JustJim's Blog

US Presidential Candidates

OK, so like many (a majority?) Americans, neither of the candidates of the two major political parties were ones I had any interest in as the process worked it's way through the primaries and the conventions.  As a matter of fact, each of them would be near the bottom of candidates I would have any interest in.  (More on that a little later....)  It seems many Americans have similar feelings.  This has led to some interesting and amusing comments regarding the election and the candidates.  I heard one radio program describe the upcoming presidential election as "The Great Dumpster Fire Election of 2016."  Another comment I heard was the analogy of the (apparent) binary choice between the two main political party candidates as being similar to choosing whether to put the baby in the blender or the microwave.  A gruesome, vulgar comparison, but given the choices we have available....  Anyway, to me it seems like most people who are deciding to vote for one of the candidates of the two big political parties are not necessarily voting for a candidate because they support the candidate or agree with the candidate's ideals and principals, but are choosing because they think the candidate of the other party would be a bigger disaster.  That's a very discouraging way of looking at choosing a president and not the way I intend to make my decision, but everyone is free to make their own choice how they wish. 

I mentioned earlier how I thought Clinton and Trump were two of the poorest candidates I could think of as leader of the US.  What if that is exactly what was going on?  What if it was kind of a reverse pissing match between the dems and the repubs to see who could get the worst candidate to be their party's nominee for president?  As odd and improbable as that sounds, I can think of a scenario where that might actually be the case.  Depending on what type of radio and tv programs you listen to or view or which websites you visit, some analysts (or peanut galleries) are suggesting that there may be a big economic downturn in the near future.  Granted, some of these are the same ones that tell you to hoard gold, silver, stock up on emergency food and ammunition, etc.  But, when they bring up how interconnected the various countries' economies are, it seems like at least a possibility that given the right, or wrong, situation the stock market could take a big dive, interest rates could start climbing, more unemployment, home foreclosures, etc.  I've also heard that there is talk of the treasury stopping printing of any bills over $20, and a transition to electronic currency (think government bitcoin).  There's also rumblings about negative interest rates (similar to other countries).  Depending on which of some of these events come to pass, it could be a real rough time for whoever wins the presidency to try to navigate through some of these situations.  I wonder if the political parties might actually have considered some of this when it came to officially naming their candidate at the conventions.  Maybe the thought was 'hey if we put our worst candidate out there maybe the other party's candidate will be elected when the s**t hits the fan.'  Or they were thinking 'at least our best politician won't be running things when everything goes to heck.'

I'm not in favor of it, and I'm not wishing for it, but if some of these things actually happen I could definitely see another US revolution taking place.  Only time will tell what events play out and what happens - maybe it ends up just being a revolution or reset of the political parties that are in power rather than an actual revolution of the type of government and country we have in the US.

Entry #5

Back after some time off

I haven't been able to get on LP for some time, a lot of things have been going on.  My girlfriend of many years passed away in September of cancer.  It was tough watching what it did to her.  She always enjoyed a good meal and the cruel part of her cancer was that it really limited what she could eat.  When she first got the diagnosis they told her she might have 2 to 6 years but it ended up being 16 months from that diagnosis to the end.  And when she went into hospice they told her she might be there a month which was pretty accurate.  She enjoyed going to the casinos and playing the lottery too.  When she was in hospice she had weakened so much she didn't even have the strength to do the scratch offs any more.  So now I have to work on taking care of settling her estate and moving on with life.  Hopefully things will start feeling normal soon, I hope the holidays aren't too rough.

Entry #4


Okay, I've ordered a few lottery guides off of ebay and one of them I either can't figure out or it doesn't work for my state.  Whatever the reason, I thought I would offer it up for whoever wanted it to see if someone else might get some use or luck from it.  It's called "Prof. Hitt's Ready Reference Rundowns and Workouts."  It says it's for all state lotteries, has instructions and pages of charts and numbers for cross-referencing with the system given in the book.  It's listed for $4.00 and published by Eagle Book Supply. 

I'm also a fan of trivia (and rock music)....so....you're going to have to earn it!  First person to pm me with the answer wins.  Ready? 


The name "Lodewijk" is associated with which rock artist or band?

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Entry #3

Wisconsin Supercash

I forwarded a couple links and I see the story made Lottery Post about a Mount Horeb Wisconsin man named Verlyn Adamson who recently won the Supercash jackpot three times on the same draw, buying the tickets at three different locations.  (None of the stories mention how many tickets he played)  The wild thing is, this senior citizen has done the same thing, winning multiple times playing Wisconsin's Supercash.  Wisconsin Victory Lap blog  Part of me feels like driving over and chatting with the guy (he's only like 25 miles from me), however it sounds like he's lawyered up and is exploring options for marketing his secret formula.  It would be kind of cool to get the real story behind the lucky guy, like how long did it take him to come up with his formula, how much trial and error there was, did he 'mock play' rather than spend a load of cash while he was coming up with his formula, has he tried other people's systems, etc.


What kind of conclusions can be drawn from this gentleman's story?  Well, from my perspective, it seems obvious that it is possible to use some type of plan or system to get an advantage.  (Proof's in the pudding, he's a millionaire) He seems to show that some hard work can pay off in getting a system to work for you.  Also, since he's a CPA, he must have a good head with numbers.  For those who might see his story and think he must be some high-risk, gambling degenerate playing fast and loose and not being financially responsible, I would say that since he's operating as a CPA (must be licensed) he can't very well be a problem gambler or the state wouldn't allow him to hang out his shingle as an accountant.  The state takes actions against professionals who risk the trust of their clientele and the public (I know, I hold a license in the state in a different field) and I would say it somewhat gives a sense of legitimacy in working to come up with a plan or system for the lottery that works for you.

Just curious, do any of the staff/admin here at Lottery Post ever interview lottery winners?

Good luck everyone and keep trying!

Entry #2

My First LP Blog!

I have to say, I'm enjoying everything about the LP website.  I stumbled upon this site in a sort of roundabout way.  I have tried a couple paid systems in the past with limited results.  One of the news sites I hit up on a regular basis sent me an email about some headlines and included in the email was a 'sponsored link' for some lottery system or another.  While doing my 'due diligence' on checking out that system (which I never tried) I ended up here. 

Everything about this site is great!  I like the opportunity to post predictions, check other poster's predictions, see what some of the members are trying for systems and learning as I spend more time here. 

I saw some interesting titles in the Lottery Book Store section and was considering picking up either the pick 5 or pick 6 version of the combinatorial systems by  Bluskov, but was wondering whether some of the premium membership features available here might actually be just as effective.  If anyone has any opinions or recommendations, please post a comment or PM me - I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Until next time, good luck everyone!

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Entry #1
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