fluffy9999's Blog

Fluffy9999's Lottery Vibe...

     Hey Fluffy9999!  Okay so Fluff closed out last month with a .49 HIT RATIO AND IS STILL ON A BUNCH OF THE TOP CHARTS! For the weekend DAYS SYSTEM NUMBERS IN PLAY SUCH AS 1924-3366-2280-4567-7890 and companion number 1118 and other play 8080! Fluff only had 200 picks for last month and still did okay with his performance! AS FLUFF ALWAYS SAYS MOST OF THE TIME NOBODY CAN HIT A NUMBER IN 200 DRAWS! So as always keep up to date on Fluffs Predictions and Blog Predictions!

     Last night Fluff was on that tube watching videos from that tube and he was looking at Woodstock video performances. Grace Slick singing White RAbbit was really impressive and Jimi Hendrix has no equal and never will. The way he performed was so unique and it fit well with the time he was in. Fluff wished he could have been at WOODSTOCK but he was born at the wrong time. He was only 7 years old. As always stay happy and free and light and let us all look up at the sun and feel its' warmth and LET US ALL BE YOUNG, CAREFREE INNOCENT CHILDREN IN THE SUN!

    Best Wishes always from Fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Gray and the B-Crew!

Entry #692

Fluffy9999's Memorial Day Thoughts...

     Hey everyone Fluffy9999 Here! Blessings of Health and Happiness on this Memorial Day 2024 as we recognize The Fallen Soldiers of the Armed Forces and Law Enforcement and the sacrifices they have made for the good of all. Fluff had a relative that was killed in action in WW2 and we have always recognized his huge sacrifice of him losing his life on an island in the Pacific. Newcomers to this country should recognize all the men and women that have lost their lives protecting the United States of America and our way of life. Freedom isn't free and others have paid the price so we can live in peace and pursue happiness and live in a civilized, rational country.

     Blessings to Everyone out there and may The Lord give them comfort in their sadness and loss.

     Blessings and Well Wishes to All from Fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Gray and the B-Crew

Entry #691

Fluffy9999's Lottery Vibe...

     Hey Fluffy9999 Here! Okay it is going to be short and sweet ! Fluff likes 254-441-227-777-333 for NY for the next 3 days or so! Be aware 777 is a DAYS SYSTEM PLAY FOR TUESDAY AND 222- AND ALL 22 NUMBERS FOR WED ALL STATES! As always keep up to date of Fluff's PREDICTIONS AND BLOG PREDICTIONS!

     You can do things to increase your luck! Try Citruline yellow quartz, Religious items, lucky personal items, Gambler's Amulet and things of that nature! Create your own positive thoughts and Gail Howard wrote a book about increasing your luck! Feel good about the future and your outlook and GOOD THINGS WILL HAPPEN! My Father used to say GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT AND BETTER DAYS AHEAD! As always let us rise above ALL PROBLEMS AND DO NOT LET ANYONE'S NEGATIVITY COME INTO YOUR SPACE! Don't let anyone tell you that you are a loser, have bad luck or are sick with some illness! I went with someone one time and they said she had a lump in her breast in the xray and the next time they checked there was nothing there! Don't let doctors and misguided ways and feeble attempts at maintaining health affect you at all. You should not smoke, drink eat sugar and YOU SHOULD DETOXIFY YOUR SYSTEM! YOU SHOULD DETOX YOUR LUNGS, DIGESTIVE AND TOTAL BODY TO RESTORE HEALTH! Herbal DETOX TEAS ARE TASTY AND HEALTHY AND A GREAT WAY TO INCREASE WELL BEING! TURN OVER A NEW LEAF AND START TODAY ON YOUR WAY TO VITALITY AND GOOD HEALTH! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

     Best WISHES ALWAYS from Fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Gray and the B-Crew!

Entry #690

Fluffy9999's Lottery Outlook...

