AllenB's Blog


“Dang it, We all knew this was gonna happen again”  said Sully.  “Did it ever occur to you that we just keep tryin to turn $hit into Gold.  This Carp we been playin with ain’t lookin so good.  I think the Rabbit ate some gold glitter.”

“Don’t be such a Downer Sully” said Jake.  “Give it a bit more time.  Besides this $hit doesn’t Stink like that old Carp yet. “

“Yeah but, it will soon enough” Sully shot back.

“Now Look you two.  We all knew when we started the ranch that this would probably be a waste of time.  Back in the ODD_Low Days we started out Breeding Cows, Flying Drones, Digging Holes, Planting Trees.  Hell we even built a miniature Airport and several small towns.  There ain’t much more we can do.  WE gotta build something else.  Keep the Crickets busy or Turn them Loose.” Said Billy.

“Now get this in your head boys”  Billy said gruffly.  His voice lowered “We ain’t tryin to Crack no Code.  We are just tryin to Make our own Luck.”

“We’ve got a group of Pilots that are raring to Fly.  They just got started.  It’s not their fault that we can’t figure out how to use their Flight Logs yet.  Heck we haven’t tried a New Flight Plan in about a Week.  Don’t Carp out on them yet.  Besides What the HE double toothpicks Else We Gonna Do?”

Entry #58

Update 3-24-2023

Flights through the Twilight Zone sounds Crazy, I know. I might be the first Crazy Person to Dream this up.  I think my Excel Addiction got carried away Looping and IFing as I dove into these so called “Flight Plans.  But something else was happening. 

Each Flight produced 6 Sets of Numbers as explained earlier.  I started by looking for Flight that had 5 Hits in 1 of the 6 “Stacks” of Numbers.  Comparing the Numbers in these stacks provided a way of reducing the Net Stack by eliminating numbers that were not found on all of the Stacks that were compared.  The problem here is that the Stacks are Tall.  Often these 5 Hit Stacks contain more than 35 Numbers.  Comparing 4 or 5 Stacks would reduce the Net Stack by a few more Balls.  In a Nutshell I could find the Jackpot (5 Hit) in somewhere around 27 Balls.  To do that I had to Guess (Select) the Stacks that would contain 5 hits and compare around 4 to 6 of them.  Several of the Flights consistently found the Jackpot generally with Inventories of 30 or more Balls.  Comparing these stacks eliminated a few more balls but the Goal of getting the inventory to 10-15 would require another comparison.

Enter the Zero hit comps.  There are several Flights that produced a small Stack of 4 to 10 numbers without a single Hit.  Comparing from 4 to 8 Stacks of these Stacks brought the Inventory down to as low as 7 Balls and produced a 5 Hit.  To do that I had to guess which of the Stacks would be hitless.  If I could guess this Right I reached my Goal. 

Now I am running a Sheet called All or Nothing that quickly does the 5 Hit Comps and the No Hit Comps. 

Have you added up the Guesses yet.  Well you have to Guess which Stacks to Compare and then Guess how many hits each one contains.   

Dizzy yet?  Maybe this will help.  Stare if you Dare.

I think I Need a shower.

Entry #57

Update 3/23/2023

There’s the Wall again.  Time to go back and get the Chairs in position for the Impact.  Maybe the reflection rerun will move the Wall away.  It usually does. 

Cricket Sounds.

The Twilight Zone is not just a reference.  The Spiral portal to the Zone came out of the Blue.  Wrapping up another set of Ifs, knowing that the new choices would be another random expression, The Wall would not Move.  I was tired of moving the same old chairs.  The Crickets were just going through the motions.  I needed a shower. 

You know how a good shower can lift your spirit.  Heard tell it has to do with Negative Ions.  Ironic that Negative Ions equal Positive Vibrations and Thoughts.  I closed my eyes to rinse my face and there it was, spinning .  Offering a place to Shed the Odd-Low Ball Stuff that built the wall in the first place.

Instead of trying to Break Down a Wall, It became more like searching in Space.  Imagining the flow of Lottery Balls or “confining” them to positions in a Spiral in Space.  Old Surveying experience kicked in.  I fired up AutoCad to Draw the “Spiral”.  Spiral is in quotes because I actually don’t find a way to draw a true spiral.  So, I used a honey combed grid of circles instead.  Selecting a center point for the Black Hole and passing through the center of the circles in a counterclockwise spiral through 720 Circles.  These circles were numbered from the center out an became the Points in the Spiral.  The Vectors were drawn and the Balls were inserted into the spiral.  The Points on Each Vector are separated from the Spiral watched as the balls flow through in 5 Ball bursts. 

That’s just another version of my previous log and brings me to an update.

Watching the Moving Red Spots where a Ball in the Test Draw matches the Ball at a point in the spiral is like getting a new telescope for Christmas.  Some might say “more like a kaleidoscope”.   Watching the Red Squares move through the Axis Point Table was eye opening or possibly hypnotizing.  It started by watching one of the Vectors.  Noting the number of balls on a vector and referring to the largest as the “Long Vector”. 

My New Lottery Goal was to find from 10 to 15 Balls to selectively wheel.  Early on it looked like combining a couple of Vectors could do the trick.  Every so often one of the Long Vectors would have 4 hits by itself.  On the Long Vectors there were even a couple of Jackpots.  Unfortunately, there could be a few thousand draws between the Big One and a hundred or so between 4s.

The AutoCad Drawing was replaced by the Excel Spiral.  Turns out that the Vectors from the Black Hole pass through the centers of the cells with the same number as the AutoCad  Drawing.  In fact a jpeg file of the Excel Spiral can be inserted into the AutoCad drawing and everything lines up. 

