
ForumsResults 1 - 3 of 3 for jackpots. (0.05 seconds)

Florida Scratch Offs - Post Pictures if posible
Hey Dracos, good to see you doing well. Hello to you as well Skeptic. Just wanted to add that I thought EMT Adam hit 2 more jackpots along with that $2 million........all within a year or so? It was something insane. I want to say it was $250k on the $5 Kings Ransom ticket, and I could have sworn he hit another big one, for a total of 3 jackpots in something ridiculous like less than 1 year.
Jul 26, 2023, 8:02 pm - Numb3rs1 - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Is there a such thing as a loaded scratch off roll
Congrats on your lucky streak. I think the short answer is that there are some books that turn a profit, but it's a bit like chasing a unicorn. There are a fair number of youtube channels devoted to players scratching PA tickets. A few of them do entire books from time to time and I've seen them end up with a profit but more often than not, they end up counting themselves lucky to get half their money back. So tread cautiously. One thing I have found that's a bit puzzling. If you look at the
Oct 5, 2023, 7:15 am - OhSoClose - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

Florida Scratch Offs - Post Pictures if posible
Hey BuyLow, good to hear from you and hope all is well. I think your observation on the below raises great questions with respect to vendor and player activity. I've chatted with some of my local trusted Lotto agents for years ago so might now have a better understanding of how the above might happen. First, many people will scratch numerous tickets, and it's clear that through the years there's been major wins mistakenly discarded. The store proprietors (or trusted relative) will colle
Jan 28, 2023, 3:13 am - Cape $cratcher - Instant ("Scratch-Off") Games Forum

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