
ForumsResults 41 - 50 of 516 for jackpots. (0.28 seconds)

Washington State Lottery
North Carolina's considerably larger population means a lot more lottery players, thus larger top prizes and jackpots.
Sep 24, 2014, 12:55 am - Scratch$ - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

CA Lottery - California Love - CA Lottery Scratchers
Looks like the 3 tickets with Big jackpots outstanding are $10 gold, $5 LFL and $5 win it all.
Jan 14, 2014, 3:55 pm - ScratchMe - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

NY Scratch-off Discussion
the only $20 ticket new york currently have is the win for life spectacular and the odds is pretty high.....there is only 2 jackpots left for that game
May 16, 2011, 7:33 pm - brothadan - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

NY Scratch-off Discussion
sorta agree with jada....the jackpot winner stories on are mostly from upstate or places i never heard of lol....the ny metro area needs more jackpots!!
Apr 23, 2011, 8:12 pm - brothadan - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

NY Scratch-off Discussion
Dude jackpots come from all over NY. The way I see it, it's all about the areas income level and sales volume of a store. Lower income areas are more likely to hit the big win for life jackpots and such for obvious reasons. Also high volume stores are more likely to have big prizes as they go through rolls much faster. So if you're buying from quiet stores, I'd instead look into very busy retailers and if you're really desperate travel to some poorer areas in NYC and buy a roll or play tickets i
Apr 23, 2011, 6:38 pm - Adrift - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Old scratch-off games you'd like to scratch again
There really isnt any older scratcher that Id like to see or that I miss. The reason is, here in FL the jackpots are highter than they used to be on the games I play. Back in the day a $10 scratcher would get you up to $250,000...Now a $10 scratcher is minimum $1 Million as a Top Prize. Now the smaller tickets $2, $5's etc have smaller jackpots on alot of them, but I usually play the $10's $20's
Apr 10, 2011, 5:10 pm - B$Rizzle - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Florida Raffle Ticket $10 with 7 (700,000) Prizes
True, but with Fantasy 5, a player cant not win anything close to $700,000 =) These days there are multiple winners on Fantasy 5 and the jackpots are averaging close to $40,000-$125,000 per win due to players splitting the jackpots
Mar 23, 2011, 10:32 am - B$Rizzle - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

$1 or $2 Scratchoffs with $50, $200 "Jackpots": Do you waste your money?
I dont get these scratchoffs I see that give a super low jackpot chance, i.e. Quick 50 or Hit 200 . It absolutely baffles me why anyone would waste there money. Here you have a dollar to spend on a ticket: Do I get the one where I can win fifty bucks, for 10,000 bucks? To me, the key is in the odds: They hardly differ. I am sure in the grand scheme of things I have a better chance of hitting for 50 than 10,000, but if I am going to gamble I would rather truly GAMBLE. But maybe I am missing
Jan 1, 2011, 5:18 pm - TheOtherOne - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

FLA Scratch-Offs
It appears the lottery form of gambling bait and switch is common among all wagering venues. Our local casino has tightened up the slot machines to the point where they don't pay more than a 'cherry' in 20 to 25 plays. When the place first opened, the machines were always hitting jackpots, and they left the floor layout unchanged. Now, they move everything around, they've gotten rid of my favorite quarter machines (replacing them with nickel machines, the biggest rip-offs you'll ever see) and th
Sep 21, 2010, 6:24 am - Daveyl - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Scratch ticket idea
exactly. think of the jackpots that could come from that, especially if the scratch ticket cost more than a dollar.
Sep 20, 2004, 10:07 pm - DoctorEw220 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum