
ForumsResults 101 - 110 of 5116 for jackpots. (2.33 seconds)

Ok the Jackpot is back down to normal
With MM and PB jackpots reset to their lowest amounts the local games jackpots are looking better, at least in Ohio it does. The local Classic Lotto (6/49) has a jackpot of $22.7M with odds of winning it only 10% of those of MM and PB. I'll be playing it for the next couple of drawings while PB and MM build up their jackpots.
Nov 30, 2012, 12:30 am - RJOh - Lottery Discussion Forum

Mega Millions Jackpot Increases To $13 Millions From $12 Millions On November 06, 2012.
I used to think that the jackpots came from Alpha Centauri.
Nov 10, 2012, 1:24 pm - mcginnin56 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Mega Millions Jackpot Increases To $13 Millions From $12 Millions On November 06, 2012.
I think it is because they have a lot of lottery players like cali, new york, texas and florida to name a few states with a lot of players. So they win their fair share of jackpots and I just hope oregon gets one every now and then so I have a chance to win one. But it is frustrating to see one state win like 3 to 5 jackpots a year when my state has only 3 powerball jackpots in the history of powerball. And no mega millions jackpots but we have been in mega millions since 2010. So you can't expe
Nov 7, 2012, 11:53 pm - weshar75 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Winning The Lottery Is A Mind Game.
I feel that the MM will be changing very soon. It is taking too long for the jackpots to reach the powerball jackpots level. It is true, big jackpots attract more players.
Oct 3, 2012, 4:46 pm - THRIFTY - Lottery Discussion Forum

What are some of the best quotes that you have read about playing the lottery?
my system won 4 jackpots in last 15 months, but im not shareing.
Sep 7, 2012, 11:42 pm - savagegoose - Lottery Discussion Forum

Powerball and Mega Millions both had $10 million increase
Guessing they keep the jackpots even so players buy both.
Aug 19, 2012, 6:41 pm - RedStang - Lottery Discussion Forum

Powerball and Mega Millions both had $10 million increase
Powerball jackpots increase by a minimum of $10 Millions with each roll.
Aug 19, 2012, 4:36 pm - THRIFTY - Lottery Discussion Forum

states winning
The big jackpots and second prizes are won with quick picks 70% to 80%.
Aug 7, 2012, 4:47 pm - THRIFTY - Lottery Discussion Forum

states winning
I rarely see any jackpots being won with self picks.
Aug 7, 2012, 3:16 pm - THRIFTY - Lottery Discussion Forum

Do You Think That Lotteries Represent Redistribution Of Wealth?
I think Publix Food Stores have sold the most Jackpots in Florida, Keke.
Aug 3, 2012, 11:00 pm - rdgrnr - Lottery Discussion Forum

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