eddessaknight's Blog

French Scientist Stops Rabies

Time Line: July 6th, 1885- France

French Scientist Louis Pasteur tested an anti Rabies vaccine on a 9 year old boy, Joseph Meister, who had been bitten by n infected dog and did not develop the dangerous rabies.

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ouis Pasteur ForMemRS (/'lu?i pæ'st??r/, French: [lwi pastœ?]; 27 December 1822 – 28 September 1895) was a French chemist and microbiologist renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation, and pasteurization. His research in chemistry led to remarkable breakthroughs in the understanding of the causes and preventions of diseases, which laid down the foundations of hygiene, public health and much of modern medicine. His works are credited to saving millions of lives through the developments of vaccines for rabies and anthrax. He is regarded as one of the founders of modern bacteriology and has been honored as the "father of bacteriology" and as the "father of microbiology" (together with Robert Koch, and the latter epithet also attributed to Antonie van Leeuwenhoek).

Entry #1,653

The Forgotten Man

Yale Universty Professor;s Sumner's forgotten man

Yale University professor William Graham Sumner appears to be the first to use the phrase "the forgotten man", in his timeless essay. His algebraic definition of the forgotten man was "C", who is coerced into helping the man at the economic bottom "X", by "A" and "B" who demand charity for "X".[4]

As soon as A observes something which seems to him wrong, from which X is suffering, A talks it over with B, and A and B then propose to get a law passed to remedy the evil and help X. Their law always proposes to determine what C shall do for X, or, in better case, what A, B, and C shall do for X... What I want to do is to look up C. I want to show you what manner of man he is. I call him the Forgotten Man. perhaps the appellation is not strictly correct. he is the man who never is thought of....

I call him the forgotten man...

He works, he votes, generally he prays—but he always pays.....

Entry #1,652

BIGGEST Secret SPIES SWAP - IN THE SKIES Revealed while we slept

Time Line; July 9th 2010

The largest U.S. communist  Russia spy exchane since the cold war  was completed on a remote stretch of Vienna airport tarmac  planes secretly from New York and Moscow timely arrived within minutes of teach other  with 10  Russian sleeper agents and four prisoners accused by Russia of spying for the free West in 2018. 

Entry #1,651

Remember Roswell Incident - still haunts America

Time Line: Post WW11 - July 8th, 1947

A new MEXICO NEWSPAPER, THE 'Roswell DAILY Record"  quoted officials at Roswell Army Airfield as saying they had recovered a "Flying Saucer"  that smashed onto a local ranch near Carona, Licoln County, NM, days after, a military officials mysteriously said it was a conventional weather balloon.

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The Mysterious Roswell UFO Incident of 1947 - 


The Mysterious Roswell UFO Incident of 1947 - Bing video


Entry #1,650

1898 U.S.A. Catches a Big Wave & Beaches - Annexes California

U.S.A. annexation of California was proclaimed at Monterrey after the surrender of Mexican garrison forces  Commadore Sloat rasises flag.

john d. sloat

Nota Bene

Commmadore John J. Sloat has been honored by a statue on the Presidia of Monterrey.Upon death he was interred at New York's Famous Brooklyn Greenwood Cemetery with full Naval and Free Mason Honors

Entry #1,649

philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica

philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica

Time Line: 1687 AD

Sir Issac Newton published his world changing 'Prncipia Mathematica' , great three volume work setting out his mathematical principals of natural philosophy

Entry #1,648

Shouldn't All Be Proud To Be American>>

This is our independence day, our country's birthday.It is a unifying event. A time to set aside political,regional and religious differences. A chance to celebrate the hard won glory of the United  States. A day to be grateful for the opportunity to live in the most free nation on earth and express pride in being an American.

~ VJ

Entry #1,647

1985: 35 Innocent American Hostages 'freed from Islamic militantss

1985: 35 Innocent American Hostages 'freed from Islamic militants from hijacked from a TWA jetliner in Beirut. Lebanon sfter being held 17 days 

The kidnapped victims consisted of 25 Americans, 16 Frenchmen, 12 British, 7 Swiss, 7 West Germans and 1 Irish man resulting two unprovoked deaths. The hostage takers bore obscure titles such as the Islamic Jihad Organization (IJO), 


With the exception of two  American hostages such as CIA Bureau Chief William Francis Buckley and Marine Colonel  William Higgins (who were both murdered in cold blood), most of the hostages were chosen not for any political activity or alleged wrongdoing, but because of the country they came from and the ease of kidnapping them. Despite this, the hostages complained of and had physical signs of mistreatment, such as repeated beatings and mock execution


Image result for 1985 35 American Hostages 'freed from Islamic militants TWA. Size: 192 x 106. Source: twitter.com Image result for 1985 35 American Hostages 'freed from Islamic militants TWA. Size: 172 x 100. Source: twitter.com

Image result for 1985 35 American Hostages 'freed from Islamic militants TWA. Size: 133 x 100. Source: twitter.com



Entry #1,643

Pan American Airwaves opens sky ~ waves over Pacific & Atlantic Seas

Date Line: June 28th,Date1927

The first trans Pacific airplane flight ~ was completed as U.S. Army Corps Lt. Lester J. Maitland and Lt. Albert F. Hegenberger arrived at wheeler Field in Honolulu Hawaii  aboard of the "Bird of Paradise" an Atlantic  Folker C-2 @ 100 mph  over 2,400 miles  from Oakland, CA in 25 hours 50 and minutes.

Image result for "bird of Paradise" an Atlantic Fokker C-2. Size: 176 x 170. Source: www.nationalmuseum.af.mil

See the source image


Date Line June , 1939

Hawahiain Airlines was still known as Inter-Island Airwaves and the fleet consisted of four 'Flying Boats - the Sikorsky 

S-43 Clipper

Aeromaritime Sikorsky S-43 Flying Boat F-Aouk Large Vintage Photo


Dateline June 28th, 1939 - Pre WW11

Pan American Airwaves began regular Trans Atlantic with a flight that departed New York for Marseilles, France....

June 28th marks the 81st anniversary of the first regular  trans-Atlantic passenger service via  Pan  Am’s Boeing 314 ‘Dixie Clipper’. The aircraft left Port Washington,  New  York with 22 passengers on the southern route to Horta, Lisbon, and  Marseilles. In 1939, the cost of the trip was US$375 for a one-way ticket or US$675 for a round trip.

Entry #1,642

"I Am A Berliner>"

Date Line:June 26th,1963 - BERLIN, Germany

President  John F. Kennedy visited West Berlin, where he bravely delivered  his memorable rousing speech expressing solidarity with the city's residents declaring:


I am a Berliner.

John F. Kennedy's Speech at the Berlin Wall

Entry #1,640