand he could lie and take the Bar exam, but he could not work as a lawyer for a major law firm without a back ground investigation and he would never pass one. So, Michelle got Barry a job at her law firm. Barry never filed a case alone and never filed a motion. He wrote lost of memos according to the law firm where Barry worked. (I think they know Barry is a fraud and don't want to be sued by previous clients) Barry rescinded his law licenses, so as not to be disbarred for fraud. The Bar knows Barry lied on his application. Michelle also had to turn over her law license for her involvement in corruption with the Chicago mayors office. 

With time on his hands Barry, a well spoken black man, was able to get elected to a state office, oddly because he looked for fraud in his opponents voter registrations and got his opponent disqualified from running. Barry a well versed liar was a natural in state politics. He used his political influence to get himself a position as a lecturer at Chicago's law school. Barry embellished this position as a "professor of law" which everyone knows is completely false. Barry was not a professor or even a specialist at anything but lying.

On a whim Barry ran for United States Senate for the State of Illinois. Politicians do this all the time to make a name for themselves even if they can't win. At the time the Republican Ryan was a shoe in for the Senate seat, so no real Democrat contenders entered the race, but Barry did. On a fluke after the primary Ryan's wife Jeri Ryan (Seven of nine from Star Trek) went public that her husband was making her have sex with other people while he watched. Ryan dropped out and Alan Keys moved from Maryland to run against Barry Soetoro.

The election got all kinds of press because there was no blacks in the U.S. Senate and one of these black men was going to be a Senator. Alan Keys did his best to warn everyone Barry was not who he claimed to be, but the public saw him as a carpet bagger. Barry kept the lie going and presented himself as a clean black man that talked like a white man... Illinois elected Barry to U.S. Senate. The Democrats had already began scrubbing Barry's back ground when Ryan dropped out.

Phil, Barry's boy friend from Occidental, was found working in California as a communications specialist (receptionist) for a dental hygienist school and given a diploma from Columbia and cover story. The rest of Barry's drug friends were all given jobs or money by the Democrat machine to keep quiet.

Because Barry was such a news maker as the only Black in the Senate, and he could speak like a white man he was made key speaker for the Democrat convention. Barry then decided to run for President to keep the lie going. No one thought to question Barry's back ground in the Democrt party... They helped cover up the ugly back ground. The only person jumping up and down warning Barry was not who he claimed to be was Alan Keys and he was discarded as just an angry loser.

Now we have a complete fraud sitting in the Office of the President. Clearly the most corrupt, inexperienced, and ignorant President in the history of the United States who's only quality is that he can lie with a straight face.

Barry Soetoro is as much of a fraud as Bernie Madoff and his house of cards will soon fall down.

Entry #277

Filed: Newly Found Case Authority; Florida Court Has Jurisdiction To Rule On Obama's Eligibility

Filed: Newly Found Case Authority; Florida Court Has Jurisdiction To Rule On Obama’s Eligibility
Wednesday, January 2, 2013 15:50

Newly Found Case Authority Filed In Florida Electoral Challenge:

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Florida Court Has Jurisdiction To Rule On Obama’s Eligibility & Fraud

As reported here Attorney Larry Klayman filed a motion seeking an emergency rehearing in the Florida electoral challenge. The case was originally dismissed last month by Judge Kevin Carroll. On Monday Klayman filed a notice of newly discovered case authority that shows the Florida court has jurisdiction to rule on Obama’s eligibility and fraud. EXCERPT:


Plaintiff Michael Voeltz, by and through his undersigned counsel, hereby files this Notice of Newly Found Case Authority and Supplement to Motion For Rehearing.

In conducting further research, Plaintiff has come across the case of Palm Beach County Canvassing Board v. Harris, 772 So.2d 1273 (Fla. 2000) (Exhibit 1), legal authority that was somehow overlooked by the court and the parties.

