CajunWin4's Blog

New scandal threatens Obama, Hillary

New scandal threatens Obama, Hillary

Report confirms what well-placed sources have been  saying




TEL AVIV – Has the White House been misleading the public by repeatedly  denying it was coordinating arms shipments to the rebels in Syria, insurgents  known to consist in large part of al-Qaida and other jihadist groups?

Other top U.S. officials and former officials, including former Secretary of  State Hillary Clinton, have implied in congressional testimony that they didn’t  know about any U.S. involvement in procuring weapons for the rebels.


Now, a starkly different picture is emerging, one that threatens the  longstanding White House narrative that claims the Obama administration has only  supplied nonlethal aid to the rebels.

Confirming WND’s exclusive reporting for over a year, the  New York Times two days ago reported that since early 2012, the CIA has been  aiding Arab governments and Turkey in obtaining and shipping weapons to the  Syrian rebels.

While the Times report claims most of the weapons shipments facilitated by  the CIA began after the latest presidential election, Middle Eastern security  officials speaking to WND have said U.S.-aided weapons shipments go back more  than a year, escalating before the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on the U.S. facilities  in Benghazi.

Aaron  Klein’s New York Times bestseller, “Fool Me Twice,” is more relevant than  ever.

In fact, the Middle Eastern security officials speaking to WND since last  year describe the U.S. mission in Benghazi and nearby CIA annex attacked last  September as an intelligence and planning center for U.S. aid to the rebels in  the Middle East, particularly those fighting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s  regime.

The aid, the sources stated, included weapons shipments and was being  coordinated with Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Recruiting jihadists

Days after the Benghazi attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher  Stevens, WND  broke the story that Stevens himself played a central role in recruiting  jihadists to fight Assad’s regime in Syria, according to Egyptian and other  Middle Eastern security officials.

Stevens served as a key contact with the Saudis to coordinate the recruitment  by Saudi Arabia of Islamic fighters from North Africa and Libya. The jihadists  were sent to Syria via Turkey to attack Assad’s forces, said the security  officials.

The officials said Stevens also worked with the Saudis to send names of  potential jihadi recruits to U.S. security organizations for review. Names found  to be directly involved in previous attacks against the U.S., including in Iraq  and Afghanistan, were ultimately not recruited by the Saudis to fight in Syria,  said the officials.

Now the New York Times has bolstered WND’s reporting, citing air traffic  data, interviews with officials in several countries and the accounts of rebel  commanders describing how the CIA has been working with Arab governments and  Turkey to sharply increase arms shipments to Syrian rebels in recent months.

The Times reported that the weapons airlifts began on a small scale in early  2012 and continued intermittently through last fall, expanding into a steady and  much heavier flow late last year, the data shows.

The Times further revealed that from offices at “secret locations,” American  intelligence officers have helped the Arab governments shop for weapons,  including a large procurement from Croatia. They have vetted rebel commanders  and groups to determine who should receive the weapons as they arrive.

The CIA declined to comment to the Times on the shipments or its role in  them.

The Times quoted a former American official as saying that David H. Petraeus,  the C.I.A. director until November, had been instrumental in helping set up an  aviation network to fly in the weapons. The paper said Petraeus had prodded  various countries to work together on the plan.

Petraeus did not return multiple emails from the Times asking for  comment.

Both WND’s reporting, which first revealed the U.S.-coordinated arms  shipments, and the Times reporting starkly contrast with statements from top  U.S. officials who have denied aiding the supply of weapons to the rebels.

Last month, the White House flatly denied involvement in arming the Syrian  rebels, going so far as to say the Obama administration rejected a plan by  former Secretary of State Clinton and then-CIA Director Petraeus to help arm the  rebels.

Nobody has ever raised that with me’

Further, in testimony during the Benghazi hearings, Clinton  claimed she did not know whether the U.S. was aiding Turkey and other Arab  countries in procuring weapons.

The exchange on the subject took place with Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.

Paul asked Clinton: “Is the U. S. involved with any procuring of weapons,  transfer of weapons, buying, selling, anyhow transferring weapons to Turkey out  of Libya?”

“To Turkey?” Clinton asked. “I will have to take that question for the  record. Nobody has ever raised that with me.”

Continued Paul: “It’s been in news reports that ships have been leaving from  Libya and that may have weapons, and what I’d like to know is the annex that was  close by, were they involved with procuring, buying, selling, obtaining weapons,  and were any of these weapons being transferred to other countries, any  countries, Turkey included?”

Clinton replied, “Well, Senator, you’ll have to direct that question to the  agency that ran the annex. I will see what information is available.”

“You’re saying you don’t know?” asked Paul.

“I do not know,” Clinton said. “I don’t have any information on that.”

In testimony last month, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., asked then-Defense  Secretary John Panetta and Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of  Staff, whether they had supported a plan “that we provide weapons to the  resistance in Syria.”

“We do,” Panetta replied.

“You did support that?” McCain asked again.

“We did,” added Dempsey, who was sitting next to Panetta.

Neither Dempsey nor Panetta elaborated on their positions or commented on any  actual arms shipments.

Rebel training

This is not the first time WND’s original investigative reporting on U.S.  support for the Syrian rebels was later confirmed by reporting in major media  outlets. Other WND reporting indicates support for the Syrian rebels that goes  beyond supplying arms, painting a larger picture of U.S. involvement in the  Middle East revolutions.

A story generating worldwide attention by the German weekly Der Spiegel  earlier this month reporting the U.S. is training Syrian rebels in Jordan was  exclusively exposed  by WND 13 months ago.

Quoting what it said were training participants and organizers, Der Spiegel  reported it was not clear whether the Americans worked for private firms or were  with the U.S. Army, but the magazine said some organizers wore uniforms.

The training in Jordan reportedly focused on use of anti-tank weaponry.

The German magazine reported some 200 men received the training over the past  three months amid U.S. plans to train a total of 1,200 members of the Free  Syrian Army in two camps in the south and the east of Jordan.

Britain’s Guardian newspaper also reported U.S. trainers were aiding Syrian  rebels in Jordan along with British and French instructors.

Reuters reported a spokesman for the U.S. Defense Department declined  immediate comment on the Der Spiegel report. The French foreign ministry and  Britain’s foreign and defense ministries also would not comment to Reuters.

While Der Spiegel quoted sources discussing training of the rebels in Jordan  over the last three months, WND  was first to report the training as far back as February 2012.

