rcbbuckeye's Blog

Pres. Trump SOTU speech

If Ovomit had turned his body like President Trump did, Lil PeePee would have loved it. What a hypocrite.

Every person that gives a speech has their own mannerisms.

Entry #11

Illegal Immigrants from my wife's Facebook page

Dan Shea

From a Florida ER doctor:
Today I had a 25-year old with 8 kids - that's right 8, all Illegal Anchor Babies and she had the nicest nails, cell phone, hand bag, clothing, etc. She makes about $1,500 monthly for each; you do the math. I used to say, "We are the dumbest nation on earth," Now I must say and sadly admit: WE are the dumbest people on earth (that includes ME) For we Elected the Idiot Ideologues who have passed the Bills that allow this.
Sorry, but we need a Revolution, If the Illegal Immigrant is over 65, they can apply for SSI and Medicaid and get more than a woman on Social Security, who worked from 1944 until 2004. She is only getting $791 per month because she was born in 1924 and there's a 'catch 22' (notch) for her. It is interesting that the Federal Government provides a single refugee with a monthly allowance of $1,890. Each can also obtain an additional $580 in Social Assistance, for a total of $2,470 a month. This compares to a single pensioner, who after contributing to the growth and development of America for 40 to 50 years, can only receive a monthly maximum of $1,012 in Old Age Pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement.
Maybe our Pensioners should apply as Refugees! Consider sending this to all your American friends, so we can all be ticked off and maybe get the Refugees cut back to $1,012 and the Pensioners up to $2,470. Then we can enjoy some of the money we were forced to submit to the Government over the last 40 or 50 or 60 years.

Entry #10

ambergirl trying to count??

Ambergirl says he can't count how many times he used the word hypocrisy.


he never learned to count and he lost whatever few brain cells he had from all the dope he uses.

And anyone would be surprised he can't count?

Green laugh

Entry #9

Trump and North Korea

I have to laugh at the "Loser-PeePee" duo, and their little tantrum over President Trump (yes...PRESIDENT Trump).

I just keep thinking about the fact that President Trump was able to have a meeting with Kim. Will anything substantial come out of it? Who knows. At least they are talking. No other president has been able to do that.

Imagine how our little "duo" would crow if their hero Obama had met with Kim. Oh yeah, he couldn't pull it off.

Entry #8

I'm Not Sorry

Count me as one of the NOT SORRY ones that voted for Pres. Trump.

Yes, he is not a typical politician. So he isn't going to talk out of both sides of his mouth like the rest of them. He shoots straight, and he ruffles feathers, good. This country has turned into a country of entitlements. Which means me and people like me pay for the entitlements for others. Thanks, but, no thanks. I have my plate full just taking care of my own house and family.

I only hope Pres. Trump can do the things he needs to do, because it looks like the Demonrats and Repukicans are going to fight him every day. They aren't happy a non-politician made it to the Whitehouse.

There's still some swamp draining to do!

Entry #7

Hilly and Billy Foundation

Hey Speedy,

Since you're too chicken to let me post on your blog, let me remind you that you should add Hilly and Billy to your Mount Rookmore. All the billions they have stolen to make themselves rich when the money was supposed to help people in need.

What crooks.

Oh, and I'm not a chickensh** like you. I don't block.

Entry #6

Ted Cruz liar?

It takes some real gonads to call Sen Ted Cruz a liar when right in the Whitehouse we have had to put up with one. You know the one who had his college records hidden? The one who no one who supposedly when to college with him even remembers him in any classes? The one whose birth certificate is still a question mark? The one who decided to become a dictator bypassing Congress to make his own laws? And on, and on, and on.

Entry #5

Answer to LilSpeedy

Ok, I don't really blog, but I will to answer LilSpeedy, one time only. I don't feel it's right to keep answering back on another's blog.

YOU are the one calling names, not me. YOU are the one with the vitriol. And your friend loser. If you don't know what that word means, by all means look it up. I will say that I got you and him mixed up with all the black a$$ comments. Although you did leave a lmbao memo too. I don't care, just saying ya'll (you and him) keep bringing up the word black, not me.

Oh, and I'm not blocking you like you block everyone else, because I'm not afraid of what you say.

Entry #4

A Grape

2 cents for a grape? YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS!! 

At approximately 2:30 pm, September 6, 2012, I entered the Publix store on Main St. in Gainesville , FL to pick up a few items. 
I gathered my items and went to the 10 items and under register to check-out. The person in front of me (a white female, approximate age 35-43, fake nails, big braided hairdo, clean clothes, carrying a purse and a plastic drinking cup) put her purchase on the checkout surface -  ONE GRAPE. 
Yes, that is correct ONE GRAPE. The cashier asked if that was all, she replied yes. The cashier then weighted the GRAPE and told the woman the cost was $.02 (TWO CENTS). The woman then pulled out her Food Stamp EBT card and swiped it through the credit card machine, requesting $24.98 in cash back. 
The cashier asked if she wanted the GRAPE, the woman replied no and the GRAPE was put in the garbage can. The register recorded the sale as $.02, cash back $24.98. The cashier then asked if four fives would be okay because she was out of tens, the woman agreed and took the $24.98 folded it up and put it in her pocket and left the store. 
As the next person in line I asked the cashier as a taxpayer what in the hell just happened here she said she was on the clock and could not comment. 
I then asked if I had actually seen this person purchase and discard a GRAPE, then get cash back on her Food Stamp EBT card. The cashier responded that it happens all day every day in their store. She also said that if the person buying the GRAPE has it rung up over .02 they get mad and make her reweigh it. 
My next comment was to ask the cashier if she planned to vote in November and she said she could hardly wait for November 6 to get here, as one taxpayer to another. I paid for my groceries, in cash, and left the store madder than 10 wet hens.

 We got this email from a friend. I have a hard time believing this, but then again, maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

Sully, I think you work in the grocery business. Can you confirm this?

Entry #3

A horse? Really??

My second blog. I usually stay out of the politics, but a friend sent the following to me and my wife and I couldn't resist.

So the Romneys are called selfish for keeping a horse?

*and employing a groom with a family to support

*and paying for feed sold by someone with a family to support

*and transported in trucks by someone with a family to support

*and manufactured in a factory by people with a family to support

*from stuff grown by farmers with families to support

*and having a barn built by construction workers with families to support

*with materials trucked by drivers with families to support

*from factories with workers with families to support

Sounds to me like that one horse has done more to put Americans to work than the horse's ass in the White House.

Entry #2

Rioters at the convention

Ok, my first blog.

I have a grown daughter who is 26, married and made me a grandpa. I have an 18 year old daughter who I just left at college a couple weeks ago. And I have a son who is 15, who at this precarious age is finding out about himself. Three kids who are each unique, and different, and all whom I love more than life itself. I am watching and listening to the convention on TV, and I have to wonder just what this country is coming to for my kids. There are idiots who in the name of "protest" are breaking windows, throwing human waste, and attacking cops and people. Do they honestly think these activities change things for the better?

I am far from a perfect parent. But I never ever raised my kids to disrespect authority. This is the greatest country in the world. We have freedoms others can only dream of. Freedom is not destroying property in protest. Freedom is better than that. I work with a 30 something guy who keeps telling me that this country is no good and he just has to find a way to get out. The next time he tells me that, my response will be that I will donate the money to buy him a one way ticket to anywhere in the world. And that I'm not kidding, and he is welcome to never come back.

Entry #1
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