pacattack05's Blog

The Illuminati

Find out what's really going on with your satan worshipping leaders once you've taken the RED pill.

Scroll down to where the video containing "Dark Secrets inside the Bohemian Grove" is. Watch that one first. It's near the bottom.

Free videos.


Entry #125

Strangest place on earth

A ranch in Utah has had many surprises over the past 50 years.

A family who owned the ranch lived there for only 20 months before leaving.

The local indians warn everyone to stay away because of a creature that roams the area called the Skinwalker. They also name the place as unholy ground.

Seems like a portal of some kind has opened up.

After clicking on the link below, you'll see a small picture of a guy in a red shirt at the top left of the page. Click on him.

Entry #124

Joke of the day

1: What does a dentist get every year?

A little plaque.

2: A little Quantum joke:   


3: Patient: Doctor doctor, you've got to help me. I just can't stop my hands from shaking..

Dentist: Do you drink alot?

Patient: Not really, I spill most of it.

4: A seven year tells her mom that in school today a boy asked her to play doctor. Oh dear, the mom nervously sighs...what happened? Oh nothing, he made me wait 45 minutes, and double -billed the insurance company.


Entry #120


It was 80 years old and killed by the Army. Officials said it was too old to run after little animals, so it was looking to eat people in New Orleans. It weighed 4500 pounds.

A cajun Croc....




Entry #113


Face saving: A futile attempt to selfishly uphold integrity, despite an overwhelming opposition.

Entry #111