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No Tolls Tonight at Bay Bridge Tonight, Lottery Office Will Pay Bill
If you put off your trip to the Eastern Shore until after 7 p.m. tonight, you can cross the Bay Bridge without paying a toll.The Maryland Lottery is picking up the cost of the tolls until midnight. The Maryland Transportation Authority is hoping the toll-free ride will induce some drivers to avoid the typical afternoon crush at the bridge.The Lottery office also sponsored on two other Fridays this summer. On August 15th, the Ocean Conservancy became the first private entity to participate in the
Aug 29, 2003, 11:18 am - Lottery News

Lottery hits sales record, falls short of expectations
The Maryland Lottery inched to new records in sales and payments into state coffers this year, but its tiny gains left it short of the revenue expectations built into the state budget. The lottery agency released figures yesterday for the fiscal year that ended June 30 showing that sales increased $15 million to $1.32 billion - a 1.1 percent increase. The amount of money paid to the state increased slightly less than $1 million to $444 million, according to lottery Director Buddy Roogow.In its a
Jul 30, 2003, 3:44 am - Lottery News

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