     Hey Fluffy9999 HERE!  Okay so Fluffy hopes EVERYONE out there is doing okay! A while back Fluff added 7890 to Fluffy9999's Days System and it did come out this past Sunday as 7908 midday here in NY! Also Fluff has companion numbers for most of the Days System plays! So today is tuesday and Days System plays include 320, 777, 77 front and back pairs and any 77 number such as 770,771,772, etc. Pick 4 plays include must play 1920 and 1010 and 6371 a good no-match play! For wed is 222 and all the same with pairs and 220, 221,etc as well as pick 4 plays 1978 and 0202! Thurs is 628 and 629, 257 like that and you could start Friday numbers 461,451,431 etc. Keep in mind no match ADD-UP NUMBERS ARE ALWAYS IN PLAY and you may want to add 235 and also 431 and 451 for thurs, fri and sat! Always play your favorite sets of numbers for the big lotteries a couple of times a week. Here in NY you get two plays for a DOLLAR WITH NY LOTTO! How can you beat that? For 50 cents a play you get a chance at millions of dollars! You can get 10 plays for 5 dollars which is great and the NY Lotto is drawn twice a week on wed and sat! As always keep up to date of Fluff's Predictions and Blog Predictions!

     Just a word about worrying. The best time of day to worry is during the day. Don't worry in the evening because combined with it being dark out and going to bed this is the worst. Things seem better in the light of day. And you need to get your sleep to stay in good shape. Always seek out herbal treatment and be your own advocate for your health and your loved ones. On the bigger picture the earth has entered into the SIXTH GREAT MASS EXTINCTION with high levels of animal species going extinct in a short period of time. There has been 5 great mass extinction level events in earth's history that we know of, yes that we are aware of. A high population, deforestation and a drain on the food supply has resulted on a lot of stress on the Ecosystem. Well when Mother Earth has had enough we will know about it. GOD CONTROLS ALL. Man does  not move THE HAND OF GOD. I stay close to the Lord and TRUST IN HIM. The earth could have hundreds of years left for all anyone knows. But time in a sense is growing short.

     Best Wishes Always from Fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Gray and the B-Crew!

Entry #689


     Hey, Fluffy9999 here!  Okay, so Fluffy9999's DAYS SYSTEM SCORED TWO BOXED HITS IN NY WITH 9102 NY PICK 4 EVENING 4/30/24 AND 534 ON MIDDAY MAY 1 NY NUMBERS! 1920 and 1010 are primary play must play DAYS SYSTEM NUMBERS FOR TUESDAY AND 345 IS A COMPANION NUMBER TO 254 WHICH IS PLAYED MON TO WED FOR NY AND ALL STATES! 740 came out for wed and this is a Days System number for thurs and friday! Also for thurs we play 628 with companion number 629 and 629 for Friday which came out straight this past thursday! So this time around FLUFFY9999'S DAYS SYSTEM ACTUALLY PULLED 3 PICK 3 NUMBERS IN A ROW WITH BOTH PICK 3 NUMBERS HIT ON WED! Fluff has listed these numbers in previous blogs and DID HAVE 345 AND 1920 POSTED HERE ON HIS PREDICTIONS HERE ON LOTTERY POST! Fluff is already way up on pick 3 prize ratio and will be moving up on the All States All Games chart soon as his prize ration works its way into the 30 day average moving range! As always keep up to date on Fluffy9999's Predictions and Blog Predictions.

     So Fluffy9999's DAYS SYSTEM SUGGESTS FOR FRIDAY 461-451-441-431-443-429-047 LIKE THAT. MUST PLAY NUMBERS ARE 461-441-429 AND FOR PICK 4 1230 AND 2888. For sat Fluff likes 808-116-461-441-357-586-116,4567,3366, and 5588! Must play would be 3366-4567-461-808!

     So Fluff did have a challenging April this year and got through it. Always have faith in yourself and do not let anyone talk you down. As Fluff spoke about in an earlier blog Herbal treatments work as good as pharmacuticals in his opinion and do not damage your system like modern medicine. Fluff could have many people living a better life by just making a few simple adjustments. If you are overweight then cut out all the junk, all liquid calories and get familiar with calories you take in. If you smoke stop immediately! Lung and respitory problems are nothing you want a part of so never smoke. If you have to take tranquilizers but don't ruin your health because you are nervous. It is not fair to have to say goodbye to friends and family at an early rate. Also get with a MD that is familiar with Herbal medicine and will work with you. There are Herbal support products for Blood Pressure, lung and Bronchial,  and many other conditions. You have to familiarize yourself with them and your Pharmacist can tell you if they will conflict with any medications you are on. Fluff has found out that herbal supplements help him with his blood pressure when the pharmacuticals could not. When his blood pressure went out of range years ago he would get really dizzy. Now after taking the REDWOOD PRODUCT his blood pressure can go up but without dizziness. And herbal blood pressure support keeps him off more medicine. Originally he was on just pharmacuticals and they did not work for him. PLus side effects of calcium blockers make you tired. Don't get stonewalled by the establishment. Their performance numbers are not that good.

    Best of Wishes Always from Fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady-Gray and the B-Crew!

Entry #688

Fluffy9999"s Memorial thoughts...

     Hey, Fluffy9999 here. Ok so Fluff got notified by my good friend that his wife, my good friend had passed away this past Sunday morning. Fluff was not ready for this. Fluff is still dealing with this tremendous loss as it was a loss for family and friends which she had a lot. Dorothy had a lot of health challenges as we all do and she carried a lot of burdens like severe Rhumatoid Arthiritis. She was incredibly strong, a wonderful Christian Lady with a long-time husband John and wonderful family and friends. Fluffy got to know her and her husband while they live in Upstate NY about a dozen years ago. Fluff has never had two such WONDERFUL friends like Dot and John. The Good Lord looked down upon us and brought us together. For Fluffy he believes that losing a friend never really gets any better just farther away. But as Fluffs Christian faith promises we will be together with our loved ones people, pets and animals again!

     As always please take the time to visit with your Family often and do not take anything for granted as things can happen unfortunately. Put time every day into your Prayer Life and HE will always be there when you need to talk with HIM and will help you. Let us savor every day, be light and free and happy! Let us walk happily in the sun and look up and warm our face and body and LET US ALL BE CAREFREE, INNOCENT, YOUTHFUL CHILDREN IN THE SUN!

     BEST WISHES ALWAYS TO ALL from Fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Gray and the B-Crew!

Entry #687

Fluffy9999's Blog...

     Hey, Fluffy9999 here! Ok so the 425 box came out twice for NY recently and there are 3 numbers that USUALLY run in a string here in NY! They are 254-441 and 357! Well Fluff should have posted but got busy again and that 357 just came out straight here in NY! That is a DAYS SYSTEM NUMBER FOR SATURDAY ALONG WITH 586! So at this point keep 441 in play and the usual for friday 461-451-441-443, 1230 and also Fluff likes 2280 and 9820 str for NY for the next 5 days or so! Fluff is having a good month here on LotteryPost and hopes all the nice folks out there are picking up some hits! As always keep up to date on Fluffs Predictions and Blog Predictions!

     Best wishes always from Fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Gray and the B-Crew!

Entry #686


     Hey Fluffy9999 here! OK so FLUFFY9999'S DAYS SYSTEM PICK 1920 HAD A DIRECT HIT IN WASHINGTON DC LAST EVENING! Fluff is currently on ALL STATES ALL GAMES, PICK 3, PICK 4 , PICK 5, Pick 6 AND OTHER GAMES RIGHT NOW! Fluff will be at the top of pick 4 all states in a few days because of the moving average and no. 1 in Washing DC pick 4 at 2800 plus percent! HATS OFF TO  DAYS SYSTEM PLAYERS WHO COLLECTED ON THIS ONE AND LAUGHED ALL THE WAY TO DA BANK! It takes patience but if you have it you can collect and BE A PROFITABLE LOTTERY PLAYER! No need to worry if you did not collect on that one there will be more hits! Right now in NY fluff likes out longest straight 297 and for pick 4 2888! keep an eye on them and thurs to sat is a good time to bump up the bet on OVERDUE 2888 for NY!  Also for ALL STATES 2299 LOOK LIKDE A PLAY AND FOR Georgia 0333 and 444! A few days into the month and FLUFF IS OFF THE CHARTS WITH PERFORMANCE! As always keep up to date on Fluffs Predictions and Blog Predictions!

     Best Wishes ALWAYS and GOOD LUCK FROM Fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Gray and the B-Crew!

Entry #685


     Hey Fluffy9999 here!  Okay Fluffy would like to thank ALL for reading his blogs and BELIEVING IN HIS DAYS SYSTEM FOR WINNING THE LOTTERY! Fluff is a couple hundred blog hits from going over the 500k level of HITS ON HIS BLOG AND THANKS YOU ALL FOR STOPPING IN AND READING HIS BLOGS OVER THE YEARS!Fluff is up this month on Pick-3 and is on ALL STATES TOP 50 PICK-3 AMONG OTHER CHARTS! Today is thursday and for the DAYS SYSTEM FLUFF LIKES 628-257-461-1230-1924 for ALL STATES PICK 3 AND 4 ! As always the DAYS SYSTEM TAKES PATIENCE AS WE PLAY THE NUMBER ON THE DAY AND IT MAY TAKE A WHILE FOR IT TO COME IN BUT WHEN IT DOES YOU WILL MAKE MONEY! Check these numbers in YOUR STATE AND IF THE PICK 3 HAVE NOT COME OUT IN 4 MONTHS OR MORE BUMP UP THE BET FOR THE DAY! ONCE AGAIN WE PLAY THE NUMBER ON THE DAY AND DO NOT DRAG THE NUMBER AROUND ALL WEEK SO WHEN YOU HIT YOU WILL BE PROFITABLE! Keep an eye on the big lotteries and play your favorite number set and a quick pick for each BIG JACKPOT! As always KEEP UP TO DATE ON FLUFFS PREDICTIONS AND BLOG PREDICTIONS!

    BEST OF LUCK ALWAYS TO ALL from Fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Gray and the B-Crew!

Entry #684

Fluffy9999's Lottery Outlook...

     Hey, Fluffy9999 here! Fluffy certainly hopes all is well with everyone out there! When troubled turn to Prayer and help will come for all! Fluffy9999 WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERYONE WHO HAS BELIEVED IN HIS LOTTERY TECHNIQUES AND HAS FOLLOWED HIS COLUMN! Fluff is nearing the HALF-MILLION HITS MARK ON HIS BLOG AND IS SO THANKFUL FOR ALL OF YOU WHO COME HERE AND READS HIS INFO AND BELIEVES IN THE DAYS SYSTEM and Fluffys numbers picking techniques! Right now for monday ALL STATES FLUFF LIKES 254,253,320 for monday tuesday and wednesday! For pick-4 ALL STATES fluff likes 2280,1920,1010 and 6371! 1920 HIT NY A FEW WEEKS AGO AND DAYS SYSTEM FOLLOWERS PICKED UP A HIT WITH THAT ONE! For tues 777, all 77 numbers and the pairs are in favor and 222 the sames for wednesday ALL STATES! 9999 in play all the time in NY and 2888 for friday and sat! Animal number 320 for tuesday and add-up numbers 628 and 257 for thursday! 1230 an ALL STATES PLAY FOR FRIDAY!  As always keep up to date on Fluff's Predictions and Blog Predictions!

     BEST WISHES ALWAYS from Fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady-Gray and the B-Crew!

Entry #683


     Hey, Fluffy9999 HERE! Fluff certainly hopes all is well with everyone out there! So yesterday Fluff posted his ALL STATE PICKS and 4 of them came in Yesterday including NY!  Fluff hit 461-586-4567-2280 across the US and hit 2280 boxed here in NY! Now Fluff does play 2280 every Sunday and most of the time monday and tuesday but started playing early as DAYS SYSTEM NUMBERS HAVE BEEN COMING OUT EARLY! This number for NY really should be played sat, Sunday, mon and tues for NY and All States! NOW DO NOT FEEL BAD IF YOU MISSED THIS ONE AS THIS IS THE SECOND TIME FLUFF MISSED IT BY A HALF A DAY! Yes I always play 2280 str and boxed Sunday along with 623 animal numbers of mine, Last time it hit in NY which was couple months ago I played monday and forgot to put it back in for tues and missed it by a half a day! You do not know how many time Fluff missed 254 mon to wed here in NY! Fluff always plays 461 fri and sat, 2280 sunday to tues religiously! Two-hundred dollars on a fifty-cent bet is pretty good! Now one time Fluffs brother had 2280 for sat midday and hit it in NY! Fluff did recently hit 461-222- 461 back a while and has collected many times on his DAYS SYSTEM PICKS! They come in all the time! Fluff is of course playing 2280 through tuesday and 254 mon to wed! Please do not play too many numbers! You should not play more that 3 numbers each night if you play every day. A great way to play is YOUR LUCKY DAYS AND OF COURSE MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A TICKET OR TWO FOR THE BIG-JACKPOT LOTTERIES! As always keep up to date of FLUFFYS PREDICTIONS AND BLOG PREDICTIONS!

     Best of Luck always to ALL from Fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Gray and the B-Crew!

