
ForumsResults 111 - 120 of 362 for jackpots. (1.68 seconds)

Numbers in Spaces Method
Post the link Even a 2nd prize of $1M will be enough of a one time hit in those jackpots
Oct 7, 2019, 5:52 pm - NY10 - Lottery Systems Forum

Pick 5 using all numbers half split on 6-8 lines
I see what you mean and yes I'll admit it's potentially a handicap for jackpots (especially when repeats are prevalent) and I do realize that even if three or four numbers appear on one block of numbers it doesn't guarantee they will be on the same line. At the same time I also like using it because I hoard Freeplays and in the last two weeks I've won at least one free play (and one additional 3/5) in 11 of the last 14 draws. Later tonight I should have the step by step edited in to the
May 20, 2018, 9:27 am - LighthouseDoug - Lottery Systems Forum

Methods to win the Powerball
You're kidding right? Unfortunately there is no strategy to win big bucks on any lottery. If there was everybody would be rich and the lottery wouldn't exist anymore. Probably over 99% of jackpots are won with Quick Picks or favorite numbers. So there you go. Just buy more tickets.
Feb 15, 2017, 10:14 am - Lottomeister - Lottery Systems Forum

My method for big jackpots powerball
We can go back this past weekend. I will try to be able to show what I know. 12242016 the date draw 28-38-42-51-52 pb 21 6-1=5 and 4+1=5 Then look to see what else there is. Okay so what I did was write down these numbers. 1,3,4,5,8,10 The 10 won't really do. The key numbers are 5 and 8. Now when I posted for maddogs challenge I posted 61 and 62 because obviously reverse. The reversal was the date number 24 and reverse that to 42 or take the 4 and then the 2 right side. I
Dec 26, 2016, 10:07 pm - wander73 - Lottery Systems Forum

My Systems is working
Take a look at what I posted in the jackpots section. It is very interesting. I might have just figured out how to win a lot more on both games the PB and MM. The other pick games I will work on. The odds are stacked against many players and of course so many combos. But I took down Fridays date of the month, day and yr and came up with 28 numbers. Incredible.
Oct 6, 2016, 9:04 am - wander73 - Lottery Systems Forum

Recommend a Software for doing SUPER WHEELING
Super Wheeling may be a promotional phrase, but not a term in general use around lottery circles. That's what happens when players looking for easy ways to win lottery jackpots get their information from promotional ads selling lottery software.
Feb 23, 2016, 9:07 pm - RJOh - Lottery Systems Forum

...The Very First Filter Can Make or Break You
Filters are the killers of jackpots, the problem is that any reduction method we use can be considered a filter. RL
Jan 31, 2016, 8:54 am - RL-RANDOMLOGIC - Lottery Systems Forum

RL's T-Lex program download, free software
when i first done the sheets i was inputting info into lotsoft and it was for the pick 4 part of lotsoft . something to look at is the sums of the first four and last three i see certain sums hit alot more than others just something else to look at. RL i would never ask you to do more than you already do but if you was to incorporate my sheet into your program i think we will have more people hitting the jackpots i know it has made a big difference in my lexi picks. i know my sheets look messy b
Sep 12, 2015, 6:32 am - notmyday - Lottery Systems Forum

RL's T-Lex program download, free software
Guys, I can only say that I envy you that P-5 jackpots rollover at all where you live, let alone so much. The only game with jackpot rollover over here is P-6 so given the fact that the maximum jackpot for P-5 is ar. $ 60,000- 65,000 before the tax, it makes more sense to me to focus on that big game.
Jul 20, 2015, 3:36 pm - adamcustom - Lottery Systems Forum

GH System Discussion and Etc
There seems to be a consensus that all these programs and books needs lots of study and back testing. Since most players aren't willing to do that maybe it's time someone developed a system that does that automatically and allow players do make choices accordingly. Such a system might not be more productive as far as winning jackpots but it would be more interesting. Generating more interest will encourages more back testing and study and make playing lotteries even more entertaining. I think th
Apr 25, 2015, 12:29 pm - RJOh - Lottery Systems Forum