Combining Vectors splintered into combining the 3 Subgroups on Each Vector.  Remember that each Vector contains balls from 3 positions in the draw.  Those positions do not change and neither does the number of points from the same position.

Manually observing combinations of Sub Groups offered or hypnotically suggested a “Strategy”.  These Observations became known as Flights as a vision of the Cowboy Cricket Rabbit Air Force emerged from another Shower of Negative Ions.   

Each Pilot is given a Flight Plan before a Drawing.  The Pilot “flies” to a Set of Points and executes an Include, Exclude or Turn Off Command.  The Flight produces 6 lists of numbers and records the number of hits and the inventory from each list.   Below are the Flight Instructions designated “Auto 9”.


Auto 9
































































The 6 Lists are

  1. All Numbers Included or Excluded
  2. All Numbers not Included or Excluded
  3. All numbers that were Excluded at any Point.
  4. All Numbers that were not Excluded at any Point
  5. All numbers that were Included more than Excluded on the Flight
  6. All Numbers that were Excluded more than Included on the Flight. 

The Squadron right now numbers 15.  Each Pilot has its own Flight Plan. 

There is a Set of 6 Pilots that search the Entire Vector.  These Pilots Include, Exclude or turn Off the entire Vector.  Vector only Flights automatically turn off all Sub Groups.

The other Pilots search Vector Sub Groups.  The Vectors themselves are Turned Off. 

Strategic Command is looking for the Magic Combination of Flight Plans that Corral a Jackpot. 

Command is still working to mine the Flight Logs and come up with a formula that identifies the Pilot Combinations that Isolate the Jackpot in the Targeted Goal (10-15).  That is where I was when the Wall Appeared.

I can see clearly now.  The Wall is Gone.

As Always feel free to comment.

Entry #56

Travel Log 3/19/2023

The Concept of the Spiral made with a Garden Hose and a bunch of Marbles is the Visual Presentation of the Last 720 Balls or Numbers that were drawn in a Lottery.  The Compass overlay serves to identify a Set and Subsets of Points That fall on 12 Vectors from the Center of the Spiral emanating from the Black Hole at the Center.  The 12 Vectors are described in Bearing Format and shown in the figure below. 

Vectors together with Hot and Cold Spots in the Spiral




Sets and Subsets of Points for the 12 Vectors (Bearings) are:

All Vector Balls

Vector Balls with Duplicates Removed.

The Second Table Eliminates the Matching Numbers on the Vector.  The Test Draw Numbers are Red. 

After Each Draw the 5 Balls enter the Spiral at Point 720 (the farthest point from the Black Hole).  All 5 Balls Enter the “Hose”.  The Balls found in Points on the Vectors Rotate Counterclockwise toward the Black Hole. 

The Goal is to Narrow down the Number of Points to around 10 and try to retain the Winners.  The Spiral or if you don’t need the visual, the List of Points above can be used in various Ways to Target the Right Points.

Enter the Auto Pilots.  They are a Collection of Subgroups highlighted on the Compass Overlay. And from the List Above.  An Auto Pilot is programmed to act on all or some of the points on a Vector (Bearing).  An “Axis Only” Flight includes all Points on the Vector.  A “Balls Only” Flight acts on the 3 Vector Subgroups based on Draw Position.  Each Vector (Bearing) will only contain 3 of the 5 Positions in the Draw. 

The First Table show All of the Positions with the Current Ball at said Point.  The Balls from the Test Draw for this Date are Red.  Notice that some points on a Vector (Bearing) often have the Same Ball (Number).  For the Test Draw Example there are several Vectors that have 2 Points with the Same Draw Ball and Several other matches that did not hit.

Keep in mind that the Ball Positions and Point Numbers do not change.  The Balls move after each Draw.   

Training and Testing Pilots is going on in the Cricket Lab.  Some Test Flights are planned in a few Days. 

The Cowboy is still Riding the Cricket.  Thought about giving the Cricket a lucky Rabbits Foot but that made the Rabbit Run Away.  He mumbled something about losing a foot as he disappeared down the tube.  We are coaxing him out by telling him we are going to make a Decal of his photo and put it on the side of the Cricket.  The Rabbit sent up a picture of a Kangaroo with an arrow pointing to the pouch. 

That’s the Latest from Cricket Ranch.

Entry #55

Travel Logs

I often ask myself “What am I Doing”. 

  1. Am I Trying to Win Some Money in the “Lottery”? 
  2. Am I writing a book
  3. or just trying to keep track of what I have done in Excel? 
  4. Am I obsessed? 
  5. Is the obsession doing me any good? 
  6. Am I having Fun?

The answer to each question is “Yes”. 

The Next Question is the size of Each Yes.  Ranking them if you will.  But ranking them how? 

  1. The Foundation is Number 3,
  2. Fueled by Number 4.
    1. The Yes on Number 5 might be a delusion.  It does fade in and out from time to time.
    2. The Yes on Number 6 is the Largest of the bunch.
  3. The Yes on Number 1 is Solid and Patient. It’s willing to wait thanks to Number 6. 
  4. The Yes on Number 2 is the One that Changes Size or gets sent to the Back of the line when I am deep in Numbers 3 and 6.