Entry #682


     Hey, Fluffy9999 here!  Okay, so Fluffy9999's DAYS SYSTEM PICKED UP $$$900 carrots on his ALL STATES PICKS YESTERDAY including two strait hits and one of them in ONTARIO! Fluff has been HOT IN ATLANTIC CANADA AND IS OFF THE CHARTS THERE as well as Western and Ontario! Fluff loves Canada although it has been a long time since he has been there! Last time was around 1992! Visited the malls, nice Botanical Gardens and enjoyed the wonderful Canadian cities! So for NY fluff is on 3261 and 9999 engaged every day for the next couple of months! This is a pick-4 strait HIT TROLL so it could pay off big! For the weekend Fluffy likes the DAYS SYSTEM NUMBERS 808-461-AND 11 NUMBER PICK 3 ESPECIALLY 116-117-118, 357,586,5588,3366,2211 LIKE THAT for sat! Fluff likes 623-333-2280 for sunday! FLUFF WILL BE POSTING STRAIGHT PLAYS FOR GEORGIA AND HIS ALL STATES PICKS FOR SUNDAY! As always KEEP UP TO DATE ON FLUFFY9999'S PREDICTIONS AND BLOG PREDICTIONS!


Entry #681

Fluffy9999 Wishes All a Merry Christmas!

     Hey Fluffy9999 Here! Fluffy9999 would like to wish everyone a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY, HEALTHY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! Fluffy is up on the charts this month and is OFF THE CHARTS WITH HUGE PRIZE RATIOS IN ATLANTIC CANADA, INDIANA, NY AND MANY OTHER STATES! Fluff collected 461 in NY on Sat midday and did have a ticket for this one! Always place at least a one dollar box for friday and sat on this one! Plus Fluff hit in Indiana with 461 also! Fluff is doing well this month with around a 45% Overall Prize ratio and more good stuff to come! Now for the days system Fluff is playing 2280 monday and tuesday and well as 628, 441 and 1924 for Christmas day! Fluff also has 777 in play for the next couple of days. Monday is also 254,264 and 320. Days System numbers have been hitting a half a day early so bear this in mind and start your plays early! As always KEEP UP TO DATE OF FLUFFS PREDICTIONS AND BLOG PREDICTIONS!

     Wishing you the MERRIEST CHRISTMAS EVER from Fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady-Gray and the B-Crew!

Entry #680


     Hey Fluffy9999 here!  OK so on Sunday the 16th Fluff did post on his Blog at 12:11 pm that he liked 246 as it was a complement to Days System 623 and as he just did his research it was out longest box FOR AN ADD UP NUMBER! Ok so this one was listed in his blog and came out in the midday! Next up is 254 which was listed in Fluff's Predictions on here and that hit Sunday evening, NUMBER 2 CONSECUTIVE HIT! Then Fluff had 047 listed for sunday evening and monday midday in his Predictions and THAT ONE CAME IN MONDAY MIDDAY AS 740! So there YOU HAVE IT! fluffy did pick 3 Consecutive hits for NY AND THE PROOF IS RIGHT HERE ON LOTTERY POST! We did have these numbers in play and collected over 500 dollars on this haul, honest to GOD! Right now for out longest boxed in NY fluff likes 431, 369 and 589! As always keep up to date on Fluff's Predictions and BLOG PREDICTIONS!

     Best Christmas Wishes from Fluffy9999, Cubby, Tanner, Lady Gray and the B-Crew!

Entry #679


     Hey Fluffy9999 here! Yesterday Fluffy9999's DAYS SYSTEM PULLED 2888 BOX IN Atlantic Canada for a Prize Ratio of 1935%!!! Not bad for a 50 cent bet! Plus Fluff nailed 461 in Florida which is a Friday and Saturday number for the Days System for NY and All States! CURRENTLY FLUFFY9999 is ON ALL STATES ALL GAMES PICK 4,5,6 AND OTHER GAMES CHARTS AND ALSO ATLANTIC CANADA AT NUMBER ONE! Now Fluffy9999's Days System changes from time to time but Fluff does keep the older numbers in play also! Numbers are added and the Days System gets updated so don't go it alone as Fluff does UPDATE THE DAYS SYSTEM which is exclusively his!  For NY and all states Fluff likes for Saturday 461,808,1924,5588,586,and 357! RIGHT NOW FOR NY Fluff likes 369,431,246 for Out Longest Box ADD-UP NUMBERS! ADD-UP NUMBERS ARE POWERFUL AND COME OUT ALL THE TIME IN ALL STATES SO GIVE THEM SOME CONSIDERATION! 9999 in constant play in NY as well as 2888 for thurs,fri and sat! 5588 may be due for a little heavier bet here in NY! 5588 can be played sat to through tuesday just like 2280 for NY and All States! AS ALWAYS KEEP UP TO DATE ON FLUFFY9999'S PREDICTIONS AND BLOG PREDICTIONS!


Entry #678
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