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Florida Fantasy-5 Players
Thank you for all of that math! I don't play PB or MM very often. The odds just boggle my mind, but I've been wondering lately what makes the most sense. Am I kind of wasting money chasing small jackpots? A F5 win would help my immediate life, but it's not life changing. Isn't that what most people are after? So, my first step will go back to playing JTP when it's at least a million. I'm thinking of dropping F5 and JTP at some point and just sticking with the bigger games. 2025.....
Aug 4, 2024, 12:00 pm - fla33023 - Pick 5 Forum
Take5 NY
So how about a quick life lesson here? Who am I to talk ,just an older man who's ready to retire after 40 years doing the same job but these numbers keep me occupied on so many mornings even on my vacation I get up,I get a coffee and I come to the park for an hour, what a great place to figure out some numbers of course it's keeping the mind active always trying to figure out an angle and I've been doing it for years and like I said if you know me and my style of playing the game , it has kept m
Aug 29, 2024, 11:14 am - caspernina - Pick 5 Forum
Florida Fantasy-5 Players
JPT's hottest number all time (574 drawings) is #2 with 93 hits. Tonite's draw will be the 575th JPT drawing since 2/1/2019.
Hottest number in the most recent 104 draws is #41 with 22 hits.
Hottest number since January 1, 2024 (61 drawings) is #44 with 14 hits. (two numbers are ranked second with 13 hits. They are - #'s 3 16. There are two numbers ranked third with 12 hits - #'s 29 41. There are four numbers ranked fourth with 11 hits each - 1, 13, 23 24.
Hottest JPT numbers in July
Aug 2, 2024, 7:53 am - GiveFive - Pick 5 Forum