Number 2 is what I am pondering in this Blog.  Starting with the question Why?  The Why applies differently to Number 1.  Rather than get into the Whys and Nots I will throw this out.  Instead of Trying to sell Books after a Big Hit pops out of My Excel File, how about sharing a Travel Log of the Journey?  Now I can’t say for sure what I will do when the Big Hit happens.  Depends on how Big it is.  If it is big enough, I will probably be more interested in trying to manage the money, than coming back to explain how I did it.  The Travel Logs will show the Road Map to the point that I landed in the right place at the right time.   Pretty Fanciful I admit.  It won’t mean a thing until I am Gone.  Gone with some Cash or just plain Gone.  So, I will share a bit of My Journey and then I Won’t.

I admit to having fun writing corny stories about the Boys and Cricket Ranch.  It’s a way of expressing the Strategy in my head when I stop Adding Cells to Excel to write a few notes about what the Crickets are up to. 

 I’ll have an update on Spiral Soon.

The Twilight Zone is the Place For Me

Entry #54

Building the Twilight Zone

Materials List

  1. Garden Hose long enough to hold 720 Marbles.
  2. 720 Marbles representing the previous 144 Drawings inserted into the hose in Reverse Order (B1 first and B5 last).
  3. A Compass with the Circle divided into 30 Degree Angles or Directions.


  1. Assign Point Numbers in Reverse Order so that Ball 5 of the Last Draw = #720 and the First Ball of 144 Draws Back is #1.
  2. Coil the loaded garden hose into a Spiral Where Point #1 is at a point on the Edge of the Black Hole at the center of the hose spiral.  Start on the Rim at 315 Degrees (measured Clockwise from 0). 
  3. Set the Compass on the Spiral at the Center of the Black Hole with 315 Degrees set on the Center of Point #1. 
  4. Adjust to Defining a direction in Bearings (like a Land Surveyor).  Therefore, the Compass Orientation is set North 45⁰ West (N45W) on the Rim of the Black Hole at the center of the Spiral and passing through the Center of Point #1.
  5. Extend the 30⁰ Directions to the Outer edge of the Spiral.  Note where each of these Directions passes through the Center of a set of Balls (Points).  There are 12 Directions on the Compass (360/30). 
  6. Create the Fixed List of Points on Each Direction noting each ones Ball Number.  This List does not change.  The Ball assignments are also Fixed.  When a new Draw Takes Place (in Real Time or in Simulation) the New Balls are inserted into the Hose at Point #720 beginning with Ball #1.  The Balls at Points #1 through Point#5 drop into the Black Hole.  This changes the Number on the Ball at these points but not the Point # or Ball Position in the Draw.

There you have it,  It may not look like a Rabbit Hole but turns into one real fast.  In fact, it turns into more Rabbit holes then I have ever wandered into.  The Good news is that you don’t need to go more than a few steps down each one to get to what you are looking for and you only need to go down a few holes.  Selecting those holes is the First Guess followed by The Ever-present Conclusion always coming down to 3 Options.  In this case once again they are Include, Exclude or Ignore.


Part 1 is the Creation of Point Stacks of Sub Groups.  The Spiral is my latest experiment but, my old files contain many Group Generators.  This Part of the Process can use Groups Created by any process or system.  The Question is “How many Groups do I Need for Part 2”? 

  1. There are 264 Points that fall on one of the 12 Directions.  This is referred to as Inv_G (Gross Inventory).  Generally, there are around 233 Points When you eliminate all but 1 of the points with the same Number found on Each Direction.  This is referred to as Inv_N (Inventory Net).
  2. Rather than Being a Rabbit, become a Pilot.  Now that looks like a potential Avatar of a Cricket Flying a Rabbit.  The Cowboy is sitting at the Radar Screen giving directions to the Cricket on Where to Fly and Record the Number on the Ball at the Target Points. 
  3. A Flight Plan is a Set of Coordinates that are Preset or Derived from formulas.  These Points are then subjected to the 3 Options, Include? Exclude? or Off? (Ignore?).  The Option Selection can be Preset of derived from a formula.
  4. The Cowboy creates Multiple Flight Plans for each Contest.  A Squadron of Pilots Fly their Mission before each Game bringing back a List of Numbers based on the Flight Instructions.  Each Simulation records the previous 50 Flights and Logs the Total Hits and Inventory of the selected points. 
    1. Each Flight Plan creates 6 Sub Groups of Points. 
      1. The First List contains all Points that Match the Flight Plan. 
      2. The Second List includes Numbers that are not in the First List.
      3. The Third List Excludes any number that was Excluded anywhere in the Flight Plan.
      4. The Fourth List Includes points that were Excluded anywhere.
      5. The Fifth List includes those points that were Included more than they were Excluded.
      6. The Sixth List includes Numbers Not on the Fifth List.
    2. Before Each Game there may be a small list of Numbers that are not found at any Directions Way Points.  The Activated Points have a near perfect record (for the Lottery) of landing all 5 numbers so, these Numbers can be eliminated from consideration when they occur.  Or They can be Selected if they match a criterion such as being a repeat from the Last Draw before the Test Draw. 
  5. Each of the Pilots Fly their Mission 50 Times to Establish a Flight Log.  Each of the Logs is Looked at on a Screen Graph Showing the Hits and Inventories of the 6 Sub Groups of Points over 50 Flights.  The Analysis will be used to predict the Number of Hits from the Sub Groups in the coming Draw
  6. Prior to the Next Draw, Each Pilot Executes (His/Her/Its) mission.  The Six Sub Groups are Tabulated for all Flights.  The Sub Groups are Then Grouped Together in a Series of 6 Tables.


The Final Process is only a Concept.  The Comparing of Subgroups is taking shape.  A List of the Logical Considerations (one of which is described below) needs to be developed.  This Development should try to eliminate need for the Hit Guess.

The Final Process involves Comparing a Certain Subgroup from one Flight to any other Subgroup from another Flight and using the Flight Log Data to “Guess” (again) how many hits the Group Contains.  Prior to the Guess Common Numbers in the Sub Groups are identified.  These numbers will stand out when the number of hits from each group is different.  For example, Group 1 has 25 Numbers and you or a formula predicts 4 Hits.  Group 2 has 20 Numbers and the prediction is 3 Hits.  If there are 15 Common Numbers in Group 2, That means one of the Hits in Group 1 comes from the Uncommon Numbers.  If there are 4 hits from Each Group  you can eliminate all of the uncommon numbers.  A Series of these Side By Side Comparisons hopefully will produce a Target List of 10 to 15 Numbers to send to the Wheel House.


Part 2 is the Puzzle.  The Logical Considerations will need to be applied to more than 2 Groups to enable the search for the answer question posed in Part 1 (How many Groups).  Maybe the magic number is 3.  The Logic might be impossible to apply to more groups 3 Groups.

The Cowboy is Training Pilots and looking for the Logic.  Anyone wishing to assist in the Development of Logical Questions is encouraged to contact the Cowboy with any suggestions.


The Carny Crickets are pushing for a new ride at the Cricket Lottery State Fair this year.  Nobody listens to them thank God.  They are a subversive bunch.  The cynical btards never consider that the System Might Work.  They just see a long line of Suckers waiting to Take a Flight on the Simulator for a nominal Fee.  They just sit around writing Dubious Claims that contain about half of the number of words as the Disclaimer Statements written in the Small Print. 

The Cowboy ain’t got time for that Carp. 

The Crickets refuse to work with Carnies and the Rabbit stomps the you know what out of them every time they cross paths. 

Back to the Flight Simulator.  The Pilots are all competing to be Top Gun.  They think they can do it by themselves and don’t need to worry about Step 2.  They are Teaming up and looking for the Perfect Score.  A Renegade Group is mumbling about Flying in a Straight Line.  They want to make a few turns off Direction and execute a few loops and rolls.  Flight Control hears the noise and is throwing in a few loops to include Points in the Spiral that are not pierced by one of the Directions.  Looking back through the History of the Spiral Universe, there are several Points that seem to hit more often that do not fall on a Direction. 

Comments Appreciated.

Advise will be Much Appreciated.

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Entry #53

Something to Look at

The Image Below is what I am Talking about.  I am looking at the Axes and the Balls with a Winning Number.  The Active Game is at the End of the Spiral (Look at N60E).  The Numbers for that Draw are colored Red.  These Numbers are spread about the Spiral.  Notice where the Winning Numbers are spread throughout the Spiral, Paying particular attention to the Axes. 

More to Come.

Feel free to Comment.


Entry #52

The Twilight Zone

Take a closer Look at the spinning spiral.  Look Deeper, Deeper, Deeper.

Now when I snap my fingers, you will produce a picture of what you Saw deep in the Spiral.  SNAP!

Now Tell me what was on the Outer Limits of the Spiral.

OK let’s get more specific.  Replace the Spiral with the succession of Lotter Balls.  The Spiral Spins Both Ways.  What happens when you reverse the Spin?

Which way do you spin?  Do you imagine the Balls coming out of the hole or going in?  I would have to put myself in the Out Lookers, which in this case is looking in at the hole in the middle to see what is coming out. 

When I Snap my fingers, You will return to the spinning spiral.  SNAP!

Now Reverse the spin.  Imagine the Balls coming from somewhere tangent to the spiral.  What would that look like?  Could there be something emanating from the hole that might suggest a Ball or Set of Balls that might be next?   Could there be Vectors (coming from the Hole) that touch groups of balls that  contain one or more of the Next Balls?  When a New Set of Balls Spin the Spiral Where are the previously drawn Balls with the same number located? 


You will not remember any of this.

Entry #51

It's Been a while.

Do you ever Stop and Think about What You are Doing.  Do you have a Plan or a Strategy to Ride to a Jackpot?

Before I joined LP, I had already broken down the California Super Lotto Plus and Fantasy 5 into elemental thins like hits and skips.  In the 7.5 Years that I have been on this forum, I have looked for and shared a few ideas to add to those columns a further dissection Lottery Games.  Combined with a method to reconstruct combinations from a selection of parts of said dissections.  With every new dissection procedure comes a new set of Guesses.  The In and out (dissection and reconstruction) of the Draw by position requires on average 3 Selections for every Ball Drawn in the Game.

Back to the Original Question.  Do I have a Plan or Strategy?  Not Yet!  The Journey so far has mostly been training a “Bunch of Crickets” to do the dissection and create a digital “meter” to create combinations.  These “Little Accountants” have done a pretty good job of doing all of the work and presenting it in a way that I want to or think I should look at it.  Strategy?  Not Yet!  Getting Close?  Not really.  Why not?  Because the game is a Forest and I have a team of little bugs crawling on the floor looking for crumbs.  Is the “Bug Work” useful?  I think it will be but, not by itself. 

It's funny to me the way things fall into place.  In the case of a Strategy for The Lottery, recently someone’s post made me take a look at Yogism’s.  “You can observe a lot just by watching” made me take a look at Lottery Posts Wheels.  The First thing that happened was the Downsizing of the “Cricket Crew” with the elimination of the Reconstruction Division.  This New Reconstruction Process was not dependent on position selections but rather on a selection of a Number of Balls in excess of the 5 or 6 Balls Drawn.   I had said before that I did not want to let a Wheel be a filter.  The Little bugs had me convinced that they could do it by showing me all of the combinations and then it was up to me to select what I could afford or just isolate to see how the Crickets and I were doing.  Well, we were not doing that well to be honest.  Part of the problem was mission creep.  Adding to the Columns with “new” or redefined versions of elements already broken into bits was expanding the Cricket Population in large waves. 

