Oh it's not starting fights, it's just putting things into perspective is all.
What you said is true, if he didn't want to answer, he wouldn't have and he can stick up for himself and this is true because James from the start
has been open, honest, a darn nice guy and REAL. It's those kinds you just feel the need to step in for because they are so nice, they wouldn't
put many, if anyone, down....or in their place.
I'm glad skeptic, B$Rizzle and Lucki stepped in and said their piece, that's another out of the norm behavior in forum type settings...a lot of people
just sit back and wait to see what happens or what's revealed - they don't have to take a side, their 'need to know' is satisfied without typing a
word. Some things are taboo for a reason......no social boundries and we'd all be uncivilized in no time.
Just like skeptic said, where do you draw the line?...this thread is for posting winners no matter how small, large, the quantity bought, the amount of
times played or the amount of money spent.
I'm happy to see winners here....it's a great thread to get all kinds of instant info and see different tickets and A HUGE WTG to all the winners lately
I have to add PA must be playing the shifting game again....they shifted the good ones out of my area....hey, Matt...did they send them over your
way? Because all they left here were the $5, $10 and $20 winners. I guess if I wait about a week or so, I can take advantage of the $500 or $1,000
cycle again....maybe. I'd much rather be in the Million dollar cycle, but, can't have it all I guess.
They are SO predictable...they must be losing their touch...or their minds.