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How many jackpots have you won in a year
how many jackpots have you all won?
Mar 31, 2023, 2:28 am - msmillionaire - Lottery Discussion Forum

Do some of you plan to spend less money playing the lottery in 2014?
Probably wont play the MM as much because of the changes. The Powerball ...well....probably wont do that til it gets to 100M and heres why: Over the last 5 years(09-13) there have been 36 jackpots won over 100 M // 31 jackpots under 100 M. Since the $2 increase on 1/15/12: there have been more larger jackpots won(7) over $300 M as opposed going back through 2004 there were only 3 over 300 M(Hiles/Cotrell in 07 and Conagra group in 06 and Chaney/West in 05) 2013: 9 jackpots won
Jan 22, 2014, 11:39 am - CDanaT - Lottery Discussion Forum

powerball matrix
I don't think you get it. The difference between 135 million and 180 million to win isn't very much per ticket but would be enough to get much higher jackpots. If 135 or 180 is too much that's what state lotteries are for. Eventually dwindling sales will force them to change. No one wants a game with crummy jackpots and high odds. Its either low jackpots and low odds (some state games), high jackpots and low odds (like the Quinto game right now) or very high jackpots with really bad odds.Even qu
Mar 2, 2005, 12:06 am - dvdiva - Lottery Discussion Forum

What happened to the jackpots on the left
You can't see the MM or PB jackpots anymore.
Feb 10, 2005, 9:52 am - CASH Only - Lottery Discussion Forum

What is a lottery system? What distinguishes a lottery system from guesses, dreams and quick picks?
ameriken, These are from the Pick 5 and Jackpot Games Forums from a while back. Little Lotto is thd Illinois Pick 5 game, 5/39, drawn daily. Lotto is drawn three times a week. PP or SP is Player's Picks or self Picks, QP is Quick Picks. Little Lotto 2010: 150 Jackpots 65 PP 43.33% 131 QP 87.33% Solo jackpots: 114 76% Shared jackpots: 36 24% Highest jackpot: $1,125,000 Split five ways on Sep 21, 2010 Average jackpot: $231,386 Total jackpot money paid o
Apr 3, 2011, 1:03 am - Coin Toss - Lottery Discussion Forum

Want to hear a Joke: Giving you Moral Support: Imagine LP with 60 PB Jackpots under its belt:lol
Guys i know i wrote something similar to this before...Think of this as a joke, just trying to give you some Moral Support, so words of encouragement lift you up a little for even thought the battle might seen lost just think of this... Soon there will be 90,000 members that have signed into LP...If all 90,000 members were to each chip in: $50 a month for 2 years...It will be: 110 million dollars...Placed in the bank at: 5% it will be close to 6 million dollars coming to you every single year
Jan 2, 2010, 8:08 pm - pumpi76 - Lottery Discussion Forum

Lotto Georgia vs Lotto South
Also proves a high matrix multi state lotto game does not work in Kentucky: REPORT OF THE AUDIT OF THE KENTUCKY LOTTERY CORPORATION September 2001, the KLC introduced Lotto South as a replacement game for Lotto Kentucky. The KLCparticipates in this game with the Georgia and Virginia lotteries. The increased population base allows for higher and faster growing jackpots than the KLC could generate on its own. Despite those att
Dec 30, 2005, 6:13 am - MrBobb - Lottery Discussion Forum

Why can't they post jackpots for CA Daily 3 and Daily 4 ahead of time?
CA Lottery posts jackpots for all their draw games except Daily 3 and Daily 4. Jackpots for Daily 3 and Daily 4 are only determined after the draws have been conducted.
May 8, 2013, 10:05 pm - redhot7 - Lottery Discussion Forum

When it comes to the lottery, are kaleefornuan's misunderstood?
Cali wins their share of mega millions jackpots just like new york and I think that cali will still win their share of powerball jackpots but they don't win all the time so that is what I am hoping for when they join. To win a couple each year like new york but not all of the jackpots so other states can win like my state oregon. Don't forget that florida will get mega millions later this year so they may take some of new york and cali's jackpots too.-weshar75
Mar 7, 2013, 11:57 pm - weshar75 - Lottery Discussion Forum

California joins the Sand Box
Cant really predict what jackpots will be. Look how long it took for PB to finally have a big jackpot, after raising the price. Jackpots may indeed rollover higher and faster with CA in the fold, but....with more people playing it's also possible that there will be jackpots won more frequently also. I remember earlier this year when PB was getting hit before even getting close to $100 mil, and people were wondering when the big jackpots were gonna happen because of the price increase.
Nov 29, 2012, 10:26 pm - rcbbuckeye - Lottery Discussion Forum