Where am I Now?  The Crickets let go in the downsizing have been called back to interface with the LP Wheels for Batches of from 10 to 15 Balls.  The Fifth Wheel is again setting on Blocks.   Drones have been assigned to monitor the Forest rather than the Bugs themselves.  The Fifth Wheel does have an overall view of the Forest but relies on the selection of a Cricket Crew to create it’s output. 

OK sorry if I said the same thing a few times above.  What Strategy am I Trying Now?   Working on Part One.  Searching for from 10 to 15 Numbers to send to the Wheels of Lottery Post.  I may be late to this realization and since I just got here, I am shotting from the hip. I am following Yogi’s advice watching about 6 Lines of an Excel Worksheet.  The Lines are dynamic in that they change with “Back” setting and a “Count” Setting.  The “Back” Setting goes back and makes a previous draw active and the “Count” setting looks at the drawings leading up to the Back Draw.  With every draw added to the Count, numbers go from the skip line to the hit line.  A Count can be rolled back by advancing the Back Value.  A Definition of a “Skip String” and a coincidental count of same is aiming to set Targets on the Skip Line that will hopefully contain a number in the actual draw.  The same thing is applied to the Hit String Line.  A String is the length of consecutive numbers.  Each number has a position on a String from either Line.  String lengths from 1 to 5 are being sought at the moment.  The Idea is to pull together the strings to populate the Box of 10 to 15 numbers for the Wheel.  Then work on the optimum Wheel combinations that insure the profit for the number of Good Balls in the Box.   

I am thinking that that might actually constitute a Strategy.  I may be no better at the new “Guess” than I was at the Old One, but Hey,  That’s what we do here, isn’t it?

Entry #50

The Fifth Wheel in Lotto Land

It reminded me of a time in my youth when I had to Park my 1952 Chevy in front of my house for a month in exchange for the disappearance of a Ticket.  Folks that I new where friends of the Judge and put in a good word for me.  I remember setting in it and starting the engine just to feel that familiar Rumble.  Even made out with my girlfriend in the rain one night.  Finally after a month I could move again.

Parking the Fifth Wheel has been somewhat like that memory.  I have gotten into it a few times but I did not take the blocks out from under it. 

I took a look at what I placed here before and to be honest, I did not remember half of It.  What I did see was a look at a phase of Development of the Good Old Fifth Wheel setting on those blocks right now. 

The Fifth Wheel represents a Focus on a Five Draw Jackpot Game, specifically the California Fantasy 5.  5 Numbers are drawn from 1 to 39. 

Tracking California Fantasy 5

Wandering again, I have been watching my steps a bit more.  Usually I am walking in a sort of semi unconscious state doing some heavy “thinking” in that state.  Paying more attention to my steps, I begin to assemble Filters in a Sequence and begin a process to spit out a few combinations.  I am a bit weary from running tests.  I think I have enough at this point.

One of the Problems with a Multi Filter System is having to many Options.  A System with 7 Filters that can be applied to each position in a numerically ordered draw has (theoretically) 7x7x7x7x7=16,8007 Combinations.  Each Filter has an On, Off Option meaning there are 14x14x14x14x14=537,824 Combinations.  The Good New is that It only takes 3 Filters to reduce the Inventory of numbers in a position.  The Bad News is that there are 35 Options per Position for the 3 Filter Combination.  That is if you choose to vary the Filters by Position (using a different set of filters for each).  Don’t let this Scare You.  You have not made a mistake yet.  The Fact is that the winning combination can be isolated in a group with any of the Options that are chosen.  All that varies is the size of the group containing the winner.

After the Filters are Selected you must select from a List of Filter Options.  That number can vary from 2 to 5.  A 2 Option Filter example is Odd/Even.  A 3 Option Filter example is Low/Med/High (I use Thirds 1,2,3).  A 4 Option Filter is generally related to placing hits or skips in a 4 Zone List of those ranks.  I also use Fifths where a number is ranked in value and grouped into 5 “Fifths” where 1_8=>1,  9_16=>2, 17_23=>3,  24_31=>4,  32_39=>5.

We Turn on the Multi Filter Tool.  A Directory of All Filters is accessed to allow you to select from 1 to 5 Filters for Each Position in the Draw.  You begin with a decision to find the winner by looking at Odd Even; Low Med High; and Hit 4_Zone Rank in the previous 39 Draws.  39 Draws is a variable setting in the Tool.  You can change it to any value (thanks to the indirect and address functions in excel).  This Filter setting would have 2x3x4=24 Options for Each Position.  The Good News is that many of the combinations do not produce any numbers reducing the actual Number of Options to around 7 or less. Inventories also vary significantly for Sets of Filter Values. 

You can look at the history of each Filter Value before making a Selection.  You can look at a “Box” showing the numbers by position that are passing the current Filter Series.  You can simultaneously see the Inventory of Combinations passing a Combination Filter like Odd ct. Even ct. or Low Med High ct.  You can change Any Filter Value (Positional or Combination) and get a list of Combinations that match your Selection.  If Nothing Else it is a Quick Pick by Filter Values.  The Tool can even be set to Randomly Select any Filter Value from the List of Options (which can produce null Filter Series, requiring recalculation until all values produce a positional Inventory). 

