time*treat's Blog

Man kills bear to protect family, Feds side with bear

A little background for the coast-living libs who still can't fathom why anyone would ever own a firearm:

1) People who live in or near wooded areas sometimes encounter large, hungry wild animals.
2) Yelling "I'm gonna call the police" won't stop said animal and his pack mates from having you for lunch.
3) The "local" sheriff is 20 minutes away, on a good day.

Next time one of those smarmy noise-papers reports that the jackbooted thugs have heroically murdered some "armed and dangerous" kid walking in the woods near his own home, you may have a clue as to why he was "armed".

He's trying to protect himself from four-legged wild animals when the two-legged kind snuck up on him.

Now, to the story: From the same gangsters who brought you the siege at Ruby Ridge...


Otter supports grizzly shooter
COEUR d’ALENE — Idaho Gov. Butch Otter told the Obama administration in a letter this week that he supports the right of a North Idaho man who killed a grizzly bear to defend himself and his family.

Jeremy M. Hill, 33, shot and killed a grizzly on his 20-acre property near Porthill on May 8, and his lawyer said Tuesday they would be arguing self-defense and protection of family. Hill pleaded not guilty in U.S. District Court Tuesday.

“I recognize the federal jurisdiction under the Endangered Species Act, but I strongly support the right of individuals to defend themselves and others in such situations,” Otter wrote to Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar in an Aug. 22 letter.

“Many, including me, feel Mr. Hill did what a concerned parent would do. Now, Jeremy and his family must endure the cost of a trial,” the Republican governor said.

He said U.S. Fish and Wildlife needs to consider the impacts to grizzly bear recovery efforts because of Hill’s case.

“There is a great public outcry about this issue, and prosecution may further damage community support for recovery efforts,” he wrote.

He added that there must be flexibility for citizens to protect their loved ones and property.

“One of the flaws of the ESA is the premium it places on protecting species at the expense of everything else,” Otter said. “Although an individual can protect human safety under the law — as Jeremy felt he was doing — it’s a shame that the Endangered Species Act still does not enable citizens to protect their private property and pets in the same manner.”

He finished by saying that there is no dispute Hill killed a grizzly. The dispute, he said, appears to be over the reason for shooting the bear.

“I would sincerely appreciate your looking into this case and assisting in any way you can,” he wrote.

The Boundary County commissioners wrote a letter to the governor asking for help.

“We feel that at all costs, this man has the obligation and responsibility to protect his children,” the commissioners wrote in their Aug. 22 letter. “This is not some flagrant or malicious act. We urge you to do all that is in your power to have this matter settled.”

Hill’s father, Mike Hill, said that three grizzly bears, a mother and two cubs, wandered onto his son’s property.

He said the bears were spotted by some of Jeremy Hill’s six kids, who had been outside playing. They called to their father, who was inside the house.

He came out with a rifle and shot and killed one of the bears, then called authorities to report the death.

It has been reported that it was the mother that was killed, but Mike Hill said it was one of the cubs. U.S. Attorney Wendy Olson declined on Wednesday to say which bear was shot and killed. Declined to say. Wonder why.

The bears were five miles outside a grizzly recovery zone and next to Highway 1.

Jeremy Hill was charged with the killing, a misdemeanor, earlier this month. If convicted, he faces up to a year in prison and a $50,000 fine.

The grizzly bear is a threatened species in the lower 48 states, and protected by federal law.

Maybe we could demand the bears pay for a people hunting license, and show proof of it before mauling someone.

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Entry #624

Farmin' in da Hood vs Doomsday Preppers

Granted, the first group produced their own video, but the spin difference is remarkable.

Without the audio, side by side, the urban farming group seem to be doing many of the same things as the first family in the preppers story.

Here are the other parts to the preppers piece:
part 2 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLX-Remh7Aw
part 3 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpGFHOqIi5A
part 4 -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPlhocjYtOw

With the audio, my impression was that the preppers piece was all but saying outright "these folks are (slightly) nuts".
The word "extreme" was used a few times.

Also their unseen, unheard "expert" had criticism of every plan, but never offered a whole plan made of his own ... expertise.

Maybe they'd rather you sit and do nothing? -- because we already know what happens to people who try to take care of themselves.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-taU9d26wT4 It's 8 mins, but you'll only need about 90 seconds. Mad

Entry #621

Enemy Combatant Charge for Video Upload

And the bar of accusation lowers just a little bit more ... 


Feds Charge  Man As Enemy Combatant Supporting Terrorism For Uploading YouTube Video, Subjecting Him To Permanent Imprisonment, Torture, And Lethal Beatings Without A Trial

Take freedom of speech and other personal liberties — including protections against cruel and unusual punishment, right to face your accuser, and right to trial by jury — and throw them right out the window. All for the crime of uploading a YouTube.


