slackscrews's Blog

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back in the game

  back in the game again,two weeks of twelve hour work days and being completely burned out left me with out time for anything other than seeking sleep when i got off but gladly thats over with now so with a little rest and relaxation i am ready to burn up the  tell red hot ,flowers and percy them,watch out i'm coming to get them.
Entry #4

Two hits one day

got two boxed hits today ,ah let's see three fifty and three fifty =seven hundred ,hum not bad for a days winnings
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Entry #3

another hit

got a piece of 309 on  a three dollars box , small change but just as good gonna take my wins however they come
Entry #2

two hits in one day

two hits in one day,boy my luck is finally coming around.067 on a six dollars box and 123 on a six dollar box and a four dollars straight .for me christmas has indeed come early.winning total yesterday forty two hundred dollars.
Entry #1
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