At the time, WND quoted knowledgeable Egyptian and Arab security officials  claimed the U.S., Turkey and Jordan were running a training base for the Syrian  rebels in the Jordanian town of Safawi in the country’s northern desert  region.

Any training or arming of the Syrian rebels would be considered highly  controversial. A major issue is the inclusion of jihadists, including al-Qaida,  among the ranks of the Free Syrian Army and other Syrian opposition  groups.


Entry #469

9 Obama Scandals

9 Obama Scandals

Tuesday, March 26,



Federal government scandals



















2009– Obama Administration

Executive Branch

  • Eric Holder Attorney General, was held in Contempt of Congress by the House of Representatives after refusing to turn over all of the documents they had demanded concerning the Fast and Furious gun walking operation. (2012)[1]
  • Terence Flynn an appointee of Barack Obama to the National Labor Relations Board resigned in May 2012 after being accused of serious ethical violations by leaking information to the National Association of Manufacturers.[2]
  • Martha N. Johnson head of the General Services Administration fired two top GSA officials and then resigned herself after it was revealed that $822,000 had been spent in Las Vegas on a four-day training conference for 300 GSA employees.(2010)[3][4][5][6]

[edit]Legislative Branch

  • Jesse L. Jackson Jr. (D-IL) pleaded guilty to one felony fraud count for using $750,000 of campaign money to buy items like stuffed animals, elk heads and fur capes. His wife, Sandi Jackson, who is a Chicago Alderman, pleaded guilty to filing false income tax statements at the same time. [7]
  • Laura Richardson (D-CA) was found guilty on seven counts of violating House rules by improperly pressuring her staff to campaign for her, destroying evidence and tampering with witness testimony. The Committee ordered Richardson to pay a fine of $10,000. (2012)[8][9]
  • John Ensign (R-NV) resigned his Senate seat on May 3, 2011, before the Senate Ethics Committee could examine possible fiscal violations in connection with his extramarital affair with Cynthia Hampton. (2011)[10][11][12][13] (see Federal sex scandals) In May 2012, aide Doug Hampton (R) in what became the John Ensign scandal reached a plea deal with prosecutors, the details of which have not yet been released.[14]
  • Tom DeLay (R-TX) On November 24, 2010, a Texas jury convicted DeLay of money laundering connected to the Jack Abramoff scandal. (2010)[15][16] On January 10, 2011, he was sentenced to three years in prison in Texas.[17][18]

[edit]Judicial Branch

  • G. Thomas Porteous The Federal Judge for Eastern Louisiana was unanimously impeached by the US House of Representatives on charges of corruption and perjury in March 2010. He was convicted by the US Senate and removed from office. He had been appointed by Bill Clinton. (2010)[19][20][21]
  • Samuel B. Kent The Federal District Judge of Galveston, Texas, was sentenced to 33 months in prison for lying about sexually harassing two female employees. He had been appointed to office by George H. W. Bush in 1990. (2009)[22][23]  to have been awarded a Silver Star and feigned paraplegia.[287] MOREHERE
Entry #468

The Great Recession Has Been Followed by the Grand Illusion

The Great Recession Has Been Followed by the Grand Illusion

Don't be fooled by the latest jobs numbers. The unemployment situation in the U.S. is still dire.


The Great Recession is an apt name for America's current stagnation, but the present phase might also be called the Grand Illusion—because the happy talk and statistics that go with it, especially regarding jobs, give a rosier picture than the facts justify.

The country isn't really advancing. By comparison with earlier recessions, it is going backward. Despite the most stimulative fiscal policy in American history and a trillion-dollar expansion to the money supply, the economy over the last three years has been declining. After 2.4% annual growth rates in gross domestic product in 2010 and 2011, the economy slowed to 1.5% growth in 2012. Cumulative growth for the past 12 quarters was just 6.3%, the slowest of all 11 recessions since World War II.

And last year's anemic growth looks likely to continue. Sequestration will take $600 billion of government expenditures out of the economy over the next 10 years, including $85 billion this year alone. The 2% increase in payroll taxes will hit about 160 million workers and drain $110 billion from their disposable incomes. The Obama health-care tax will be a drag of more than $30 billion. The recent 50-cent surge in gasoline prices represents another $65 billion drag on consumer cash flow.

February's headline unemployment rate was portrayed as 7.7%, down from 7.9% in January. The dip was accompanied by huzzahs in the news media claiming the improvement to be "outstanding" and "amazing." But if you account for the people who are excluded from that number—such as "discouraged workers" no longer looking for a job, involuntary part-time workers and others who are "marginally attached" to the labor force—then the real unemployment rate is somewhere between 14% and 15%.

Enlarge Image


Other numbers reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics have deteriorated. The 236,000 net new jobs added to the economy in February is misleading—the gross number of new jobs included 340,000 in the part-time, low wage category. Many of the so-called net new jobs are second or third jobs going to people who are already working, rather than going to those who are unemployed.

The number of Americans unemployed for six months or longer went up by 89,000 in February to a total of 4.8 million. The average duration of unemployment rose to 36.9 weeks, up from 35.3 weeks in January. The labor-force participation rate, which measures the percentage of working-age people in the workforce, also dropped to 63.5%, the lowest in 30 years. The average workweek is a low 34.5 hours thanks to employers shortening workers' hours or asking employees to take unpaid leave.

Since World War II, it has typically taken 24 months to reach a new peak in employment after the onset of a recession. Yet the country is more than 60 months away from its previous high in 2007, and the economy is still down 3.2 million jobs from that year.

Just to absorb the workforce's new entrants, the U.S. economy needs to add 1.8 million to three million new jobs every year. At the current rate, it will be seven years before the jobs lost in the Great Recession are restored. Employers will need to make at least 300,000 hires every month to recover the ground that has been lost.

The job-training programs announced by the Obama administration in his State of the Union address are sensible, but they won't soon bridge the gap for workers with skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Nor is there yet any reform of the patent system, which imposes long delays on innovators, inventors and entrepreneurs seeking approvals. It often takes two years to obtain the environmental health and safety permits to build a modern electronic plant, a lifetime in the tech world.

When employers can't expand or develop new lines because of the shortage of certain skills, the employment opportunities for the less skilled are also restricted. To help with this shortage, the administration's proposals for job-training programs do deserve support. The stress should be on vocational training, postsecondary education and every program that will broaden access to computer science and strengthen science, technology, engineering and math in high schools and at the university level.

