Could Elizabeth Warren Topple Trump In 2020?


Entry #25,721


Avatar mikeintexas -
Not even with her rubber tomahawk.
Avatar sully16 -
Avatar CARBOB -
I don't think that even DemoncRATS would vote for her.
Avatar konane -
Ummm, I don't think so.
Avatar jarasan -
Avatar amber124 -
A diseased Roach would be better in office than this loser.
Avatar amber124 -
Trump should resign and stop embarrassing himself.
Avatar rcbbuckeye -
Amber, smoke some more weed and keep yourself in a stupor so you can keep dreaming.
Avatar sully16 -
Lizzie Warren took an axe...….. Gave ole Bernie 40 wacks.
When she saw what she had done, she gave Alexandria 41.
Avatar CARBOB -
Very good sully16!!!!
Avatar MADDOG10 -
Bruuuuuuuuuhahahahahahaha, Pocahontas, has as much chance as Anthrax124 has of speaking civil LMAO> What a total Fool !!
Avatar amber124 -
Maddork and rccokeye are both subhumans...i have more respect for a roach's turd than both of you morons.

Avatar KAL035 -
Amberjackoff, have you every smoked any roach turd laced with cyanide? I hear its some good stuff. Maybe you should give it try later tonight.
Avatar amber124 -
#14're the dumbest moron on the planet.
Avatar KAL035 -
Coming from you that means a lot, thanks! That means I'm on the right track. Do you really enjoy smoking roach turds and snacking on dead rat innards?
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Amber, it's laughable about how the LP trolls surface when the subject is about someone other than their FUHRER. It's like a wimpy praise meeting for the low informed. SAD
Avatar MADDOG10 -
And another Turd surfaces, Houston we have a Cess Pool.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Is that the best you can do TROLL? LOL
Avatar KAL035 -
Democrats love the stench that emanates from open cesspools. They are strange beings, to say the least!
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
KKK, as usual you operate on an alternate universe. ???
Avatar amber124 -
All right wing losers are made of pure turd, bunch of retarded morons
Avatar KAL035 -
Enough already of the histrionics amberjackoff! Try to develop another line of thought that does not revolve around morons, losers or suckers. That worn-out shtick is wearing thin on everybody's nerves.
Avatar Soledad -
Most republicans are clueless and just believe whatever they want. Or whatever they see. Both of which are very limited. To be totally honest.

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