The Following Filters are contained in the Multi Filter Directory

  1.          Odd or Even (expressed as 1=Odd, 2- Even)
  2.          Thirds aka Low Med High. (Expressed as 1_13=>1, 14_26=>2, 27_39=>2)
  3.          Hit Rank Zone (5) by Position expressed as 1_7=>1, 8_14=>2, 15_21=>3, 22__28=>4 and 29_35=>5. Values of 4 and 5 are less Frequent and can be highlighted in the Historical View.
  4.          Number Scores created by adding together the Hit Rank during the Specified Round ranking where the most hits are given the Highest Value (the number with the most hits has a Rank Value of 35) to the Skip Value where the Shortest Skip has the highest Rank Value (the number with the lowest skip value has a Rank Value of 35. Filtering is by Scores where a score of 60 to 70 => 1, 50 to 59 =>2, 40 to 49 =>2, and 39 or lower =>4.
  5.        Fifths, 1_8=>1, 9_16=>2, 17_23=>3, 24_31=>4, 32_39=>5.
  6.        Igor Blocks, “Future Values if a Number Hits” in the 8th Game of an 8 Game Round using Values of 1, 2 or 3.
  7.        First Digit (or the 10’s).

Each Positional Filter has a corresponding Combination Filter.  The Combination Filter is a count of the number of each Option selected in the Filter Series. 

  1.        Odd / Even expressed as a 2 Digit Number where the Odd count is combined with the Even count resulting in Options 05,14,23,32,41 and 50.
  2.        Thirds aka Low Med High expressed as a 3 Digit Number where the 1,2 and 3 counts are combined.
  3.        Hit Rank expressed as a 5 Digit Number where the 1,2,3,4,5 counts. Are combined.
  4.        Number Scores expressed as a 4 Digit Number
  5.        Fifths expressed as a 5 Digit Number
  6.        Igor Blocks expressed as a 3 Digit Number
  7.        First Digits expressed as a 3 Digit Number.

Preset Filter Options.

  1.        Combining Fifths and Thirds. This assigns a Number a 2 Digit code with it’s Fifth combined with it’s Third producing 7 Options: 11,21,22,32,42, 43 and 53.  Also expressed as an alpha code “abcdefg”
  2.        The Perfection Score. The Score is based on a variance from the Definition of a Perfect Drawing.  A Perfect Drawing is one where the Fifth Value matches the Position Value.  The Number in Position 1 has a Fifth Value of 1 and so Forth.  The Combined 5th 3rd options are shown below and the Perfection Score for Each is shown by Position.  A Draws Perfection Score is the sum of the Positional Scores based on this Table.

Perfection Grid


























































To be continued

Entry #49

Making Sense of It

I am writing this down to see if I can make any sense out of it.  I sense that there may be an answer other than “I makes no Sense”.  The more I try to sense the answer, the more my sense spins making me dizzy.  Rising to observe the spin, I sense that there is occasional order when the spin begins to Oscillate. I try to improve my senses by measuring the oscillations of spinning pieces of the event that I am trying to predict.

I notice that there are 2 sides to the Oscillation. On one Side my brain keeps suggesting a comparison of and the creation of new pieces.  On the other is a Fixed list of those piece comparisons back in time.  Eventually I have to stop.  The whole thing looks like a giant Pom-Pom of historical strands in the hands of a cheerleader Chanting “Go Fight Win”.

Historical Data has no influence on the next outcome; but each time the Event Occurs, its pieces have to go to and be cataloged into the historical strand.   Before the Event, I visit the historical Strands and try to sense what the next catalog entry will be.  I have to admit that I have no real sense of what the entry will be.  The few things that I look at appear to be as unpredictable as the entire event; but they are somehow connected to the future.  I sense that they are nothing but suction cups on a thick wall.  The event slams into the opposite side and the suction cups pull the pieces through and onto the historical strand.  These cups have no idea what is coming, they only know what to suck onto the Strand.  I try to blow into a tube attached to suction cup but it detaches from the wall and looses all contact.  I see my Sense escaping through the gap between the cup and the Wall.  I am left senseless.

I retreat to the shop.  I make tools that quicken the piece cataloging process.  There is a Reloader on the work bench.  I begin to write down catalog numbers on the wad and drop in a bb with the same number.  I stop at 7 BB’s and tamp the shell closed.  I go back to the wall and Fire at Point Blank Range.  I have taken a few nasty ricochets so I wear protective gear and glasses.  Every now and then a couple of the BBs’ will blow right through the wall.  Some make it part way and some bounce off the surface and come back at me.  I have automated the Reloader and taken the plug out so I can try several shots. 

My Sense is that one day I will load the right BBs and blow them all through the wall at the same time.  It is imaginary so far.  Like a combat video game.  I Go back and play the history forward and practice shooting at targets where I think they will appear.  I develop a memory of what came next and take my inflated Sense to the next Real Event.  The Blast ricochets of the Wall, goes right through my protective gear and when I wake up, I am staring at the Oscillation and building a bigger Pom-Pom. 

It would appear that this makes No Sense.  It seams so primitive.  Imaginary BBs are cheap.  They only cost me Time.  Buying the Real thing is a big step.  Its one I rarely take, but when I do, I hope I have enough Sense to cove my crotch.

