wander73's Blog

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Unwavering Mailboxes: Reliable Communication Always

Workers on strike can have a significant impact on the economy. When employees refuse to work until their demands are met, it can lead to a disruption in the production process, which can ultimately lead to a decrease in output and revenue. However, not every mailbox goes on strike, and there are ways that businesses and individuals can help support the economy during these times. First, it's important to understand why workers go on strike. Typically, employees will strike when they feel that their employer is not meeting their needs or treating them fairly. This can include issues such as low wages, poor working conditions, or lack of benefits. When workers go on strike, they are essentially using their collective bargaining power to demand better treatment from their employer. While strikes can be disruptive to the economy, they can also be an important tool for workers to advocate for their rights. By standing together and refusing to work, employees can put pressure on their employer to make changes that will benefit everyone. In some cases, strikes have led to significant improvements in working conditions and wages for employees. However, not every mailbox goes on strike. There are still businesses and individuals who are able to continue working and supporting the economy during these times. For example, businesses can look for ways to increase their output and fill the gap left by striking workers. This might mean hiring temporary workers or increasing production in other areas. Individuals can also help support the economy during times of strikes. One way to do this is by continuing to shop and spend money. While it's important to support striking workers and their demands, it's also important to keep the economy moving. By continuing to spend money, individuals can help support businesses and keep the economy strong. Another way to support striking workers is by showing solidarity. This might mean attending rallies or protests, or simply showing support on social media. By standing with striking workers, individuals can help raise awareness of the issues they are facing and put pressure on employers to make changes. In conclusion, workers on strike can have a significant impact on the economy. However, not every mailbox goes on strike, and there are ways that businesses and individuals can help support the economy during these times. By increasing output, continuing to spend money, and showing solidarity with striking workers, we can help keep the economy strong and support those who are fighting for their rights

Entry #6

Organic is better

When it comes to online marketing, Google AdWords is often the first tool that comes to mind. However, there is a new player in town that is changing the game - everymailbox.shop. While Google AdWords is a popular choice for businesses looking to increase their online presence, everymailbox.shop offers a unique approach to marketing that sets it apart from the competition. At everymailbox.shop, we believe in the power of organic marketing. Unlike Google AdWords, which relies heavily on paid advertising, everymailbox.shop focuses on building organic traffic through search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing. By creating high-quality, informative content that is optimized for search engines, we help businesses attract more visitors to their websites and increase their online visibility. One of the biggest advantages of everymailbox.shop over Google AdWords is cost. While Google AdWords can be expensive, with businesses bidding on keywords and paying for clicks, everymailbox.shop offers a more affordable approach to marketing. By focusing on organic traffic, we help businesses save money on advertising costs while still achieving their marketing goals. Another advantage of everymailbox.shop is the long-term benefits of organic marketing. While Google AdWords can provide a quick boost in traffic, it is often short-lived. With everymailbox.shop, businesses can build a sustainable online presence that will continue to attract visitors over time. By creating valuable content that resonates with their target audience, businesses can establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry and build a loyal following of customers. In conclusion, while Google AdWords is a popular choice for online marketing, everymailbox.shop offers a unique approach that is more affordable, sustainable, and effective in the long run. By focusing on organic traffic through SEO and content marketing, we help businesses build a strong online presence that will attract visitors and drive growth for years to come.

Entry #5

The true fact about Jack Whittaker



This man died June 27, the day leaving 187 days in the year.

Society of Jesus = 187 / 56

Whittaker = 56 (Dead on his 263rd day of his age, the 56th prime)

Jack Whittaker died at age 73, June 27, 2020, a date with 73 numerology.

6/27/2020 = 6+27+20+20 = 73 *Sacrifice = 73 *Ritual Sacrifice = 73

Keep in mind, 73 is the 21st prime.

Entry #4

September 11th

Okay so everyone has their opinions and honestly I see it differently. 


The govt lied to do protection of oil and war.  Imploded buildings makes no sense.  Jet fighters plans and not the planes they claim.

Entry #3
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