
ForumsResults 31 - 40 of 362 for jackpots. (1.58 seconds)

Gail Howard's Charts, how to reference?
Thanks for the quick reply. I am just playing 5/42. Going for something like 4/90 is too much luck involved as the odds go up drammatically. Jackpots rarely exceed 1/2 a million euros here but for me are enough. To be honest if i ever win my biggest wish is to escape office hours hehe (assuming i ll survive the shock) Anyway its only a drawing per week (a wednesday). So its not that much. I know in the States drawing are more frequent and the jackpots reach Biblical proportions.
Feb 27, 2011, 5:41 pm - alvin73 - Lottery Systems Forum

the proven lotto system
Most people probably look at the multi-million dollar payoffs and are pleasantly surprised if they happen to hit a lower tier prize. How long would a 5/56 Pick-5 game last if it paid nothing for 2 out of 5, $7 for 3 out of 5, $150 for 4 out of 5, and with a jackpot of $250,000? And since most of the states with Powerball and/or MegaMillions have a version of a Pick-5 game with smaller matrixes (5/37), better lower tier prizes, and in some instances, higher jackpots, its a no-brainer. I'd
Feb 17, 2007, 1:32 pm - Stack47 - Lottery Systems Forum

Lottery programs
Quote: Originally posted by bobby623 on January 05, 2004 If the same person showed up at the lottery office to claim a jackpot more than once, lottery security would be out in force. I don't think anyone has won more than once in any given lotto. I read where a man won two jackpots using the same numbers in two different state lotteries. But, when you come right down to it, there will never be a number generator that will win consistently. In Texas, the lottery uses 3 different machines, 4 ball
Jan 8, 2004, 12:07 am - BobP - Lottery Systems Forum

What do you NEED to come up with a Winning Lotto System??
I think it might a good thing to post Predictions - because, it will show IF you can pick winners. And, more importantly, if your methods or system is one that works - or in most cases - does not. My entire motivation is showing my Bro and wife that it IS possible to find a way to get numbers if there are 'goal posts' in place (1-39 or 1-54, etc) and even though a RNG might be tossing out numbers, something is programmed. In a Reddit thread that is now posted all over the place, some guy who
Sep 22, 2015, 12:41 pm - CashCrown - Lottery Systems Forum

The Best Lotto Program...
Lotwin or Lotwin32 by Futuresoft is both relatively easy to use while very sophisticated in operation. The program is one of the few that easily allows you to set filters and then build a wheel on the fly around the filters with a valid guarantee if your filter settings are correct. Most filtering lottery software removes lines from the wheel which voids the guarantee even with the removal of a single line. What this means, is you can really narrow down the odds with correct choices as to
Feb 1, 2006, 2:27 am - BobP - Lottery Systems Forum

T-lex anyone still using it?
What are the odds of that happening? 3 jackpots in 2 years and you get shutout? if you knew they didn't take debit cards the first time why didn't you just pay cash going forward or find another place? that's too bad.
Feb 9, 2019, 1:37 pm - Lottomeister - Lottery Systems Forum

RL's - Pick 3 "FLIP" Program
The light bulb got brighter!! I love better odds for sure. Looking good RL best of luck to you. Jackpots can,t be won everyday but returns keep you going for the next draw. When my flip II gives me numbers higher than possible for my 5-36 i disregard them.
Jan 13, 2018, 8:54 pm - notmyday - Lottery Systems Forum

in your opinion what´s the best working system with facts?
Everyone who buys tickets and win less than they spent help build the jackpots. Assuming everyone posting on the prediction board put some thoughts into their picks, do they perform any better than the overall averages posted on official lotteries websites?
Dec 4, 2016, 3:13 pm - RJOh - Lottery Systems Forum

in your opinion what´s the best working system with facts?
That is true because 95%of players buy qp because they are too lazy to put the work in on a program so it only goes to say 70% of the winners are that high. How many millions are bought on qp's verses player picks. So if you took a 50/50 spit on qp's and player picks and they had to spend same money on tickets i am sure player picks would out perform by a large margin. Just my opinion but hey we need them qp players to build the jackpots.
Dec 4, 2016, 12:45 pm - notmyday - Lottery Systems Forum

Billion Dollar Powerball winning number AGREES with Dr.Miracle's Theory
If the system works so well then why haven't you won any major jackpots? There's always a pattern....after of course the numbers are drawn.
Feb 12, 2016, 11:21 pm - tnlottodreamer - Lottery Systems Forum