
ForumsResults 111 - 120 of 516 for jackpots. (0.25 seconds)

Print more ticket than the jackpot hit rate?
yeah but don't they keep the odds the same? like print either 3 million more tickets with 1 new jackpot, or 6 million additional tickets with 2 new jackpots, etc?
Aug 8, 2016, 2:30 pm - Iborret - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Florida Scratch Offs - Post Pictures if posible
haha i agree its been too long since weve heard from him :p. Played through some $20 and $10 today..prob 8 $20 and 2 $10 waiting on the wife. Won $20. lol thats the habit of the beast though. Hopefully one day we can all look back like Adam and laugh at the days of chasing the jackpots! Goodluck everyone!
Jul 10, 2016, 3:02 pm - ronkenneth88 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

How come there are so many hispanic winners?
I was curious so I went to the website and out of 48 winners shown with their photos, I counted about 7 who were hispanic, and one of the winners was shown in two separate photos, having won two separate jackpots!
Jul 10, 2016, 12:40 pm - Ralphie762 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Florida Scratch Offs - Post Pictures if posible
Whoa there Adam, what I'm saying is if someone can get just a little info from the FL Lottery that others have said they will provide (sometimes for a fee) you can avoid buying junk books. Based on the photos that were updated of $1M Jackpots on 50X on FL Lotto facebook page, here's what we know: Jackpot 21 of 24 - Unknown Jackpot 20 of 24 - Roll 591,534 Jackpot 19 of 24 - Unknown Jackpot 18 of 24 - Unknown Jackpot 17 of 24 - Roll 516,062 Jackpot 16 of 24 - Roll 491,627
Jun 28, 2016, 6:26 am - zzplayfaster - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Florida Scratch Offs - Post Pictures if posible
If that area wasnt so far away, I would have probably taken a huge chunk out of the remaining books. But that is 6+/- hours away from me. I may have a day around the weekend of the 8th to take a trip up there... If we get to that time and nothing changes with the jackpots remaining on 50x and 200ms, I might just bite the bullet and buy out BOTH games from AK.....
Jun 28, 2016, 1:02 am - EMTAdam - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Florida Scratch Offs - Post Pictures if posible
If it could be proven.. somehow.. that all 3...or even 2... jackpots were still out there, Id go after them big time... There is just so much unknown though.. =/
Jun 28, 2016, 12:54 am - EMTAdam - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Florida Scratch Offs - Post Pictures if posible
zzplayfaster: You seemed to be gathering some info on 50x wins and I did some digging, not sure if this helps even, but the original game had 16 jackpots. They did the reorder right before the 13th top prize was claimed. (Literally the day after they updated the website with the reorder, the next one was claimed). So there were 3 prizes from the original order that were unclaimed when they printed the new 8. Probably just a coincidence that there's currently 3 unclaimed, but thought it was worth
Jun 28, 2016, 12:40 am - oldghost - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Florida Scratch Offs - Post Pictures if posible
IMPORTANT 50X Information Dracos I just checked out the FL Media/Photos Page. I had to do a lot of searching, but I found the photos of the tickets of the 16th, 17th, and 20th of 24th Jackpot on 50X the cash posted on their FB page from December 2. The Roll Number this prize was won on was 591,534. This means your second book probably had no chance. I'm also guessing this is near the very end of the printing unless someone can confirm roll number for 50X starting in the 600s. 33,120,000 /
Jun 27, 2016, 11:40 pm - zzplayfaster - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Florida Scratch Offs - Post Pictures if posible
The jackpots on $200MS and 50x, are NOT in Cape Coral. Trust me... I looked. No more left. hahahaha
Jun 26, 2016, 11:12 pm - EMTAdam - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Florida Scratch Offs - Post Pictures if posible
I'd be curious to see what the sold % is for Power 8s and The Price is Right. TPIR is in a few places around here, no Power 8s that I've seen, but both have 2 jackpots left. How frequently can the same person request info from FL Lotto without them getting pissy about it?
Jun 26, 2016, 6:41 am - oldghost - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum