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Is mega millions worth playing anymore?
States Don't Win jackpots- people Do.
Jan 17, 2015, 1:46 pm - noise-gate - Lottery Discussion Forum
Multi-state lottery jackpots are growing at a smaller pace
Anyone notice how much slower the jackpots for both the Mega Millions and Powerball are growing? At this range, the jackpots used to increase by 30+ million with each drawing. Now it seems they are being capped as the jackpot history for both shows much smaller growth than what has been happening in years past.
I am assuming that the jackpots have gotten so large so many times over the past two years that they decided to cap the growth rate in order to pay out less money.
Jan 14, 2015, 3:46 am - waryman - Lottery Discussion Forum
Plans for 2015?
Let us hope and pray for record jackpots in both Mega Millions and Power Ball !!
Jan 1, 2015, 4:17 pm - music* - Lottery Discussion Forum
Powerball Matrix Change - April 15, 2015
Dec 13, 2014, 9:11 pm - THRIFTY - Lottery Discussion Forum
When is I agwin ta be jackpot winna?
updating one's to do list is great busy work between jackpots
Nov 9, 2014, 5:37 pm - hearsetrax - Lottery Discussion Forum
Well, that did not take long for Cali to get back in the game
And if they were banned people would be complaining about low jackpots.
Nov 1, 2014, 11:18 am - Coin Toss - Lottery Discussion Forum
Are Mega Millions sales really that bad now?
I prefer to look at the growth of the cash values rather than jackpots alone because jackpots can vary with interest rates and their cash values.
Oct 26, 2014, 8:57 pm - RJOh - Lottery Discussion Forum
POLL: Jackpot fever vs no jp fever
I prefer jackpot fever, bigger jackpots and also the smaller prizes increase with each roll
Oct 12, 2014, 3:13 am - KillerDemo - Lottery Discussion Forum
Another lottery secret revealed
I have a team we don't share jackpots we share numbers .
Jul 29, 2014, 3:48 pm - basil19 - Lottery Discussion Forum
Does anyone miss Jackpot fever?
I remember when those big jackpots were won many saying it would be nice if the jackpots were smaller with more winners. Now that second prize winners are getting a million dollars and the big jackpots are smaller and being won more often should make a lot of players happy. There's still the chance that a big jackpot can happen, after all they happened when the odds of winning were better.
Jul 28, 2014, 10:22 am - RJOh - Lottery Discussion Forum