But the payoffs from these programs are in the future, and it is vital today to increase the number of annual visas and grants of permanent residency status for foreigners skilled in science and technology. The current situation is preposterous: The brightest and best brains from all over the globe are attracted to American universities, but once they get their degrees America sends them packing. Keeping these foreigners out means they will compete against us in the industries that are growing here and around the world.

What the administration gives us is politics. What the country needs are constructive strategies free of ideology. But the risks of future economic shocks will multiply so long as we remain locked in a rancorous political culture with a leadership more inclined to public relations than hardheaded pragmatic recognition of what must be done to restore America's vitality.

Mr. Zuckerman is chairman and editor in chief of U.S. News & World Report.

A version of this article appeared March 26, 2013, on page A13 in the U.S. edition of The Wall Street Journal, with the headline: The Great Recession Has Been Followed by the Grand Illusion.

Entry #467

Disability Insurance: America's $124 Billion Secret Welfare Program

Disability Insurance: America's $124 Billion Secret Welfare Program

        The number of former workers enrolled in the Social Security disability program has more than doubled in the last two decades, and the reasons why have little to do with the health of our workforce.   
Jordan WeissmannMar 25 2013

Imagine for a moment that Congress woke up one morning, realized that the United States was suffering from a paralyzing long-term unemployment crisis, and, in a moment of progressive pique, decided to create a welfare program aimed at middle-aged, blue-collar workers.

The one thing everybody could probably agree on is that it should help all those jobless 50-somethings find employment, right?

Well, as NPR's Planet Money argues in an eye-opening story, it turns out there already is a "de facto welfare program" for those struggling Americans. The problem is, instead of getting the unemployed back on their feet, it pays them to give up work for good. 

I'm talking about Social Security's disability insurance program, which over 20 years has quietly morphed into one of the largest, yet least talked about, pieces of the social safety net. Since the early 1990s, the number of former workers receiving payments under it has more than doubled to about 8.5 million, as shown in Planet Money's graph below. More than five percent of all eligible adults are now on the rolls, up from around 3 percent twenty years ago. Add in children and spouses who also get checks, and the grand tally comes to  11.7 million.Total_Disabled_Workers_Planet_Money.gif

That rapid, under-the-political-radar expansion has turned the program into a massive budget item. As of 2010, its monthly cash payments accounted for nearly one out of every five Social Security dollars spent, or about $124 billion. In 1988, by comparison, it accounted for just one out of eight Social Security dollars. Because disabled workers qualify for Medicare, they also added $59 billion to the government's healthcare tab. 

Are disabilities just becoming more common? According to economists such as MIT's David Autor, the evidence says no. The workforce is indeed getting older, and thus more ailment prone. But Americans over 50, who make up most disability cases, report much better health today than in the 1980s. And demographers have found that the percentage of Americans older than 65 suffering from a chronic disability has fallen drastically since then. In the end, economists Mark Duggan and Scott Imberman estimate that, at most, the graying of America's workers explained just 4 percent of the increase in the rate of disability program participation for women, and 15 percent for men, through 2004.

Instead, it seems two things have happened: Qualifying for disability got easier, and finding work got harder. As the Planet Money piece puts it, "there's no diagnosis called disability." According to the letter of the law, disability recipients must prove they are too physically or mentally impaired to hold a job. And early in the program's life, the most commonly reported ailments were easy-to-diagnose problems such as heart-disease, strokes, or neurological disorders. But after the Reagan administration began trying to thin out the program's rolls in the early 80s, an angry Congress reacted by loosening its criteria. Suddenly, subjective measures like self-reported pain or mental health problems earned more weight under Social Security's formula. Today, the most common diagnoses are musculo-skeletal issues, such as severe back pain, and mental illnesses, such as mood disorders -- health problems where the line between a disability and a mild impairment is far blurrier. 

Just as the bar for disability fell, the economy turned on the working class. Factories laid off their assembly workers. The service sector picked up the slack. Wages stagnated for anyone without a college diploma. These changes have made disability more attractive for reasons both obvious and subtle. Although program's payments are small -- the average benefit is a bit over $1,000 per month -- they're not much worse than a minimum wage job. Better yet, they're indexed to inflation, meaning they sometimes rise faster than wages, and come with generous government healthcare. For former blue-collar workers who feel they've lost all hope of finding employment, or who don't want to spend their last years leading to retirement standing all day at McDonald's, disability isn't a bad offer. 

It's little surprise then that, as MIT's Autor notes, disability applications tend to rise and fall with the unemployment rate (as shown in his chart below), or that most applications come from workers who have recently lost jobs. 


If you're a conservative, the reasons to worry about all this are obvious. There are probably a couple million people who could work if absolutely necessary, and are instead choosing to subsist on taxpayer money. The system, from that perspective, is simply being abused.

But the failures here should be obvious to liberals, too. If the job market is so miserably weak that these workers cannot find jobs -- that they are choosing to live in government-guaranteed poverty rather than take a chance on the labor market -- we need to find a better solution than paying them to sit while their skills atrophy. As of now, that's all we seem to be doing. Despite Clinton-era changes to the program that made it possible for participants to ease back into the work force without losing all their benefits, less than one percent of Americans who go on disability ever leave the program.

Moreover, that program, is headed for bankruptcy. As of last year, Social Security's disability trust fund was on pace to run dry by 2016, which would lead to an automatic  21 percent benefit cut affecting all of the program's participants, including the millions who truly can't work because of their impairments. 

Like I said, even if we wanted a new welfare program for the struggling poor, this wouldn't be the way to run it. 

Entry #466

Unbanking vs. Underbanking: How to Break Up with the Financial System

Unbanking vs. Underbanking: How to Break Up with the Financial System

Daisy Luther March 25th, 2013

Breaking up is hard to do, especially when it is with a tracking service like a financial institution.

Sometimes you can make a clean break and other times you have to remain “just friends”.

The US government actually has a name for people who have no bank accounts – they call these folks “the unbanked”.  The FDIC defines the unbanked as “those without an account at a bank or other financial institution and are considered to be outside the mainstream for one reason or another.”  Another term is “the underbanked” – “people or businesses that have poor access to mainstream financial services normally offered by retail banks. The underbanked can be characterized by a strong reliance on non-traditional forms of finance and micro-finance often associated with disadvantaged and the poor, such as check cashers, loan sharks and pawnbrokers.

According to the government, the above scenarios are crisis situations which must be rectified for “your own good”.  There is legislation on the table in many states to set up banking facilities for the unbanked and underbanked.  The assumption is that most folks who do not deal with a bank are too poor to do so.  This could be true in many cases: high minimum balances, bad credit history, NSFs, and account fees can all preclude having a bank account for those in difficult financial straits.

