
ForumsResults 41 - 50 of 5116 for jackpots. (2.11 seconds)

I don't get why there isn't an option to do half Lump sum and half Annuity...:/
All those years that I have been playing and often winning prizes I never worried about jackpots or other people winning the jackpots.
May 16, 2021, 4:45 pm - Speler - Lottery Discussion Forum

permutations for Lottery Jackpots
Hi guys, someone will have a tool or a system that allows me to get all the permutations for Lottery Jackpots, please, please, please. greetingsssss ......
Dec 26, 2020, 7:31 pm - Mayte - Lottery Discussion Forum

Why so many Unclaimed Jackpots for Mega Millions and Power Ball?
Soooooooo it looks like most of the jackpots in the last 6 ish months are still unclaimed... For powerball there are 5 (granted one was just one last night) and 3 for mega millions. These are grand prize jackpots and in these troubled times I can see people just sitting on a winning ticket? Any theroies on this? COVID? N N
Aug 13, 2020, 1:18 pm - Northern Nevada - Lottery Discussion Forum

Mega Million And Powerball Jackpots Rollback
l like the jackpots in the $40 mil range.
Jun 26, 2020, 1:04 am - noise-gate - Lottery Discussion Forum

Bigger MM and PB Jackpots.
Every time the Mega Millions and Power Ball increase the matrix to make it harder to win, it's because they say the players want bigger jackpots. But I have never seen any surveys saying this. So what do you want? Do you want bigger matrix's in order to have bigger jackpots and fewer jackpot winners or, Do you want smaller matrix's in order to have smaller jackpots and more frequent jackpot winners or, Should they keep it the way it is now.
Oct 29, 2017, 7:44 pm - grwurston - Lottery Discussion Forum

Winning Big Jackpots!!
No One I * know, plays to win small jackpots.
Sep 29, 2017, 10:19 am - noise-gate - Lottery Discussion Forum

Winning Big Jackpots!!
winning big jackpot!!
Sep 25, 2017, 2:16 am - msmillionaire - Lottery Discussion Forum

How many JACKPOTS , have you won?
Congrats on your wins, thats almost like Richard Lustigs 7 jackpot prizes he won. Just funny in my view such small amounts are really not worth the name jackpots...thats like hitting the pick3 straight and now you are a jackpot winnerIf you won A million and up please use the word jackpots...if you won less than that please use the word prizes On a side note who will win 7 jackpots and roll out a book to teach people how to play the lottery correctly and be dependent on internet marketting of th
Aug 19, 2017, 10:57 pm - Ricklou - Lottery Discussion Forum

How many JACKPOTS , have you won?
I won 2 jackpots, one in lottery and one in bingo, 5 years ago!!!!
Aug 16, 2017, 11:22 pm - msmillionaire - Lottery Discussion Forum

What would be your lottery wish for 2017?
Besides me winning multiple jackpots, ALL STATES OFFER PLAYERS THE OPTION OF ANONYMITY.
Jan 1, 2017, 7:14 pm - mypiemaster - Lottery Discussion Forum