Entry #48

The Wave

Every so often, the Running Wave of my enthusiasm takes a prolonged dip.  My enthusiasm does not dissipate, It, changes focus or tries to focus on some new question.  At the height of my participation in the RL Hybrid 3 Threads, I had two startling revelations.  First was the realization that a long running quest was finally done.  RL had put together a way of looking at everything in one place.  Sure, it was aimed at the Codes” but, the method could be applied to the combinations themselves.  There for instant viewing ware all of the things that we all track.  Easy views of skips, counts and histories of repeats, doubles,,,,,you name it, it was all there.  All that needed to be done was to find a way to pull it al together.  You see, you still have to guess between fewer options; but you still have to guess.  I have been trying to guess for some time, looking for reasons.  Now look at that last statement again.  Looking for Reasons when it is a well-known fact that Random Does Not Reason.  Falling back on the “It has to go somewhere” fact is not the same but it almost feels like it.  “Somewhere” feels like a different guess.  It is one where groups vie for attention without a clue to their importance.  Getting 2 correct is about a 30% deal.  Unfortunately, if takes 3 which is not happening for me. 

And the Second Revelation was a blip that has been growing since it appeared on my brain screen.  It was a question of behavior for the digits 0 thru 9.  Behavior had to be something other than skips and counts.  An automated rearrangement of a grid of digits from 0-9 in columns associated with draw positions was my initial spark.  Extracting combinations from the rows of the grid produced a winner from one of the 10 rows in every 5 games.  Not much better than expected from the number of combinations wagered to get the hit; but hits come in definite waves from one of the 10 grid lines.  Nothing to get to excited about and as it turns out the automated rearrangement was nothing but a skip matcher. 

The Running Wave took another Turn.  This time toward a question about all of it.  By that I mean the Random Generated Numbers.  I concede against the Ball Draw.  The Physical Detective Work is impossible to conduct.  Random Generators are an artificial expulsion of digits that result from a digital routine.  Somewhere in this artificial activity, there may be a slip.  A Crack that is open in variable sizes that can be found and used to get an accurate preview.  I know one thing, I have to take off my old glasses to see this one.  I am not sure that I have rid myself of those counts and skips, in fact I haven’t.  I am just counting something new to me and doing it over every RNG Draw in California.  Taking aim at Supper Lotto.  All of the Other Games contribute to the counts.  Counts are taken between draws and are arraigned to display counts of each digit in the columns of the Super Lotto Draw.  Right digits are counted to generate a use chart for each digit before the next draw.  Then its off to look for clues.

I am on this Wave for who knows how long.  I don’t think I am going back to the 3 Guesses for a while.

Entry #47

Ca P3 12_19_2018 Eve

The Last 2 Examples are for California Evening Draw Tonight


Entry #46

RL_Hybrid_3 Codes

I Congratulate RL_RandomLogic and Winssomelosessum on the New Hybrid_3 Software.  Their Hard Work and Generosity are Stellar.  The New Tool is the Work of a true Genius.  There is so much going on in the Current Version that It might seem overwhelming to some, but the Instructions are Excellent and the Tools looks very versatile.   It looks like you will be able to find a good strategy by selecting from the many Options provided and narrowing them down to Your Own System of using the Program.  Outstanding!

I got into the Mix of responses to the Topic for a while.  I communicated a bit with both RL and Winssome about what I thought were some potentially effective ways to Apply the Codes.  Most interesting to me are the Binary Codes.  As I watched the Videos showing the Binary Process, I was inspired to a potential way to Flip them in pursuit of the Next Code. 

It was on the Threads in the Topic that I began to focus on Crickets.  The Sound that seems to be the answer to the Questions and Suggestions that I posted.  I can understand why My thoughts were skipped over,  RL and Winssome were on a Mission, focused on the Final System and perhaps the Ideas were to Basic or would require more to many revisions to incorporate.  Heck maybe they are already in the Program, but, my Crickets don't know the answer, so neither do I.

Here is what I am doing at the moment.  Only time will tell if it Works.

It Starts with the Selection of the Total Number of Flips that will happen in the 9 Separate binary Columns.  5 Flips is almost always the Top Hitter, 4 is Second followed by 3 and 6.  This Selection reduces the number of codes to 16 when Flips are 5, 18 when Flips are 4 (inserting that 4 has 2 more Codes than 5 but, 5 hits more than 4). 

The Next Step is Selecting the left side Flip/Hold.  This Position has the most effect on what the Codes will be in that a value of 1 will limit the Codes to only those from 300 up.  A value of 0 eliminates all 300 Codes.  These 2 Settings will reduce the number of Codes to less than 6.  That is automatic when a 1 is selected in position 1, it takes a few more selections to do this when the first value is 0.  Moving to the Next Column there is a restriction placed by the Selection in Position 1.  When Position 1 is 1, Position 2 must be 0  (there are no codes that have a 10 in the first 2 columns).  Continuing with our code construction in column 3 we Select an action, Flip/Hold/Wild.  The results of this selection, place restrictions on the next 2 position.  As you move from left to right there are more restrictions.  A Restriction is determined by the Binary Values to the Left of a Column (Binary Position).  There is a short list of restrictions that appear whenever the left code elements are in a particular order.  The File that I use has these restrictions built in and uses Color to identify a restriction and displays the Flip/Hold action necessary to make a valid code.  The Flip Setting is changed to match the Setting under the White on Black numbers that appear when a restriction is in force.  Restriction never apply to the 3rd Column.  There are a limited number of these restriction that are spread between column 4 and 8.  I work from left to right until I get to 3 or less Codes.  I do not need to know every Flip/Hold setting.  I leave everything else wild, unless a with/black cell shows up requiring a specific setting to produce a Code.  Anytime the Binary code is invalid there are no matching codes.  Nothing New here,  We all know that there are Gaps in the Binary sequence because only 0,1,2 and 3 make of the codes.  The restrictions are a guide to avoid invalid Binary Sequences.  This might all be in RL's File. but like I said, My Crickets don't know, so neither do I.

