
ForumsResults 1 - 3 of 3 for computerized drawings. (0.02 seconds)

Georgia Jingle Jumbo Bucks-Again! 020-029
If Georgia ever starts computerized drawings, I will almost certainly quit playing their online games. I KNOW that it is possible to get a computer to do whatever you want it to. It would have to be unattached to the internet for it to be safe, and then how are they going to transmit the winners as fast? If the computer that is selecting the drawing has ever at any time in it's history been exposed to the internet, then there is a chance that someone could attach or remotely execute code which c
Jan 8, 2011, 10:24 pm - CarHauler - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Cheating scratch-offs
Each scratch off game is already determined. Why would you want to play a game thats pre-determined ?!?! It's the very reason why we all want lotto games to have lotto balls instead of computerized drawings. Avoid the scratch's a losing cause... if your lucky enough to get a win, take the money and run! Stick with the lotto 3,4,5 and 6 number games that havent been pre-determined yet. Just my 2 cents .. Good Luck Omniscient
Jan 10, 2008, 11:59 am - Omniscient - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Georgia's Response To My Complaints/Info You may want to know
RE: [Complaints/Feedback] Pretty Upset with Ga retailers Thursday, March 7, 2013 11:06 PM From: Georgia Lottery Thank you for contacting the Georgia Lottery Corporation (GLC). We apologize for the delay in our response. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you experienced while attempting to purchase Georgia Lottery tickets. The Georgia Lottery contracts with retailers throughout the state to sell tickets and pay prizes up to $600 on winning tickets, by cash, check, mo
Mar 12, 2013, 4:01 pm - chel$belle - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

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