However, the government has a couple more reasons to insist that everyone should have a bank account:

1.)   Ease of confiscation

We need only to look at the horrible situation in Cyprus to see how bank accounts are like all-you-can-steal-buffets for the powers that be.  A suggested theft TAX ofup to 20% of the money in Cypriot bank accounts may be levied in order for the country to meet it’s staggering debts in the terms of the proposed EU bailout.  The banks of Cyprus are loaded with the money of residents and businesses of other countries that have used them as a tax haven.  The banks have been closed for several days and frantic customers are left to withdraw the maximum daily balances from ATM machines in an attempt to salvage what they can.  Many people fear the banks will never reopen their doors.

Think it can’t happen here?  I wonder if the people of Iceland, Greece, Ireland, Hungary, Argentina, Spain, and Portugal thought that too.

2.)  Surveillance

The second reason that “everyone should have access to banking services” is the digital trail that it leaves.  Every dime you receive and spend out of these accounts is part of an intricate system of surveillance.  When your money goes into a bank – any bank – Big Brother knows about it.  It’s a simple matter of compiling information via your social security number (or other federally- assigned number) to find out how much you make, how much you have, and where it comes from.  This can be used to prosecute you for tax purposes, to locate you through where your pay comes from, and to follow your personal money trail for a variety of different reasons.

It can also be used to track your spending – Big Brother can find out that you spent $2000 at a gun store, that you purchased online from a prepper supply website or that you bought some books with “questionable” content in order to paint you as a threat.


So, in this day and age, is it possible to get by completely without a bank account?

It’s tough.  Most work places prefer to pay through direct deposit.  Many landlords, mortgage companies and finance companies do business through direct debit.  You’re going to pay some steep fees if this is the route that you choose to go.  For some, it might be worth it, particularly if you only have a few transactions in a month.

Here are some places you can cash checks for a fee:

  • Check cashing depots
  • Some retailers like Walmart, 7-11, and some grocery stores (the number of these is dropping rapidly)
  • Pawn shops
  • The issuing bank will sometimes cash a check drawn from one of their accounts for a non-account holder
  • Some prepaid credit card accounts will accept a direct deposit (in my opinion, this is nearly as unsafe as having your money in a bank account)
  • Through a friend or family member’s account (also risky – for both you and the account holder)

Here are some ways you can pay bills without a bank account:

  • In person, with cash, cashier’s checks, or money orders
  • Through the mail, with cashier’s checks or money orders
  • Online, with prepaid credit cards
  • Through a kiosk using a prepaid credit card
  • At a check-cashing depot or retailer


Your next option is underbanking.  For some people this may be the most realistic way to break up with their bank – it’s the “just friends” version.  If you have a lot of transactions that go through your account every month, it isn’t necessarily practical to get rid of your account.  Keep in mind that all of the above methods of unbanking still have a component of financial tracking.  The checks and bills still have your personal information tied to them in most cases.

When you underbank, you still have an account.  Set this up with the lowest possible fee and the lowest possible required balance.  Shop around to find the best deal.  Consider a credit union or community bank instead of one of the big mega-banks.  They are slightly safer, emphasis on slightly.

Your paychecks from work can be directly deposited, which will make your employer happy.  Employers rarely want to do something outside the norm, and if everyone else gets their pay directly deposited, writing a check for you will make you stand out – the opposite of what you want to do.  As well, any other checks you receive, like refunds, tax returns, etc., can be processed through this account.

The goal here is to keep as little money as possible in this account.  Banks are no longer the safest place to keep your money, and the .00001% of interest you will accrue is just not worthwhile.

Immediately upon payday:

  • Pay all your bills online or through a kiosk out of this account – rent, utilities, credit card payments (hopefully you don’t have those)
  • Buy necessities like groceries if you need to reduce the amount in the account for withdrawal purposes
  • Calculate the amount of payments that will be coming out of your account between now and your next pay (rent/mortgage, car payment, insurance)
  • Remove all money except that required for impending debits and your minimum balance.  Get it in cash.

Avoid Financial Surveillance

The government wants everyone to have a bank account for another reason besides quick accessibility for the purpose of thievery.  Big Brother wants to know what you earn, what you spend, and where you spend it.  Every penny you spend could one day be used against you, as more and more things become illegal in the police state that is taking over the western world.

Use your bank account as little as possible if you’ve chosen to underbank:

  • Buy stuff with cash
  • Skip registering your belongings by serial number for warranty purposes
  • For heaven’s sakes, don’t get one of those “customer loyalty” cards that track every purchase you make and provide you with “rewards” or “points”
  • Buy from places that don’t track you, like yard sales, Craigslist, farmer’s markets, roadside stands, your brother’s friend’s sister’s boyfriend
  • Work for cash: this is another suggestion that won’t work for everybody, but if you can do some odd jobs for cash, even if you make slightly less money doing so, this is money that can’t be tracked.

Think about how your purchases tell a story about you that you might rather keep to yourself.  Are you buying lots of farm equipment, soil amendments and seeds?  Are you buying ammo every week?  Are you stocking away large quantities of food or medical supplies?  Have you recently purchased 2,347 books on different guerrilla warfare tactics?  OPSEC is more than just keeping your mouth shut about your prepperly ways.

Ditch the Dollar

Although you require some fiat currency to function in today’s society, as well as some in an emergency fund,  consider using other forms of currency whenever possible.  The following suggestions won’t work for everyone, but some folks may be able to ditch the dollar in the following ways:

  • Engage in the barter system: trade goods and services with like-minded people.
  • Keep precious metals like gold and silver in a fireproof safe for your “savings account”
  • Immediately convert  fiat currency into tangible goods: food, ammo, home defense items, tools, etc.
  • Work towards self-sufficiency – if you buy less, you can earn less: grow your food, repair your own home or vehicle, do things manually instead of using expensive equipment, lessen your dependency on the grid
  • Simplify – this goes hand in hand with self sufficiency: find your entertainment from library books and online resources, skip eating out, take a walk instead of joining a gym – the less you feel you need, the less money you will have to earn.

The decision to unbank or underbank is unique to every individual.  The further away you can get from “the system” the more privacy and security you will have.  The suggestions above are not meant to be comprehensive – they’re meant to get you thinking about how you can disengage.  As always, your suggestions in the comments can greatly benefit others!


