
ForumsResults 141 - 150 of 407 for web site. (5.14 seconds)

STRAIGHT System for Pick 3
Hopefully you're aware that he is not promoting the web site out of the goodness of his heart. That would be naive. I know he's said he doesn't own the site. That may be true (or not). But nobody promotes a site like that unless financially motivated. Again, is anyone asking for your e-mail address? If so, they want your money.
Apr 22, 2011, 10:11 pm - Todd - Lottery Systems Forum

Let the dates do the dirty work P-3 system
I must say something here. Just this week I saw online a system/ secret that showed (an example given online at the web site) I will not post the site. About when the digit 0 appeared inside of the pick 3, what to expect in the pick 4. then I see it here at the Lottery Post as well. Information gets around!
Jan 26, 2011, 4:14 pm - LAVERNE MALONEY - Lottery Systems Forum

Win Your Lottery by Lotto-Logix Is Now Available
Thanks Prov1x I appreciate your support. btw: Your site is now listed on Lotto-Logix. If anyone here on LotteryPost has a nice lottery web site or knows of a nice lottery web site I don't list, please let me know. I am happy to list useful sites at no charge on Lotto-Logix even if you don't link back to me. It's all about the information. Posts fade into the background, sites and articles stick around so if you want a shot at lotto immortalit
Feb 11, 2009, 3:16 pm - BobP - Lottery Systems Forum

Tn Lottery
Thanks for the heads-up. I see that message on their site now too. I wonder if we'll see an updated web site when it reopens? Or maybe they're having more glitches?
Sep 22, 2007, 6:13 pm - Todd - Lottery Systems Forum

vtracs....useless or not??
Tenaj, As soon as you start saying anything that implies that I do anything here just to bring in memberships and upgrades is a flat-out insult. Now I'm angry about this, and I'm not kidding. You should know better. For SIX years I have funded this web site out of my own pocket. I do not make anywhere close to the money it takes to run this site out of membership fees and advertising costs. In fact, I run practically no ads at all. Go to any other web site of this size, and see
Mar 4, 2006, 8:17 pm - Todd - Lottery Systems Forum

My Lotto Magic - by Arlene Meeks
That was a pretty interesting, humorous response by Copperhead. Obviously, as copperhead states, he is the publisher of that web site, and the one raking in the money from the business.You can tell that the light is being shined on his shady business in public for the first time, because it evoked such a strong response.Even though you couldn't help but post a profanity-laced response (quite crude and rude -- not very becoming), I'll leave it untouched so people can see the type of slime who is
Nov 21, 2005, 8:37 pm - Todd - Lottery Systems Forum

Lottery Prediction by Recurrence Analysis
Hello and welcome FrankieH.Have you loaded a data file in first? Without that VRA won't do anything. Go to my web site and you'll see some screen shots of VRA taking you through the initial steps. Let me know if you're still stuck: those already familiar with my site, it seems I made a mistake interpreting the chessboard pattern. The curve that generates it isn't a sinusoid but a square wave (which can be neatly expressed as a Fourier series: I'll put it up on the si
Sep 6, 2005, 2:46 am - NemeSys - Lottery Systems Forum

Union Jack Pick 3 Method
From the original instructions, you take the weeks last draws (if a 5 Regular week, you take the last 5 draws; if a 2 Irregular week, you take the last 2 draws) and add them together to get the BASE NUMBER. You then start adding 3 numbers together in the UNION JACK fashion (diagonal/down/diagonal/diagonal/across/diagonal for a REGULAR week and diagonal/across/diagonal/diagonal/down/diagonal for an IRREGULAR week) until you get 10 lines of numbers past your BASE NUMBER. If this web site could a
Jun 29, 2005, 10:47 am - Atomic Dog - Lottery Systems Forum

NAME THE biglooooser BABY
Quote: Originally posted by psykomo on April 8, 2005 Chasing Bombers.......................................................................................!!!!!!!?????Don Que Psykomo (went back) for a bakers dosen of (13)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! personal...............hand-hicked MM numbers tonight and arrived at his FAVORITE QP place at....@ 10:15 PM......................(BUT).....................machine went DOWN @ 10:00 PM?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Whyyyyyy
Apr 9, 2005, 12:44 am - psykomo - Lottery Systems Forum

** Free lotto system **
ENOUGH OF THE FREE ADS.I am getting so sick and tired of people with products and web sites taking advantage of the fact that I bent the rules for them one time and let them post their links. Instead of graciously posting the link, and leaving it at that, they keep posting the link over and over, in an attempt to keep bumping the thread to the top.It's getting so pathetic that I'm now going to take on a new policy: if someone does this, I'll not only suspend their account, but I'll also delete
Dec 1, 2004, 11:24 pm - Todd - Lottery Systems Forum