
ForumsResults 11 - 20 of 390 for western canada. (1.53 seconds)

The Magic Strings
You got anything for Western Canada?
Feb 18, 2007, 11:16 am - Rakster - Lottery Systems Forum

Adolf's STR8 Shooter..Testers welcome
In western canada its mostly off by 2 numbers.
Jan 23, 2007, 11:08 pm - paint1 - Lottery Systems Forum

The positive cash flow system
Doesn't work in Western Canada.
Dec 10, 2005, 4:09 pm - paint1 - Lottery Systems Forum

"The A Train": At The Speed Of Benjamin$
I'm showing some of the one draw states. Find the state either go up one line, down one line or in the same section to see the state's performance. For example, look at A1, Western Canada for July 19, the next hit is found on A2, July 21, 2009 down one line. Then look at A2, Western Canada, go up one line you will see the hit for July 22, 2009. A1: 012 013 014 023 024 034 123 124 134 234 Sun, Jul 19, 2009 Western Canada Pick 3 1-3-2 Wed, Jul 22, 2009 Western Canada Pick 3 0-4-1
Jul 23, 2009, 4:14 am - LAVERNE MALONEY - Lottery Systems Forum

Sunday's to Saturday's
Where can we find this tool to test our lottery? If you can show me this works in Western Canada you got a winner here... as no one wins in Western Canada.
Mar 6, 2019, 9:56 pm - Rakster - Lottery Systems Forum

Maximizing My Gem$ Hit$
I'm sure that most of you know by now that I use the states dates method as one of my lottery tools to help me find the winning #'s. Below is a list of states dates from Jan 31, 2005 thru Jan 4, 2006 (scroll down to the beginning of the list). The list is to be used for this week. Today is Jan 30, 2006, look at each month on or around the 30th see where the gems appeared. If you look beyond the 30th it gives you a heads up as to what geographical locations may be candidates for My Gem$. Lo
Jan 30, 2006, 1:37 am - LAVERNE MALONEY - Lottery Systems Forum

Expert Lotto
Where was I? A cornfield at Antietam? Guadalcanal? I haven't looked to see whether PadawanLotto's posting predictions. If he is, Expert Lotto might be on coffee-break. Might be just a lull in the fighting, Padawan being everyone the yankees had on the siege of Vicksburg, West Virginia Pick 6 dug in behind all those ten miles of trenches and bunkers, settling in for a long wait. But whatever Expert Lotto and Padawan have been doing, West Virginia's killing all of us at the moment. Do
Jul 20, 2006, 12:20 pm - Rip Snorter - Lottery Systems Forum

RRP3 Easy Mirror Flip Playlist
Hello Could you please provide Numbers for Arizona, Idaho, New Jersey, Indiana and Iowa, Ontario, Quebec and Western Canada?
Jun 23, 2022, 6:56 pm - peter242 - Lottery Systems Forum

Pick 3 Doubles Trigger Really That Works! See Proof!
Hello Could you please provide Numbers for Arizona, Idaho, New Jersey, New York, Ontario, Western Canada and Quebec?
Jun 23, 2022, 6:54 pm - peter242 - Lottery Systems Forum

TRIPLES Number Strategy
Can you take a look at Western Canada please. Thanks.
Jun 3, 2022, 12:17 pm - Philly222 - Lottery Systems Forum