Entry #465

Drum Roll, Please: Here Comes The Dreaded Triple Top... Scientist Predicts 60% Market Drop Within 3

Drum Roll, Please: Here Comes The Dreaded Triple Top... Scientist Predicts 60% Market Drop Within 3 Months

Posted By: Watchman Date: Monday, 25-Mar-2013

Wednesday, 13 Mar 2013 05:00 PM

Chris Martenson is a world-renowned expert on identifying dangerous, yet hidden, exponential growth patterns in global economies, energy demand, and food consumption...

And he is predicting a 60% stock market collapse will strike in the next three months.

Martenson’s opinion isn’t to be taken lightly, as his research is highly regarded by the United Nations, UK Parliament, and Fortune 500 companies.

His shocking forecast is based on a new alarming pattern he’s identified — he’s calling it “a dreaded triple top” (pictured below).

Martenson’s research suggests that the stock market has patterns, as seen in the above chart.

This proven pattern suggests the market goes through three common “tops.”

The first “top” was in 1999, followed by a 60% market decline. The second “top” was in 2007, again followed by a 60% market plunge. And a third top has now formed, and a 60% stock market drop is inevitable - and it could strike at any moment.

Unfortunately, Martenson is not the only economist predicting a massive, historic meltdown.

In fact, his figures are conservative compared to other experts in his field.

In a recent interview, Robert Wiedemer — an economist best known for correctly predicting the collapse of the U.S. housing market of 2006 and the stock market collapse of 2008 — provides disturbing evidence for 50 percent unemployment, a 90 percent stock market crash, and 100 percent annual inflation . . . starting this year.

When the host of the interview expressed disbelief in Wiedemer’s claims, he calmly displayed five indisputable charts to back up his predictions (click here to see those exact charts).

Wiedemer says the blame lies squarely on those whose job it was to avoid the exact situation we find ourselves in, including current Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and former Chairman Alan Greenspan, tasked with preventing financial meltdowns and keeping the nation’s economy strong through monetary and credit policies.

At one point in the interview, Wiedemer even calls out Bernanke, saying that his “money from heaven will be the path to hell.”

But it’s not just the grim predictions that are causing the sensation in Wiedemer’s video interview. Rather, it’s his comprehensive blueprint for economic survival that’s really commanding global attention.

The interview offers realistic, step-by-step solutions that the average hard-working American can easily follow.

“[The interview] was originally filmed for a private audience,” stated Aaron DeHoog, the financial publisher who is unapologetic for the release of controversial footage that has gained international attention (a donor to President Obama actually tried to ban it from their far reaching empire).

“People were sitting up and taking notice, and they begged us to make the interview public so they could easily share it.”

Since that day, over 50 million concerned citizens have tuned in to prepare for “the unthinkable.”

Asked if he is concerned if Wiedemer’s predictions don’t come true, DeHoog replied, “Absolutely not. The best-case scenario is that Wiedemer is wrong.

“Unfortunately, he has been dead-on thus far. No, our real concern is this, and it’s the more likely scenario — what if just half of Wiedemer’s predictions come true? Bottom line, it is imperative that Americans be prepared, and that is why we will continue to air this powerful interview.”

Editor’s Note: For a limited time, Newsmax is showing the Wiedemer interview and supplying viewers with copies of the new, updated Aftershock book including the final, unpublished chapter. Go here to view it now.

Entry #464

Obama Could Be Stopped- But...Everyone Ignores the Hammer

Obama Could Be Stopped- But…Everyone Ignores the Hammer

Monday, March 25, 2013


From: Dwight Kehoe 
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2013 8:08 AM To: undisclosed-recipients: Subject: Fwd: Obama Could Be Stopped- But....... 
OBAMA CAN BE STOPPED But Everyone Ignores the Hammer
Commentary By: Dwight Kehoe
March 25, 2013 -TPATH -  Recently Glenn Beck made a statement that appears to have gone unnoticed by most. The context of what he was saying was cast to the mundane when he admitted, after years on TV and the radio of saying the opposite, that he was prevented from taking up subjects by the stations where he worked.  This not only included FOX, but FOX was the object of the comment.
What does this tell us about the so called hard nosed,  conservative commentators we welcome into our homes each day in search of an alternative to the progressive media?  Well, for the most part it tells us that each of them are hypocrites at best and lying traitors at worst.
Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and even the exalted one, Rush Limbaugh are under orders and constraints to avoid topics, and each of them, day after day, lie about it.  The half truths and intentionally misleading information coming from those we have depended upon are actually worse when this deception comes from, supposedly, our side.
This probably explains why the eligibility issue and Obama's many forged documents have been consistently ignored and those that bring up the subject are belittled and ridiculed.  It may not explain however why Beck has been the most abusive to his listeners, coming in just ahead of Mark Levin in nastiness, now that he has his own network.  Oh but it does.  Mr. Beck is and has been working, from day one, to get his internet show on as many cable and TV outlets as possible.
If he knows that discussing Obama's crimes and ineligibility will prevent his show from being picked up, he will do what he needs to do, he just told us that.
Even though Mr. Beck claims that he has, in his words, "debunked" the birthers, he has done nothing of the sort.  In fact he admits that Obama's birth certificate is a forgery.  He says that Obama did this just to tweak the birthers.  This is debunking?  A couple of questions for Glenn.  Why?  Why would the Chief Executive of the most powerful country in the world forge anything?  Why would he not, many years ago, tell Hawaii to release the original birth certificate?  Maybe there isn't one?
Glenn thinks this is just some kind of game the usurper is playing?  Well, Obama has either authorized or ordered a forgery of an official document and then waved waved it in front of the world claiming its legitimacy.  To Mr. Beck, this is nothing more than a joke?  No, no its not.  Its called a felony.  Mr. Beck's charade against corruption, fraud and  unconstitutional happenings in this country, and in his words, by both parties, is just that, a charade.
Its not necessary to go into detail on all of the crimes Obama and his people have committed.  Every one of which is being hidden from the American people by all those who should be and are supposed to be the watchdogs of our laws and the future of our country.  The news media, and that is all of the news media, Congressmen, Senators, judges and prosecutors are all on the wrong side of history.  None of them will be able to say, " I didn't know".  Those who know are hiding it and those that don't know, don't want to.
As the Constitution is ignored, it is weakened. 
That is the very sad state we find ourselves in.    If all parts of a law are not enforced, no part can be.  This of course is the goal of the left and  Obama with his world order views.  But what is even worse, our side, those that rabble-rouse about the Constitution and then dismiss the attacks upon it for personal gain, are the most traitorous and egregious of the bunch.
If it wasn't before, it should be very clear now, that neither party nor any faux conservative talk show host, except Micheal Savage and Arron Klein,  want to stop Obama's leftist agenda.   They are all one and the same.  The lefties, while they may hide the extent of their agenda, are actually more honest than those claiming to want to stop it.
Here's why.  The one way to stop Obama's progression towards a "socialist utopia" is right in front of them.  Its called the Constitution.  The one way to stop Obamacare, the dissemination of our military and the destruction of the American economy is being ignored by all of them.   If you hired  carpenters to build an addition on your house and they proceeded to hammer nails with the handle of a screwdriver, instead of a claw hammer, your first thought should be aimed at getting them out of your house. 
Its way past time, we Americans do the same for our houses.
Entry #463

Feinstein Angry as Majority of the Senate Votes to Ban Gun Control

Feinstein Angry as Majority of the Senate Votes to Ban Gun Control

Monday, March 25, 2013


Senate staffer says “gun grabbers were livid” and “DiFi was pissed”.

