Elizabeth Warren feeds rumors of 2020 run


Entry #25,751


Avatar mikeintexas -
Just what does she feed those rumors? Caviar pemmican? Wagyu jerky? Bison filet mignon?

Avatar mikeintexas -
I always wondered what Indian tribe she claimed. Arapaho? Navajo?

One thing for sure, she's a lyin' ho.
Avatar MADDOG10 -
She's an apache from amasse
Avatar CARBOB -
I think she is from this tribe Fugawee!

Who are the Fugawees? As legend has it, there was once a lost South American pygmy tribe, the Fugawees. It is said that on a quiet summer day, you could hear them crying out from the tall grass, “Where de Fugawee?” That is who we are. If you feel lost, come join us. Together, we will walk out of the tall grass, and into the sunshine.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
CARBO, you come from a long line of racists. That is why the universe is punishing you. SAD
Avatar CARBOB -
Warren was the one who claimed she was part Indian, she isn't, I am!! You have lost your mind and forgot my post where the Lumbee Indians ran the KKK out of Maxton, N.C in 1958. If you don't believe what I post about this, PM Lumbee gal ask her???
Avatar CARBOB -
correction, lumbeegal .
Avatar jarasan -
lil*returdburglar STFU douche bag.
Avatar eddessaknight -
Yes go run,run but do keep a model Picture of Hillary fixed before you as a reminder of what happened when mainstream America voted ! :-)
Avatar eddessaknight -
We know where you stand & what you represent-
Least you forget Socialism/Communism/Karlarxisim are dead movements in our USA!
Avatar eddessaknight -
The Socialist Party candidate for President of the United State, Norman Thomas, once said emphatically:

"The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the the name of 'Liberalism', they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day American will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

Least we forget these are the same people who hate our America & what we stand for......

Stop sugarcoating it. Stop calling them liberals, progressives or even socialists. This is exactly what communism looks like.

First, let’s compare socialism vs. communism. They are inseparable. Communism is the political system. Socialism is the economic system of communism. That’s the only difference. They are part and parcel of the same system promoted by Karl Marx....remember Trotsky?
Avatar amber124 -
Good, I hope she wins. Anything is better than this lying sack of roach turd.
Avatar eddessaknight -
Restating our founding fore fathers American Spirit expressed aims:

"It's not tyranny we desire; it's a just, limited, federal government."
~First Secretary of Treasury
*Thomas Jefferson also similarly advocated for a small government that would essentially get out of the way of private lives and free enterprise.


"All socialism involves slavery..That which fundamentally distinguishes the slave is that he labors under coercion  to satisfy another desires "
`Herbert Spencer, 'The Coming Slavery' (Contemporary Review) 


Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Avatar KAL035 -
Ummm, nothing happened to it, Lil'returd! As far as I know, it's still to be found in the 2nd paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. Unless the Democrats found it 'offeeensive ' and had it removed since it was penned by the evil white male Thomas Jefferson in 1776. Why do you ask?
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
I asked because those words until this day is a plucking LIE, KKK.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
It's funny you would mention Thomas Jefferson. He owned slaves and fathered children by them. So those words were not for everyone. You don't know your history KKK.
Avatar KAL035 -
I know my history very well! I also know the Democrats want to re-write history since the country's founding fathers were all evil white males. If the dimwits had their way, they would do away with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, and substitute some left wing socialist/commie dogma. I knew very well what you were implying. Just wanted you to come out and say it. We understand exactly what Obama's wife/husband "Michael" meant when he/she stated that Barry's inauguration was the first time in her life that she had every been proud of the USA.

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