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BlogsResults 1671 - 1679 of 1679 for maryland. (0.67 seconds)

Pick-3 for Dummies Thursday 10/21/2010
6-Way Box Combinations, (See Prediction Board for Straight Pick Selections) 701 210 256 026 571 675 251 706 Str/Box Combinations Using MjWinSmith's Magic Wheel 088 342 972 875 504 340 432 976 781 805 412 886 054 891...
Oct 21, 2010, 4:03 pm - mjwinsmith

Pick-3 for Dummies Sunday 09/19/2010
6-Way Box Combinations, (See Prediction Board for Straight Pick Selections) 701 210 256 026 571 675 251 706 Str/Box Combinations Using MjWinSmith's Magic Wheel 078 724 888 594 333 721 402564 915 432 297 150 789 964 406 *** Congratulation *** Arkansas players 6-8-3 on Friday, September 17th, using my Magic Wheel hit straight four (4) times for a win...
Sep 19, 2010, 9:16 am - mjwinsmith

Pick-3 for Dummies Wednesday 09/15/2010
6-Way Box Combinations, (See Prediction Board for Straight Pick Selections) 701 210 256 026 571 675 251 706 Str/Box Combinations Using MjWinSmith's Magic Wheel 580 792 643 474 217 130 825 478 904 501 729 636 180 865 393 801 157 436 265 748 612 *** Congratulation *** Ohio players 6-8-3 on Tuesday, September 14th, using my Magic Wheel hit straight six...
Sep 15, 2010, 9:29 am - mjwinsmith

Pick-4 for Dummies Tuesday 09/14/2010
Pick-4 for Dummies Pre-Test Numbers: 0323 1697 2481 3175 4512 5259 6038 7864 8764 9900 These are Pre-test numbers from our daily numbers simulated game, good for ALL states Mid-day as well as Evening. State specific numbers wil be run from our system and will be made available to subscribers of our service. Members of my Player's Club who are not subscribers can obtain...
Sep 14, 2010, 8:42 am - mjwinsmith

Pick-4 for Dummies Monday 09/13/2010
Pick-4 for Dummies Pre-Test Numbers: 0515 1241 2494 3026 4952 5839 6383 7160 8607 9778 These are Pre-test numbers from our daily numbers simulated game, good for ALL states Mid-day as well as Evening. State specific numbers wil be run from our system and will be made available to subscribers of our service. Members of my Player's Club who are not subscribers can obtain...
Sep 13, 2010, 8:03 am - mjwinsmith

Here are the results for Monday November 09, 2009!!
mrlottery15 Connecticut Play 3 Day 6-Way Box 5-7-9 7-5-9 $40 mrlottery15 Florida Cash 3 Evening 3-Way Box 1-3-1 1-1-3 $80...
Nov 10, 2009, 8:18 am - mrlottery15

Here are the results for Friday October 016, 2009!!
mrlottery15 Illinois Pick 3 Midday 6-Way Box 7-3-2 2-7-3 $40 mrlottery15 Illinois Pick 3 Midday 6-Way Box 7-2-3 2-7-3 $40...
Oct 17, 2009, 6:55 am - mrlottery15

Here are my subtraction and addition numbers results for Monday August 03, 2009!!
mrlottery15 California Daily 4 24-Way Box 2-7-9-6 7-6-9-2 $100 mrlottery15 Connecticut Midday 4 24-Way Box 2-7-9-6 2-6-9-7 $100...
Aug 4, 2009, 6:52 am - mrlottery15

Pick-4 for Dummies Wednesday 06/24/2009
Jun 24, 2009, 6:41 am - mjwinsmith