Reid And Feinstein

Feinstein Angry as Majority of the Senate Votes to Ban Gun Control

Gun Owners of America

Gun Owners of America

Washington, DC --( On Friday, GOA asked you to contact your Senators and urge them to support the Lee amendment which would require Senators to muster 67 votes before adopting gun control legislation.

You responded to the call, and the results were very encouraging.

The good news is that a majority of Senators supported the Lee amendment by a 50-49 vote. The bad news is, since the Senate rules requires 60 votes, the Lee amendment fell ten votes short.

Click here to see how your Senators voted on the Lee amendment.

Part of GOA’s strategy for defeating Harry Reid’s gun control bill (S. 649) has been to put Senators on record and force them to reveal where they stand on gun rights. Are they going to stand with us, or are they going to follow Obama down the road to further gun control restrictions and, therefore, require additional pressure from their constituents?

One high-level Senate staffer, commenting about the vote on the Lee amendment which took place at 4 a.m. Saturday morning, told GOA that, “The gun grabbers were livid when Senator Lee forced the vote. Mark Pryor looked nervous as hell, and DiFi [aka, Dianne Feinstein] was pissed.”

GOA’s strategy was realized twice Saturday when two key amendments were offered to the budget resolution — one amendment by Senator Lee, the other by Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK).

Six Democrats and all but one Republican (Mark Kirk of Illinois) voted in favor of the Lee Amendment which would make S. 649 impossible to pass. Again, this is because the Lee amendment would have required anti-gun Senators to muster 67 votes (rather than a simple majority of 51 votes) before gun control could be adopted.

There were six “Red State” Democrats who voted Against the Lee amendment — Senators Mark Begich (AK), Tim Johnson (SD), Tim Kaine (VA), Mary Landrieu (LA), Harry Reid (NV) and Mark Warner (VA).

Gun owners in these states should be sure to voice their displeasure with these Senators.

The other provision — an anti-UN treaty amendment offered by Sen. Inhofe — passed by a 53-46 margin.  53 senators, including eight Democrats, voted for the Inhofe amendment to kill the UN Arms Trade Treaty — a treaty that would impose gun registration and possibly even ban handguns and semi-autos, while creating a microstamping requirement that would be technologically impossible to comply with.

Anti-gun Mary Landrieu and Harry Reid voted wrong on both amendments — and even refused to join the eight Democrats who oppose the UN Arms Trade Treaty. This treaty could be self-executing and could, without further legislation, force the U.S. to implement gun registration and bans on semi-autos and handguns.

Gun owners in Louisiana and Nevada, you have some homework to do — Mary Landrieu and Harry Reid need to hear from you!

GOA will keep you updated on the status of Harry Reid’s gun control bill (S. 649), which will be voted on right after the Easter recess.

Gun Owners of America
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102
Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585
FAX: 703-321-8408

About:Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a non-profit lobbying organization formed in 1975 to preserve and defend the Second Amendment rights of gun owners. GOA sees firearms ownership as a freedom issue. `The only no comprise gun lobby in Washington’ – Ron Paul Visit: to Join.

Entry #462

Letter to disarm the DHS by retired Army Captain

Letter to disarm the DHS by retired Army Captain


Share this and send to your Reps in both houses of Congress, I sent mine to Sen. Blunt cause Claire just kisses Obama's butt. And my house rep, Mr. Clay is only interested in making money for himself in the name of the Black Caucus. Just a small amount of editing is needed.


The Honorable Senator John Cornyn, State of Texas

United States Senate

517 Hart Senate Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20510

Re: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and that agencies preparation for war against citizens of the United States of America

Dear Senator Cornyn,

It is with gravest concern that I write to you today concerning the recent appropriation of weapons by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that can only be understood as a bold threat of war by that agency, and the Obama administration, against the citizens of the United States of America. To date, DHS has been unwilling to provide to you, the elected representatives of the People, justification for recent purchases of almost 3,000 mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) armored personnel carriers, 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition (with associated weapons), and other weapons systems, when, in fact, the DHS has no war mission or war making authority within the limits of the United States of America.

Significant is the fact that at the same time the Obama administration is arming his DHS for war within the limits of the United States against the People of the United States in accordance with his 2008 campaign speech claiming,

“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve gotta (sic) have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded [as the United States military]”–Candidate Barack Obama, 2008.

The Obama administration is deliberately defunding, overextending, and hollowing the Department of Defense; the only legitimate agency of the U.S. government with a war mission.

This act of the Obama administration stands as a glaring threat of war against our nation’s citizens! This act of the Obama administration can only be understood as a tyrannical threat against the Constitution of the United States of America! If left unresolved, the peace loving citizens who have sworn to defend the United States Constitution “against all enemies, both foreign and domestic” are left no option except to prepare to defend themselves, and the U.S. Constitution, against this Administration’s “coup” against the People and the foundations of liberty fought for and defended for the past 238 years. We have no choice if we honor our oaths.

The only proper response to this threat against the American people is for the representatives of the People, the members of the U.S. House and Senate, to demand in clear terms that the Administration cannot ignore, that the Department of Homeland Security immediately surrender their newly appropriated weapons of war to the Department of Defense (DoD). Further, since the DHS has assumed a position in the Administration to enforce the tyrannical acts of this president against the People of the United States against the limits of the United States Constitution, it remains for the United States Congress to exercise its limiting power in the balancing of powers established by our founding fathers, to disestablish and dissolve the DHS as soon as possible. One needs only to look to the rise of Adolf Hitler, and his associated DHS organizations, the SA and the SS, of 1932-1934, to see the outcome of allowing an agency of government this kind of control over the free citizens of a nation. The people of Germany could not have imagined, until it was too late, the danger of allowing a tyrant this kind of power. We must not be so naïve as to think it will not happen to us as well if we remain passive toward this power grab by the Marxist Obama administration!

