I am now at 2 places and other things.

Here at L.P. and at a blog place, at my homepage, to get there look at my signature and or at my profile.

Here so far I am not allowed to post links anywhere at L.P.

I like L.P. best, but for one thing, I am not allowed here to post links anywhere and there are also other restrictions, including some restrictions on private messages.

By the  way:

Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote, there is no question about that, in other words, more people did vote for Hillary Clinton than for anybody else.

The Russians, Trump and his people, including his friends, family, co-workers, associates, etc did interfere with the elections in very many ways, including stealing personal data on Facebook of more than 80 million people, getting into voting machines on more than 21 states, stealing private data from Hillary Clinton's Internet servers by the Russians in collusion with the Trump crowd, posting negative and false adds, that is the facts were false and perverted about Hillary Clinton on Facebook and other places on the Internet and on T.V. stations all over the United States mostly on T.V. stations affiliated on some way or another with the Trump crowd or people including Trump himself.

So far most people associated with Trump in anyway, including his family, co-workers, lawyers, friends, etc have been associated with multi-level criminal activites including, treason, money laundering, interference with the electoral presidential elections, illicit sexual affairs, illegal use of campaign funds, spouse abuse, like beating your wife, having sex with women while your wife is pregnant and even before and after that, illegal contracts and payments, telling people to be silent or I am going to hurt you and or your family and or do other things to you if you don't shut up, these are really arch criminals, that is criminals in very many levels, one day in the future people might know the full extent of everything, sometime in the future, maybe in 10 or 20 more years if not before.

For one thing, imagine Vladimir Putin choosing himself, that is by himself, that is electing the president of the United States.

A person with enough power to chose who is going to be president of the United States.

And also able to steal more than 20, 000 private emails and steal the private information of more than 80 million people.

The puppet master himself and U.S. citizens his puppets, 'cause they did his will, just exactly as he told them to do, very willing people to do as he told them to do.

Future generations will know the full truth, just as now we know all about Watergate.

What an incredible state of affairs, but let us remember how good old Adolph Hitler was able to manipulate the minds of just about everybody on Germany and many other places, the puppet master commands and the puppets obey, same in so many other countries, not just the US, Germany, Russia, Iran, China, but almost everywhere else also, Mexico, Venezuela, Argentina, Spain, France, Italy, Etc.

We humans don't seem to have a powerful enough mind.

The Bible says that Satan is the father of all lies, well Satan sure does have a lot of competition for that title.

Some people lie almost every-time that they speak and or tweet and that is a fact, it has been verified many times, by many sources all over.

The Chinese president has made himself a dictator, a president for life, Trump said "We need to try that here on the United States", I myself heard that.

Fake news? No fake news at all, just the facts.

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Entry #1
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