
ForumsResults 11 - 20 of 362 for jackpots. (1.63 seconds)

Has Anyone Heard of This System??
Hey John, You said He promises at least 3 Fantasy-5 jackpots. In whose lifetime? or better yet, does he give you back your money if you don't get 3 fantasy-5 jackpots?
May 12, 2005, 11:44 am - crash - Lottery Systems Forum

Jackpot winning system EASY
Do you happen to know which of these Jackpots was by Quick Pick, versus choosing your own numbers ??
Nov 6, 2018, 1:18 pm - destinycreation - Lottery Systems Forum

Repeated number in any lottery game
I will give you a tip and trick on the big jackpots has something to do with the lottery pyramid and adding and subtracting certain numbers but it's not guaranteed
Dec 11, 2016, 10:23 pm - wander73 - Lottery Systems Forum

Lottery Director Professional Software The Ending
There are lottery companies in other countries and hold group together and has won many jackpots.
Jan 5, 2012, 10:10 pm - Hans - Lottery Systems Forum

All The Brains
I just took another look at the output from a computer simulation above of (5,39) Lotto. In 25 runs of 5,000,000 draws each, I see NO Jackpots (5/5). The distribution of (4/5) hits average close to expected but with some choppiness at the low end. ANYTHING is possible, but since chance would cause me to expect to see around 8 or 9 Jackpots on average in 5,000,000 draws, if this were my program, I would turn on the DEBUGGER, disable all the timer stuff, and take a serious look at my algorithms! J
Jun 1, 2011, 6:53 pm - jimmy4164 - Lottery Systems Forum

Good Investment: If you can do it: $355 Million dollar per year in USA
Or if everybody knew what was going to play, the jackpots would pay $20 split a million ways.
Feb 1, 2011, 10:20 pm - Stack47 - Lottery Systems Forum

Powerball, Mega..Winning The Jackpot Twice In A Row
I think I'd quit playing after hitting the first jackpot, I would be to busy shopping to think about jackpots.
Dec 24, 2010, 10:55 pm - sully16 - Lottery Systems Forum

The Lotto Black Book by Latty Blair - INQUIRY
That's pretty much the case for anyone who has never won a lottery jackpots but claims to be able to help others win one.
Mar 20, 2010, 5:57 pm - RJOh - Lottery Systems Forum

true system
I can't speak for the you guys , but it's the over 14 million possible combinations in 6/49 lottos and 146 million + in Powerball and Mega Millions that prevent 99.99% of the players from winning those multi-million dollar jackpots. There are players here on LP that play pick-3 and pick-4 games with $500 and $5000 jackpots that have hit several times. And some have won multiple jackpots by hitting one combination several times. you wouldnt be on this site asking for opinions, you would be se
Mar 6, 2008, 9:07 pm - Stack47 - Lottery Systems Forum

what is the best software for lotto pick6
Try LottoPro 2005,Lotto-Cheatah,Max-Hit Pro and Lotto-Sorcerer of course there's no guarantee you will win a jackpot but Jackpots have been won using the first 3 programs.
Jul 8, 2005, 7:47 pm - Pick-4_Master - Lottery Systems Forum