Finally, for more than two centuries the nation has lived in peace at home because of the protections of our legitimate military and the many appropriate state and federal law enforcement agencies, supported by Constitutional courts. We stand today at a cross-road. Will we allow this present Administration to overthrow our United States Constitution and its legal processes to amend injustices, or, will we honor our obligations to defend the Constitution against a “domestic” enemy? Our Constitution lays out the proper methods of resolving our differences; and it does not include its overthrow by a rogue agency of a Marxist leadership at home. You, sir, are our constitutionally elected agent to defend our Constitution at home. We are counting upon you. We remain aware, however, of this present threat and will not expose ourselves as an easy prey to the authors of the destruction of our nation.

I know that this letter demands much of you. We elected you because we, the citizens of the State of Texas, believe that you are up to the task at hand and will, against all threats, honor your oath and office. We are also writing to your fellow members of the House and Senate to stand in integrity with the Constitution and against this present threat by the Obama administration and his DHS.

We refuse to surrender our Constitution or our nation!


Captain Terry M. Hestilow

United States Army, Retired

Fort Worth, Texas

March 23, 2013

Entry #461

Guillotines – Verification From Insider On Existence & Purpose Of The Guillotines – Another Piece Of

Guillotines – Verification From Insider On Existence & Purpose Of The Guillotines – Another Piece Of The Puzzle!


Modern Guillotine photo: Modern Guillotine ModernGuillotine.jpg

photobucket   --- note: illustration is a modern guillotine, but not the one seen in the story below...

Steve and Hawk,
I read your alert on the guillotines and then heard Steve on the Hagmann radio show talking about them. I contacted a source in the military and he confirmed some of your information. The guillotines were ordered under the auspices of supposedly cutting "cable lines" and other heavy industrial wires. However none of the mid level individuals in the military bought that line. It was then that the higher ups seeing that no one was believing them came out with the real reason for the them.
When martial law is declared and the system breaks down; most states and cities will be on their own. The orders are already given that any looters, trouble makers, and any one not obeying orders from the authorities will be executed with the guillotines. The guillotines will be put back in the public square to show just how severe the punishment will be and to keep the masses in line. Apparently in the Redstone arsenal in Alabama, their are multi confirm reports that some of the guillotines are stored there.
Steve, Hawk, Greg E, and all the watchmen, and all of the intercessors for you be protected by Jesus in the coming months ahead. Most of my sources in the financial realm and the military realm have gone silent. It is very eerie and disturbing that they have gone "dark". It is here.
God Bless,

Entry #460

Obama's DHS intends to kill "you and me!" March 23, 2013_Captain Terry M. Hestilow, United States Ar

Obama’s DHS intends to kill “you and me!” March 23, 2013_Captain Terry M. Hestilow, United States Army, Retired

Saturday, March 23, 2013

 On Thursday, Terry M. Hestilow, a retired Army officer with nearly 30  years of service under his belt, as well as combat experience in both  Vietnam and Afghanistan issued a dire warning to all Americans. The following warning was posted on Hestilow's Facebook page:

I fully intend to address this in far greater detail within days, but ask yourself, with all the law enforcement available in the United States, who the DHS is preparing to declare war on inside the U.S.? With the massive purchases of almost 3,000 new armored vehicles  (MRAPs) and 1.6 BILLION rounds of ammunition, with associated weapons, who in the U.S. do they intend to kill? Short answer: You and me! Anyone they think is standing in their way to impose a new Marxist government! Anyone who stands for the U.S. Constitution! We must demand that our representatives (Senators and U.S.  Representatives) stand firm and immediately force, by law if necessary,  the DHS turn over their arsenal of war making equipment to the  Department of Defense. Nothing justifies this massive arms build up of  an agency whose jurisdiction is internal within the United States of  America! They are preparing to go to war against American citizens! Don't wait on people like John McCain or Lindsey Graham to recognize  the threat! Citizens you must demand Congress act to force these  weapons, ammunition, and armored vehicles be turned over immediately to  the DoD! Then let us dissolve the DHS (or SA, or SS... whatever you call them)! Hear me, America. The DHS can only be preparing to declare war on us  with the arsenal of weapons and equipment they are purchasing as they  methodically dismantle our legitimate military made up of patriotic  Americans! If I live and still have a page to speak out  on later this week, I will discuss a proper Constitutional response in a  couple of days. Standby. Out. Captain Terry M. Hestilow, United States Army, Retired

Entry #458

Obama's Destruction of America

Obama’s Destruction of America

Saturday, March 23, 20

From: John Porter

March 22, 2013

To: Americans everywhere;

