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Florida Scratch Offs - Post Pictures if posible
I say that jokingly, but also somewhat seriously Krissam. Adam hit two scratchoff jackpots in Coral Springs within a one month span. (2m Holiday Gifts, and King's Ransom) I know jackpots can be won anywhere, and that the largest population density in the state is in SOFL so naturally there should be more jackpots hit in that region. I also know that the statistical likelihood of that happening is extremely improbable, and a person probably has a better chance at getting struck by lightning. Then
Aug 3, 2016, 12:46 pm - Dracos - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Florida Scratch Offs - Post Pictures if posible
Hey fam. I have interesting info to share. I requested instant liability info on these games. Here's the percent sold, and jackpots remaining. $2 Electric 8s - 94% - 2/14 jackpots remaining (Fairly interesting, because there should only be 1/14 left- perhaps a jackpot was lost?) $5 Wheel of Fortune - 82% 4/12 jackpots remaining (Extremely interesting, if these are all out there the odds are much better - there should only be 2/12 jackpots remaining, MAYBE 3/12 max. ) $1 L
Sep 23, 2016, 4:38 pm - Dracos - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Florida Scratch Offs - Post Pictures if posible
Someone hit another $3m jackpot on the $20 Gold Rush game, meaning that the reordered rolls are definitely in circulation since the original order jackpots have all been claimed. So, there should be four jackpots remaining. They've been taking their time with updating jackpots on the prizes remaining page. $25 Fortune still lists 9 $1 million prizes, when in reality it is probably down to 4-5 tops. $25 Misfortune also still lists 38, but there's been numerous hits. Wouldn't surprise me
Jun 27, 2016, 2:45 pm - Dracos - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Unclaimed jackpots from games that ended?
I was looking at some games that ended months ago and I see that many jackpots remain unclaimed What do you think is the case with those? Did those tickets just never get bought? Or were they somehow not put into circulation in the first place? Or maybe someone did buy one of those and scratched it, but thought it was a loser and tossed it to the trash?
Mar 23, 2016, 4:38 am - Iborret - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

New games, FL and other states
Call me crazy but I dont think the jackpots are getting destroyed. The Florida lottery time releases jackpots and they know exactly which roll they are on. Someone in the lotterys security department knows im sure. On the other hand games like $250K Club , Cool $100K and Casino Action do raise eyebrows. Why were the first 2 ended with half the jackpots remaing ? Why has Casino Action not produced a jackpot in over 2 years ?
Apr 14, 2011, 7:13 pm - James1 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Florida Scratch Offs - Post Pictures if posible
Hi everyone, I took a hiatus from scratch-offs for awhile. All the inaccuracies and discrepancies have really put a bad taste in my mouth for the FL Lottery. Congrats to all of you that have won recently, saw some really nice hits. I've been playing the $25 Misfortune thinking it was due for a million and of course a million was just hit in Ocala, so I'm done with those for awhile. I was looking at the list of games ending soon and had a question. Of course when I ask the Lottery any qu
Feb 10, 2017, 2:04 pm - Taz-15 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Florida Scratch Offs - Post Pictures if posible
Any thoughts on the ending games for May 20? a few big wins still out there for those like 13 struck by luck progressive jackpots.(didnt expect to see that one gone so soon even though all the 1 mil jackpots are gone... 1 mil top prize on money tree and gold rush classic 1 mil second high prize. Are there new tickets coming soon?
May 19, 2022, 2:42 pm - Kristoff10 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Florida Scratch Offs - Post Pictures if posible
You would have to ask Adam? My guess is that he enjoyed the attention and rockstar status on this forum. Who knows? But one thing is for certain and my wager offer proved it, at least two of those massive jackpots never happened! The $250k KR and $1M WCC jackpots never happened to be specific.
Mar 18, 2018, 1:18 pm - jackpotchasing - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Florida Scratch Offs - Post Pictures if posible
Jasefan - Nice $25 win on the $1 Lots of Bucks! Getting those types of wins on $1 tickets feels amazing. That sucks that the Holiday tickets held out on you. My experience has been that books either contain alot of symbols, or no symbols at all. The books that have no symbols tend to have lower payout rates. That was my first time seeing the Win $100 symbol bell, and I've probably played close to 1,000 $10 Holiday Gifts tickets. Maybe more. I have an embarrassingly large pile of duds. Zzplay
Jun 24, 2016, 10:38 pm - Dracos - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

scratch off jackpots
does the lottery commission know which stores have the winning TOP prize scratch off tickets and if so will that store ever be sent another one ?? just wondering....the store where i buy my pick3 tickets sold a top prize $2 dollar ticket ($22,222.22) and i was just wondering if that will be the only TOP prize ticket scratch ticket of any kind they will recieve
Sep 22, 2007, 10:35 pm - rteague - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum