mikeintexas's Blog

Drugs & Old Age

Mick Jagger is 76.
Keith Richards is 75.
Roger Daltrey is 75.
Ozzy Osbourne is 71.
Robert Plant is 71.
Alice Cooper is 71.
Steven Tyler is 71.
Joe Perry is 69.

Rappers are obviously doing the wrong drugs.

Entry #230

Another Lie From Hillary?

Wow, this is a big surprise.  I figured she would have voted for Epstein's jail guard.

Entry #228

Better Than Biden

At being creepy.  Seriously, what the hell was he doing?  Is there a single straight man in the entire Democrat party?

Entry #224

Looking For Amanda Huginkiss

This reminds me of the jokers who would go to the Heathrow customer service desk and ask them to page people arriving on recent flights.  I'd link to a video, but some of the names are vulgar when sounded out. (but hilarious) They were a step up from the phone practical jokes in my day "Do you have Walter Raleigh in a can?" or "Is your refrigerator running?"

None were as hilarious as this one.

Entry #223

Biden's Hairy Legs

The animation is obviously a fake situation, but those are Biden's actual words.

I simply cannot understand why he has any supporters; it's like he's TRYING to run them off. Come to think about it, that might be his plan after all....use his campaign war chest as a retirement fund.

Entry #221

One Last Thought About Thanksgiving

Yesterday when people were wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and listing what they were thankful for, I couldn't disagree with most of the answers;  thankful for family and friends, good health,etc and all I could add was being thankful for being warm and well-fed.  I nearly forgot one of the most important things I am thankful for:

That Hillary is not President.

Entry #218

Perineum Sunning

I've gone to dozens of county fairs, been smack dab in the middle of a half dozen tornadoes, went through a couple of blowouts on drilling rigs but I ain't never seen any **** like this.

Just in case anyone doesn't know what the Perineum is...well, in layman's language, it's called the "taint".

We're doomed, I tell ya...doomed.  I hope they're at least using some sun screen.

Entry #216
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