Hello, my beloved friends in Freedom:  It's been awhile. I hope you are all well. With help I write you again.             
       Well, it was great while it lasted.  But with the reelection of Barack Obama as president, the America we have loved and known for generation upon generation as a nation of individuals free from government control and ownership of our lives is gone.
       Those of us who believe in the virtues that made this country great, self-reliance, hard work, entrepreneurship, individual liberty and responsibility are now strangers and a minority in our own country. 
       We will now live each day knowing that a majority of our fellow Americans have rejected these long-held beliefs in favor of massive government control over our lives.  Within four more years, the Entitlement Society Obama is building will be complete.  Robbed of the incentive to achieve through our own initiative and labor, increasing numbers of Americans are turning to the government in order to exist.
       And it's possible that we may never again see another Conservative Free Entreprise Republican president.  Almost half of all Americans now rely on the federal government for support of one kind or another, and there will be so many in this category by 2016 and beyond, election campaigns will be dominated by warnings that to vote against the Liberal Socialist Democrats is to risk losing benefits.  Most Americans, dependent on the government for survival in the wake of the economic collapse Obama's policies will cause, won't dare take the chance of voting Republican.
      Obama's second term also means the CBS, NBC, and MSNBC-ization of the entire mainstream media. Socialist Liberal journalism is now all-powerful in its ability to help defeat Republicans, and will become even more an arm of the Obama White House.  And by the way, watch for a government crackdown on the Fox News Channel and conservative talk radio.  How?  They'll find a way.  When Obama talked of "revenge" in this campaign, he didn't just mean revenge against Mitt Romney for daring to challenge him. He meant revenge against America for the crimes of giving birth to and of being the leader of individual freedom and responsibility and the most successful country on earth.
      Also, with the current media cover-up of the terrorist attack and murders of Americans in Benghazi as a successful model, any and all negative developments that would affect Obama will go unreported. All the mainstream media has adopted the creed of omiting everything from the news that might harm Obama's image, and prevent him from achieving his goal of Socializing America.This White House, this administration, will do whatever they want without fear of exposure in any meaningful way.
      Watch for the war against achievers to escalate, to the point where it will be more comfortable in a social gathering, for people to lie and say that they are on either the government payrole or assistance rather than admit to owning or being part of a business.  Just as people who smoke have become social outcasts, so eventually will people who earn a living in what remains of the private sector.
      As for Congress, not only is it irrelevant that the Republicans still control the House, it would have been just as irrelevant if they controlled the Senate as well.  With executive orders, government department regulations and simply mandating that something is so, Obama has effectively ended our long-held system of checks and balances.  He demonstrated in his first term that he can do whatever he wants, and make no mistake about it, his ignoring and by-passing of Congress will be rampant in his second term.
      This past election was a clear choice for America between Capitalism and Socialism. Socialism won.  We will now become what Obama has wanted and dreamed of all his life, a country brought to its knees as payback to the rest of the world for our virtues he sees as vice. His father, whom he admires very deeply, spent his life openly trying to achieve this very end. 
       Over the next four years, everything we have held dear about America will fade away and Barack Obama will become the most destructive president to the United States Constitution and Individual Freedom and Responsibility in our history. 
       Ronald Reagan may be remembered for his contribution to ending Soviet communism, but Obama can top that.  He will go down in history has having ended the United States of America as we've known it for generations, "the land of the free and the home of the brave."
Please forward to all you wish.
Until next time... God bless you....Your friend in freedom:
John Porter
Entry #457

Rain Barrel Systems How To – Every Homeowner Should Be Using a Rain Barrel!

Rain Barrel Systems How To – Every Homeowner Should Be Using a Rain Barrel!



Rain barrel systems are a great way to save money on your water bill, and help save our Earth's natural resources.
Rain barrels catch rain water from your roof. These barrels can be used to  water your gardens, shrubs, trees, and even your lawn.
The systems are a very cheap DIY project to build on your own. You can also  purchase pre-made systems. Some of the pre-made systems are very  decorative as well. If you live in an area where you have a home owners  association, you may have to clear a rain barrel system first.
A simple 50 gallon food grade barrel with a spout on the bottom is all you need for a rain barrel collection system.
Place the rain barrel under a corner of your roof to catch the most rain  water. You can hook a gutter system to your rain barrel to catch even  more water.
A screen over the top of the barrel will keep out  leaves and other debris. Homes with small children should have some kind of sturdy screen to keep small children from falling in. A screen can  also keep out small animals.
The rain barrels work on a gravity  system to water an area. A soaker hose can be attached near the bottom,  and gravity will do the rest of the work. You can purchase pumps that  will pump the water out of the barrel with enough pressure to run a  sprinkler.
Rainwater irrigation is an excellent choice for  watering vegetables. Rainwater is clean and fresh, and does not contain  chemicals that may be found in city water.
You can store rainwater for long periods of time if it is stored in a dark colored barrel. The  dark barrels do not allow in sunlight, which produces algae.
By  utilizing rain barrels you will be doing your part for the environment  by reducing the use of our natural resources. In some areas of drought,  the perfect option for homeowners is to use rain barrel systems.
    To get started we need to know how to get a rain barrel collection system set up quickly and inexpensively! Setting up a Garden Rain Barrel is so easy anyone can do it with a little guidance.
Entry #456

DHS Denies Massive Ammunition Purchase

DHS Denies Massive Ammunition Purchase

      By                             Elizabeth Flock         

March 22, 2013                

Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan., says the Department of Homeland Security was planning to buy 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the next five years.

Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan., says the Department of Homeland Security was planning to buy 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the next five years.

The Department of Homeland Security responded Friday to questions from Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan., about why the agency was allegedly planning to buy some 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition over the next five years.


DHS told Whispers it regularly fills all of its goods and services requirements at one time because it's cheaper for the agency, and that the 1.6 billion number was misleading because the language of DHS's purchase said it would need "up to" a certain amount.

One solicitation by the agency—for training centers and law enforcement personnel—was for "up to" 750 million rounds of training ammunition over the next five years, DHS spokesman Peter Boogaard told Whispers.

[READ: Joe the Plumber Is Back and Giving Away a Free AR-15]

Another five-year contract allows for the purchase of "up to" 450 million rounds of ammunition, he said, and was also for law enforcement. Boogaard noted that the contract would be used by all DHS agencies except the Coast Guard.

"With more than 100,000 armed law enforcement personnel in DHS, significant quantities of ammunition are used to support law enforcement operations, quarterly qualifications, and training, to include advanced firearms training exercises," Boogaard told Whispers.

According to a letter to one lawmaker detailing DHS ammunition purchases, the department procured 148 million rounds in 2012.

[REPORT: DHS Spent Money on Zombie Simulation]

Questions over DHS's big ammunition purchases have been bouncing around the right-wing blogosphere for months. But the story came to a head Friday after a video was posted to the website Infowars of Rep. Huelskamp saying at CPAC that he had expressed concerns to DHS over the purchase but received no response.

"They have no answer for that question. They refuse to answer to answer that," Huelskamp said on the video of the purchases. His office told Whispers that he had sent a letter to DHS with his concerns but had not heard back.

In the letter to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, Huelskamp wrote that it had "become clear" that DHS was "purchasing vast quantities of ammunition" and that "estimates show that this ... would be enough for 24 Iraq wars." The Kansas congressman also said the timing of the purchase was "of great interest" because of gun control legislation currently being pushed by the Obama administration.

[READ: DHS Named Worst Federal Agency to Work]

"The extraordinary level of ammunition purchases made by Homeland Security seems to have, in states such as my own, created an extreme shortage of ammunition to the point where many gun owners are unable to purchase any," he wrote.

DHS previously responded to concerns over the purchase voiced by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., noting in a detailed letter sent to the senator's office in February just how much had been purchased and for what purpose.

"DHS routinely establishes strategic sourcing contracts that combine the requirements of all its components for commonly purchased goods and services such as ammunition," a DHS legislative affairs person wrote to Coburn. "These strategic sourcing contracts help leverage the purchasing power of DHS to efficiently procure equipment and supplies at significantly lower costs," the department told Coburn.

Entry #455