At issue here is the applicability of Florida Election law to the presidential election. In considering the presidential election, the Florida Supreme Court ruled:

“It is important, perhaps, to remind ourselves that the Florida Legislature has expressly vested in the voters of Florida the authority to elect the presidential electors who will ultimately participate in choosing a president:

Electors of President and Vice President, known as presidential electors, shall be elected on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each year the number of which is a multiple of 4. Votes cast for the actual candidates for President and Vice President shall be counted as votes cast for the presidential electors supporting such candidates. The Department of State shall certify as elected the presidential electors of the candidates for President and Vice President who receive the highest number of votes.

§ 103.011, Fla. Stat. (2000). By providing for the popular election of presidential electors, Florida’s Legislature has also placed that election under Florida’s general statutory election scheme. Hence, there is essentially only one statutory election scheme for all elections whether the elections be for local and state officials or for presidential electors. The Legislature has not chosen to have a separate set of election laws for elections for presidential electors. The Legislature has chosen to have a single election code control all elections. So, we must interpret and apply that single election code here.” Id. at 1290-1291.

The Florida Supreme Court then concluded, “[i]n sum, Florida’s statutory scheme simply makes no provision for applying its rules one way for presidential elector elections and another way for all other elections. ” Id. at 1291.

The Supreme Court of Florida has thus conclusively already ruled that this court has jurisdiction to consider and rule upon Plaintiff Voeltz’s election challenge on eligibility and fraud. This court must respectfully grant an evidentiary hearing. There should logically be no need for Plaintiff to notice up a hearing, as this court had already committed itself to provide a hearing before it incorrectly and precipitously dismissed Plaintiff’s complaint. Given the requirement under Florida law that election disputes be adjudicated quickly, this court must respectfully set an evidentiary hearing and adjudicate the issues at the earliest time practicable. Moreover, the case is not moot. Indeed, in the now famous 2000 Bush/Gore election challenge cases, this Court proceeded to adjudicate the parties’ dispute long after the Florida Electors had met.

Plaintiff is available January 2 or 3, 2013 for a telephonic status conference to set the date for a specially set evidentiary hearing on the merits, as the law is now clear that one is required and that the prior dismissal order should be immediately vacated and set aside, as it was legally in error. [...] … continued below… - Klayman’s Notice via the Obots @ BR and Jack Ryan.

NOTICE W/EXHIBITS CONTINUED BELOW OR HERE: Voeltz v Obama – Newly Found Case Authority Notice – Florida Obama Electoral Challenge – 12/31/2012


2006: Obama In Kenya: I Am So Proud To Come Back Home – VIDEO HERE.

2007: Michelle Obama Declares Obama Is Kenyan And America Is Mean – VIDEO HERE.

2008: Michelle Obama Declares Barack Obama’s Home Country Is Kenya – VIDEO HERE.

FLASHBACK: Obama Is The Original Birther! Obama In 1991 Stated In His Own Bio He Was Born In Kenya. DETAILS HERE.





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Entry #276

Eight Corporate Subsidies in the Fiscal Cliff Bill, From Goldman Sachs to Disney to NASCAR

Eight Corporate Subsidies in the Fiscal Cliff Bill, From Goldman Sachs to Disney to NASCAR

January 2, 2013

By Matt
Throughout the months of November and December, a steady stream of corporate CEOs flowed in and out of the White House to discuss the impending fiscal cliff. Many of them, such as Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, would then publicly come out and talk about how modest increases of tax rates on the wealthy were reasonable in order to deal with the deficit problem. What wasn’t mentioned is what these leaders wanted, which is what’s known as “tax extenders”, or roughly $205B of tax breaks for corporations. With such a banal name, and boring and difficult to read line items in the bill, few political operatives have bothered to pay attention to this part of the bill. But it is critical to understanding what is going on.