My companion Process started out to be a Finder of Codes, but turned out to be a better Eliminator.  It began with a short look back to the last game on the same day of the week as the current game.  It grew into a look at the last 64 Same Days.  I was looking for repeat hits but found more exclusions.  In 64 previous Monday Draws I often found that the Next Hit was not in the Stack.  The 2/3 Rule is in effect here resulting in around 41 unique combinations in this stack.  So, If I think the next draw will not be in the Stack, if I am right I eliminated 40 Hybrid 3 Codes.  I Run a 64 Game history of the Same Day Codes.  It shows some interesting patterns in the Number of time the draw was in the stack and how far back the hit came from.

I use color coding to identify the Codes in the Binary Selection Process that are IN or Out of the Stack.  The Active Coloring of these combinations means that I have fewer Flips to perform.  When I get 2 combinations that are IN or OUT depending on my choice, I can stop and use the combinations from the 2 codes in some Next Filter. 

Below is an illustration for California's Midday Draw Today 

At least here, My Crickets Play a Familiar Song that I am used to.

Comments Welcome,  Crickets OK.

Entry #45


Looking at the Roll/Bounce

Following the Roll Bounce history of the 7 Filter and the Values options for each.


Value Options

Str8 Blk (1000)










B1 Blk (10)



I have been following the Values for Each of the above Filters.  The Pick 3 Ionizer File (Excel) Provides the Historical Data and Graphs along with a “Story of the Draw”.  This “Story” is told in words using a set of Phrases.  These Phrases Evolved from the Questions and Observations that developed by “playing” the Game for a while in a “Filter Towne” (Think of the Chart above as Filter = Street Name and Value Options = House Numbers 0,1,2,3).  Every Draw must fall in one of the House Numbers on Each of the 7 Streets.  Between Draws the Streets are filled with Combinations moving (Bouncing) from house to house.  Viewing the Migration from above, you get the correct Sense that it is All that Matters (at least I DO!). 

Historically We know Every move made by every combination and why it moved or did not move.  We also know where it was (Which House) on Every Street for every draw and if that house got a Visit from the Golden Combination.  We also know a Lot about Each House.  After all We designed them by Definition. 

Sorry to make you go through another symbolic description of the Same Old Thing.  I just wanted it fresh that you might better understand what is coming next.  It just occurred to me that I have a serious Symbolic Conflict going on in my previous ramblings.  The Ionizer started it.  Therein, a Run is defined as the Number of times there is a Repeat of the Same Value.  Observing Filter Towne, it looks like the Running is between houses which is the exact opposite.  Hence Roll / Bounce.  Some Combinations Roll around in the House between Draws.  Most, go bouncing between houses on the Street (Bunnies again?)  Enough!

It’s all linear.  By that I mean there is always the opportunity for any one of the Values to Repeat.  I say that because that is what Random Says and Maybe What Random Does.  My First Question is always “Will the Same Thing Happen Again?”.  Random Only Says, “Maybe, Maybe Not.  I Think of or calculate “Reasons” that I hope yield the answer, Random Accepts the Reasons or Sends me to the Lions. 

I said Enough!

Let’s just say that I do not Feel much Improvement in my Ability to Predict All 7 Addresses for the Next Draw.  Nor have I been able to Get the Migration Down after Deciding the Roll/Bounce Question.  I am still hoping for an improvement in my “Informed Guess” attempts to pick the Winner.  Practice will NOT make me Perfect, YET.  I may be fooling myself, but I can’t see it because in keep fiddling around with my Tool hoping to Build Better Houses.  Sorry again, I just can’t help it.  I get a vision of Tom Cruise finding himself in the Barracks in the Movie Edge of Tomorrow.  I am Him, Tweaking My Tool before the Battle.  He (Tom Cruise) had it Easy.  There was only One Path to Stay Alive and it as always, the Same.  What if He had to go a Different Way every Time.  Anyway, Into the Daily Battle.

I have been writing about the “Story of the Draw”.  My Plate of Reasons that I Offer up to the Great Random.  I have not Pleased Him much.  My life was prolonged a few times with a Bronze Medal but No Gold.  The Story is Written in Phrases from 6 Considerations. 






Ranked First


Most Starts


Most Runs




Long Skip


Near Skip


Each of the Houses on a Street is constructed from one or more of the Considerations in the List.  A Consideration Can only apply to 1 House on the Street.  In other Words, Each Filter Value is made up of one or more of the Considerations for Every Draw.  There is a migration of Considerations Between Draws as the Make up of Each House Changes. 

Real Keys






Last Key


Str8 Blk (1000)



































B1 Blk (10)






In the Table above, the Streets are Light Green and the Houses are Brown.  This is a depiction of the 10/27/2018 California Pick 3 combined Data Set.  Consideration are shown in the Houses for the Draw.  The Real Key in the Left Column is the Draw.  The Last Key in the Last House is shown.  Only the Key 5 on H Street in House #3 had a Roll Option.  All of the Others had to Bounce.  I am Back Testing this Looking for Key Connections and Patterns.

There appears to be No End to this Rabbit Hole.  I keep shinning my Ionizer on the Walls looking for Cracks or Hidden Pathways.  They seam to appear with Every Tweak and Beg Exploration.  I think that my imagination is creating the Tunnels.  Tunnels are Phony.  Their Entrances Glow when they Lead to the Gold.  But, they only do so in the History Book.  They are all Dark before a New Draw.  I am hoping that I can Find the Right Keys.  They move on their Own.  I just have to find the Series that keeps me out of the Lions Den.

Entry #44
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