Honolulu, Hawaii United States
Member #3,263
January 6, 2004
2,253 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by OhSoClose on Jan 24, 2020
All of the TT1's are marked N, but I'm fairly certain they all contained the winning numbers. The mid-day for 1/20 was marked N but had it in the 1-2-3 Rundown. And the 1-Off & Mirror Rundown for mid-day 1/19 was marked N incorrectly. Can't locate the one that was marked Y incorrectly at the moment but I only recall one like that.
Thanks for the quick note. I know this N part and will explain the reason of it below and will also fi it.
I was more concerned of the Y part, coz' that is th true logic glitch,. you should not found any incorrect Y.
If you or anyone do find an incorrect Y, definitely let me know. Wrong Y is a serious flaw but so far whatever testing I have done, the chances of wrong Y is very rare.
Now about the incorrect N part and mostly in the TTTs-
The whole number generation part is based on Highlighted digits which is the DATE SUM and its MIRROR of draw date.
The way I am generating number combinations is based on the high lighted digits. I create number combinations based on these 2 major conditions:
The digits should all be connected to each other.
At least one of the digits of number combination should either be the HIGHLIGHTED digit or directly connected to the highlighted digits.
If the above 2 conditions are not met, then I do not include that particular combination in the list. If the number is not in the list, then when i check for winning number, it says N
In the TTTs, given only 9 digits (and some repeating ones), there are so many times when there are no highlighted / date sum digits and that is when my list of numbers becomes empty ([]).
In all such cases when we won't find any highlighted digits, there will be no number generation. That is the reason you see N even when you see the TTT visually you see number combinations are right there.
To fix that glitch, this is what I am going to do. When I will find there are no highlighted digits in a particular workout, I will simply make all digits as part of the highlighted digits. This way we will not have number list as empty and there will be NO false N in the back testing.
Tyrone, PA United States
Member #198,210
May 15, 2019
234 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by witty on Jan 24, 2020
I see this one for 1/19/2020 PA back tseting results.
Can you please cross check and let me know if I am looking something differently that you , so we can address correctly together.
Yes, that's the one. The mid-day was 998, but that number does not appear in the prediction. The evening drawing of that same day was 057, it's correctly marked Y and the number does appear in the prediction.
Honolulu, Hawaii United States
Member #3,263
January 6, 2004
2,253 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by OhSoClose on Jan 24, 2020
Yes, that's the one. The mid-day was 998, but that number does not appear in the prediction. The evening drawing of that same day was 057, it's correctly marked Y and the number does appear in the prediction.
Let's see if we both are in the same page.
Midday 1/19 was 998
So the workout was created using the number 998. and we will be seeing if the predicted numbers has one of the following combinations:
Evening 1/19 057 -- This one for Midday to Evening Category
Next Day Midday 317 (1/20) - This one for Midday to Midday Category
There is no reason to find 998 in the workout , as that is the draw number based on which the workout was created.
Please let me know if we are looking 2 different things .
Tyrone, PA United States
Member #198,210
May 15, 2019
234 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by witty on Jan 24, 2020
Let's see if we both are in the same page.
Midday 1/19 was 998
So the workout was created using the number 998. and we will be seeing if the predicted numbers has one of the following combinations:
Evening 1/19 057 -- This one for Midday to Evening Category
Next Day Midday 317 (1/20) - This one for Midday to Midday Category
There is no reason to find 998 in the workout , as that is the draw number based on which the workout was created.
Please let me know if we are looking 2 different things .
Yes, I think I mentioned that I might not be 100% clear on how the predictions worked in an earlier post in this thread. I obviously misunderstand how the whole structure works. I thought (for example) that the 3-1 Rundown associated with the 1/21/20 mid-day Pick 3 drawing was the output of that particular rundown in support of predicting the 1/21/20 mid-day Pick 3 drawing.
Since that's not true, which drawing does it support? In looking at it now that I know my premise is wrong, it looks like you mean the rundown to support BOTH that evening's Pick 3 AND the following mid-day drawing. Is that true? If yes, then I totally missed that part of it.
I thought the backtesting was organized to show which rundowns pointed toward a given drawing, but now I'm thinking you mean for the rundown to use a given drawing in support of the next two drawings to follow. If that's correct, then I'll take another look at my documentation from that angle.
Honolulu, Hawaii United States
Member #3,263
January 6, 2004
2,253 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by OhSoClose on Jan 24, 2020
Yes, I think I mentioned that I might not be 100% clear on how the predictions worked in an earlier post in this thread. I obviously misunderstand how the whole structure works. I thought (for example) that the 3-1 Rundown associated with the 1/21/20 mid-day Pick 3 drawing was the output of that particular rundown in support of predicting the 1/21/20 mid-day Pick 3 drawing.
Since that's not true, which drawing does it support? In looking at it now that I know my premise is wrong, it looks like you mean the rundown to support BOTH that evening's Pick 3 AND the following mid-day drawing. Is that true? If yes, then I totally missed that part of it.
I thought the backtesting was organized to show which rundowns pointed toward a given drawing, but now I'm thinking you mean for the rundown to use a given drawing in support of the next two drawings to follow. If that's correct, then I'll take another look at my documentation from that angle.
Hi There,
First of all I got to say, good discussion points here. Given I don't have any formal document how to navigate my system, this might be a good forum for others also to read and understand how different workouts and system works and what to expect from each of the feature.
We usually create the workout from current draw number to predict the next winning number to HIT BIG.
That is the whole reason for creating the workout. Some of the workouts work draw to draw and some day to day. Which means from the workout based on current draw number, we try to find the next winning number and play them to get HIT.
The idea of back testing is , once the next winning numbers are already drawn, we go and check if the workout we created from previous draw number was really helpful in predicting the next winning number or not. Some workouts do very well, and some not so great and some work for a while then go in silent mode and then again get active. By back testing the patterns, we find out when to use which workout for a particular state.
I think you were looking to see the other way around, but that's not what we are aiming here. We are simply aiming to target the next HIT so we play smart to win.
So if we have a workout from today's midday winning number:
Tomorrow after we get all results of next 2 draws, the back testing should show the following:
Midday to Evening : to test if the evening number came from the workout
Midday to Midday : to test is next day's midday draw came from current midday workout.
This is the reason you will see the back testing results for state workouts are always 2 day old. Because I wait for the nxt 2 draws number to come before and run the back testing.
The daily Pyramid workout works in a different way, it only tracks all the winning numbers for same day only for all states. That's why it is easy to see and track its output real time unlike the state workouts where we have to wait for next 2 draws to see the performance of any workout.
Tyrone, PA United States
Member #198,210
May 15, 2019
234 Posts
Not the first time I've misunderstood something in the forums. And probably not the last time either.
I just had them in the wrong order, which means I'll need to go back through the backtesting with that in mind and see what correlations I can find between different systems.
Honolulu, Hawaii United States
Member #3,263
January 6, 2004
2,253 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by OhSoClose on Jan 24, 2020
Not the first time I've misunderstood something in the forums. And probably not the last time either.
I just had them in the wrong order, which means I'll need to go back through the backtesting with that in mind and see what correlations I can find between different systems.
Thanks for explaining it.
Oh boy. Hate to see you doing all again but hopefully your findings will NOW make me HIT in PA
Tyrone, PA United States
Member #198,210
May 15, 2019
234 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by witty on Jan 24, 2020
Oh boy. Hate to see you doing all again but hopefully your findings will NOW make me HIT in PA
No worries, witty. I now know which prediction systems to focus on and I'm going to take a slightly different approach this time. I'm going to look at the systems that include TTT with the idea of watching all of the prediction numbers, especially the ones that show up in multiple systems and follow those numbers for multiple days, both mid-day and evening draws to see if they bear fruit not only in the next drawings but farther along.
Honolulu, Hawaii United States
Member #3,263
January 6, 2004
2,253 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by OhSoClose on Jan 25, 2020
No worries, witty. I now know which prediction systems to focus on and I'm going to take a slightly different approach this time. I'm going to look at the systems that include TTT with the idea of watching all of the prediction numbers, especially the ones that show up in multiple systems and follow those numbers for multiple days, both mid-day and evening draws to see if they bear fruit not only in the next drawings but farther along.
Honolulu, Hawaii United States
Member #3,263
January 6, 2004
2,253 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by Rakster on Jan 25, 2020
Can you add Western Canada to your mix of number calculations?
Hi Rakster
My system works based on getting near real time lottery results so all the lottery players can get the right workout in timely manner.
I need to find out how can I get daily data for Western Canad in csv format or otherwise withing 1 hour of the draw. . Once I will figure that, I should be able to add similar page for Western Canada also. Thanks for reaching out.
If you have details how to get daily data for Western Canada please pass that information to me as well.
Honolulu, Hawaii United States
Member #3,263
January 6, 2004
2,253 Posts
Quote: Originally posted by Rakster on Jan 25, 2020
Can you add Western Canada to your mix of number calculations?
Hi Rakster,
You are in good luck. I just checked Western Canada draw only happens once a day and that also late night. So till I can figure out the automate way, I can still update once everyday in the night time manually and it will have no conflict in my day time real job LOL.
You will have Western Canada in the site sometimes by tomorrow evening.