The negotiations over the fiscal cliff involve more than the Democrats, Republicans, the middle class and the wealthy. The corporate sector is here in force as well. One of the core shifts in the Reagan era was the convergence of wealthy individuals who wanted to pay less in taxes – many from the growing South – with corporations that wanted tax breaks. Previously, these groups fought over the pie, because the idea of endless deficits did not make sense. Once Reagan figured out how to finance yawning deficits, the GOP was able to wield the corporate sector and the new sun state wealthy into one force, epitomized today by Grover Norquist. What Obama is (sort of) trying to do is split this coalition, and the extenders are the carrot he’s dangling in front of the corporate sector to do it.

Most tax credits drop straight to the bottom line – it’s why companies like Enron considered its tax compliance section a “profit center”. A few hundred billion dollars of tax expenditures is a major carrot to offer. Surely, a modest hike in income taxes for people who make more than $400k in income and stupid enough not to take that money in capital gain would be worth trading off for the few hundred billion dollars in corporate pork. This is what the fiscal cliff is about – who gets the money. And by leaving out the corporate sector, nearly anyone who talks about this debate is leaving out a key negotiating partner.

So without further ado, here are eight corporate subsidies in the fiscal cliff bill that you haven’t heard of.

1) Help out NASCAR - Sec 312 extends the “seven year recovery period for motorsports entertainment complex property”, which is to say it allows anyone who builds a racetrack and associated facilities to get tax breaks on it. This one was projected to cost $43 million over two years.

2) A hundred million or so for Railroads - Sec. 306 provides tax credits to certain railroads for maintaining their tracks. It’s unclear why private businesses should be compensated for their costs of doing business. This is worth roughly $165 million a year.

3) Disney’s Gotta Eat - Sec. 317 is “Extension of special expensing rules for certain film and television productions”. It’s a relatively straightforward subsidy to Hollywood studios, and according to the Joint Tax Committee, was projected to cost $150m for 2010 and 2011.

4) Help a brother mining company out – Sec. 307 and Sec. 316 offer tax incentives for miners to buy safety equipment and train their employees on mine safety. Taxpayers shouldn’t have to bribe mining companies to not kill their workers.

5) Subsidies for Goldman Sachs Headquarters – Sec. 328 extends “tax exempt financing for  York Liberty Zone,” which was a program to provide post-9/11 recovery funds. Rather than going to small businesses affected, however, this was, according to Bloomberg, “little more than a subsidy for fancy Manhattan apartments and office towers for Goldman Sachs and Bank of America Corp.” Michael Bloomberg himself actually thought the program was excessive, so that’s saying something. According to David Cay Johnston’s The Fine Print, Goldman got $1.6 billion in tax free financing for its new massive headquarters through Liberty Bonds.

6) $9B Off-shore financing loophole for banks – Sec. 322 is an “Extension of the Active Financing Exception to Subpart F.” Very few tax loopholes have a trade association, but this one does. This strangely worded provision basically allows American corporations such as banks and manufactures to engage in certain lending practices and not pay taxes on income earned from it. According to this Washington Post piece, supporters of the bill include GE, Caterpillar, and JP Morgan. Steve Elmendorf, super-lobbyist, has been paid $80,000 in 2012 alone to lobby on the “Active Financing Working Group.”

7) Tax credits for foreign subsidiaries –  Sec. 323 is an extension of the “Look-through treatment of payments between related CFCs under foreign personal holding company income rules.” This gibberish sounding provision cost $1.5 billion from 2010 and 2011, and the US Chamber loves it. It’s a provision that allows US multinationals to not pay taxes on income earned by companies they own abroad.

8) Bonus Depreciation, R&D Tax Credit – These are well-known corporate boondoggles. The tax credit was projected to cost $8B for 2010 and 2011, and the depreciation provisions were projected to cost about $110B for those two years, with some of that made up in later years.

Conveniently, the Joint Committee on Taxation in 2010 did an analysis of what many of these extenders cost. You can find that report here.

Entry #275