The Department of Justice of the great United States of America has charged a Jubair Ahmad, a 24 year old Woodbridge, Virginia man, of providing support for terrorism because he allegedly uploaded a propaganda video to YouTube. The accusation alone instantly classifies the man as an ‘enemy combatant’  and ‘clear and present danger’. Such persons who are a ‘threat to national security’ have absolutely no rights. To make matters worse, businesses and nations aren’t allowed to do business with such so-called ‘terrorists’ or they will be declared a terrorist themselves. That means a lawyer who takes up his case can be charge with providing support for terrorism. That is  if the United States government  even decides to honor habeas corpus and give the man a trial in the first place. Our beloved supreme court has ruled that ‘enemy combatants’ can be abducted, tortured, assassinated, and even detained for ever without a trial because the constitution does not apply to them. Even worse, the lucky few who are released after being declared innocent have no right to legal recourse because revealing the details of their detention and torture is also a threat to national security.


Soon enough, someone will be 'disappeared' for making a video consisting of nothing more than clips of some head of state contradicting themselves from one clip to another. But, you won't hear about the petty details -- they'll just be another 'enemy' the state has pro-tec-ted you from. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

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Entry #620

Hurricane Irene aftermath

Good call by the president and east coast governors and mayors warning about Hurricane Irene.

Read a whole lot of pre-storm snarking claiming the warnings were much ado about nothing.

Tell that to the dead or the people who lost everything but their lives.

Not so funny after the power went out and more than a few houses (and roads, bridges, and businesses) have washed away.




Keep watching. Take notes. This isn't over.

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Entry #618

Liberty Dollars may be subject to seizure

Full article at http://www.coinworld.com/articles/liberty-dollars-may-be-subject-to-seizure/

Federal off(ici)als call medallic pieces ‘contraband’ -- Yeah, 'cause your "notes" have held up so well over the last 100 years.

By Paul Gilkes Coin World Staff | Aug. 29, 2011 7:46 a.m.
Article first published in 2011-09-12, U.S. Collectibles section of Coin World

Michigan collector James Zylstra earned a third-place award in the medals category with his Liberty Dollar exhibit at the spring 2011 Central States Numismatic Society convention, a month after the Liberty Dollars’ creator was convicted in federal court of counterfeiting and other charges. Liberty Dollars may be subject to seizure.

Liberty Dollars held by collectors may be subject to seizure as contraband by federal law enforcement, officials with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and Secret Service said Aug. 24.

Statements by officials for those two federal law enforcement agencies seem to reverse the position taken in comments released from the United States Attorney’s Office in Charlotte, N.C., and published in Coin World in April, that mere possession of Liberty Dollars did not constitute a violation of any federal statute.
That position has apparently changed, although officials of the U.S. Secret Service — which would be the federal agency likely charged with executing any possible seizures — would not provide any definitive comments concerning under what circumstances Liberty Dollars would be seized. (Emphasis mine. Of course, they don't want to be tied down by any guidelines. )

The revised stance is tied to the Liberty Dollar being determined in a federal court to violate federal counterfeiting statutes. Liberty Dollars, metallic medallic pieces, were privately promoted as a form of currency that could be used in commerce as an alternative to Federal Reserve notes. (Allegedly)

Entry #617

Armed raid on Gibson Guitar

CEO phone interview and press conference.


Lots of inventory stolen .. er .. seized, but no charges filed against them.

So, you're going to go out and start a business or create jobs with this kind of crap going on? No lo creo. Roll Eyes

Supposedly breaking, not American law, but foreign law -- even though said foreigners aren't complaining.

Land of the free.

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Entry #616

He didn't say it plainly enough

How Good Are GM and Chrysler Warranties?

President Barack Obama made clear at his press conference on Monday that the U.S. government would stand behind warranties on cars purchased while the automakers restructure. "Let me say this as plainly as I can: If you buy a car from Chrysler or General Motors, you will be able to get your car serviced and repaired just like always," Obama said. "Your warranty will be safe. In fact, it will be safer than it has ever been. Because starting today, the United States will stand behind your warranty."*

In 2011 (this is now)
New GM said not responsible to fix Impala made by old GM

General Motors Co is seeking to dismiss a lawsuit over a suspension problem on more than 400,000 Chevrolet Impalas from the 2007 and 2008 model years, saying it should not be responsible for repairs because the flaw predated its bankruptcy.

As one wag put it: GM has a new gearbox going into all new cars.  It's called the obama transmission - It shifts the blame.

* oodles of disclaimer, here. In tiny writing. In nearly the same color as the background.

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Entry #615

Big Sis Greenlights TaserDrones

Rolling out in Texas -- rattlesnake approved, of course.

http://www.prisonplanet.com/big-sis-gives-green-light-for-drone-that-tazes-suspects-from-above.html (with video)

The ShadowHawk is a 50lb mini drone chopper that can be fitted with an XREP taser with the ability to fire four barbed electrodes that can be shot to a distance of 100 feet, delivering “neuromuscular incapacitation” to the victim. The drone can travel at a top speed of 70MPH and can operate for 3.5 hours over land and sea.

A video clip of the drone shows off its impressive maneuverability as it tails a suspect attempting to evade capture with sophisticated object tracking technology. Another video shows the drone conducting surveillance of two individuals involved in a firearm transaction.

The drone also has the capacity to carry 37mm or 40mm grenade launchers and or a multiple shot 12 gauge shotgun.

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Entry #613

here snakey, snakey

At least one bankster has offered to "help out" the long-horn rattlesnake.

Where there's smoke ....

Entry #611