daily63's Blog

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i am back

Pokewell hi a good # for 1-888,md or eve,, a good one for the2 ,6,11,`12,pick 3-445,---also-929, for 4,5,9,10,,also 449,for2,,,jan 4--555,md,well have fun ok --have a good day.Bed

Entry #40

well i am back

Partywell i am back, i had some hip sug done to me both hips,ya,well,dec-30-557,md,eve,--pick 4-dec-28 to 31--6858,6816,8581,6851,0742,3076,3856,--dec-28-md-003,eve-018,511,dec-29,eve-599,dec-31eve-331,--owell,so i hope you all had a good x mas i hope this year we both due good ok--suffer joe---US Flag

Entry #39

well going for operrayson

Bedi will be drown for some time,i go in for my hip replacement on dec18 ok so hear is my last blog for some time ok, dec-14-018 ,p-4=1105,md-----eve-016,048, p-4=1105,  dec-15-md-045,023,116,--eve-003,068,105,511,---dec-16--md-029,--eve--023,484,015,048,037,-dec-17-md-059,108,952,--eve-003,331,167,016,-952--dec-18-md-686,028,--dec-14-not-md and eve-139,067,019,267,339,249,-----hot p-4 for,dec-14-20---6816,3856,1945,9321,1951,0742,3650,3092,3939,well have fun see you all some time after the 20 i hope, sufffer joe

Entry #38

big money

Hurray!well try the 777 today tueca md, also in ca pick 4--1544,1545,1744,1745,1944,1945,well let see what happen------p3-md-778,448,069,068,221,239762,765,732,735,------eve #--267,019,239,448,117,578,111, well good luck,   dec-10,-------md-004,003,116,028,977,242,868,046,023,149,459,139,-------eve-267,116,139,067,221,773,--dec-11-md-059,003,045,048,966,188,234,068,111,119,------eve-223,14,023,024,037,119,007,655,455,well have fun ok--Rant

Entry #37

big money

Partywell bid money on dec-5-777 md eve,  dec-9-777-md only ya , pick 4-dec-3-14-==2824,1351, dec-5-529,hot--well good luck,dec-2-md=377,  eve-477 ya have agood day--No Pity!

Entry #36

have a good turkey day

LOLDupe Alertwell i hope i can help for this weekend,ok-------nov 27 089,015,000,018--ca#-27 eve767, also 016---eve#ca 336,396,936,996,---nov28--026,md and eve504fri--hot #056 md andeve------224 evefri--sat-026,355,945,md,999md eve,md-ca-025,027,167,155,--eve-024,595,155,--sun hotmd-ca-474,----117,139,035,012,---eve---024,048,447,117,595,---have agood weekend--suffer joe--Sad Cheers

Entry #35


Partywell p-4#--6816,3856,1945,9312,1951,0742,3650,3092,3939,4259,from--22-30,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------nov24,1132,nov26,223,nov-28-504,-nov-30,815, nov-22-777,nov-27-000,,nov-29-999,-------------------------------------------------------------------sat-nov-22-md-015,003,023,089,hot #479--well have fun--ya

Entry #34

up dates

Coffeewell let see,sat eve  p3--058,068,045,267,139,037,002, 209,866,447,---md sat--209,067,024,---p-4==6247,6847,----p5--6,18,19,21,26,--nov15------------------------------------------------------------------------nov-16-md-089,047,027,332,249,---eve-339,131,149,249,--hot-016,-----088,118,--------------------p-4==4259,2835,--------------------------nov-17--231,067,003,024,239,---hot-068,--eve677,023,188,--p4-2358--nov-18-067,023,355,,484,md,---eve-677,448,994,---------nov-19-md-067,089,459,011,079,117,121,--eve--004,525,067,003,944,399,--well have fun----suffer joe

Entry #33

well miss 222 ON TUE--

LepSad Waveywell i miss the big one on tue the11,i had it on my paper but did see  in time owell it paid 289,00 owell,well today is the 13 of nov-md-343,363,346,945,069,149,040,227,134,---try this in thies in the s/b--307 md,oklet see about the eve-well i have a long shot #767,677,776,-----414,434,420,416,389,245,037,let me know if i am help any with this ok--well  in CO,038,037,378,078,=box ok--in MN--124,126,146,246=BOX WELL GOOD LUCK  IF YOU KNOW SOME ONE THAT STATE LET THEM KNOW OK WELL HAVE A GOOD DAY OK --PS---PICK 4--CA--6537,6547,6837,6847,S/B---F5-IN CA--6,18,19,21,26,----18,19,21,26,28,--OWELL HAVE NICE DAY--SUFFERJOE FROM CARLSBAD YA.Lep

Entry #32

well not to good

No Pity!well i am sorry about the # so far,ok well i have a long shot# for sun in ca ya 8887-p4,----md in ca-239,245,110,029,224,if you live in co,--220,267,269,279,679, well good luck owell have a good day okBanana

Entry #31

try this

Bedwell try this for the p-4 for the next 3 days--5517,6817,1755,3076,0742-----f5 for th6--8-16-24-28-36,11-19,23,31,39,-----2,6,18,26,38,---1,9,13,17,33,----p3 for the 6md014,016,046,-146,368,033,088,p3-eve--667,449,035,489,088,998,224,---well good luck i hope some one win ok--sufferjoe

Entry #30

Hope Hope

No Pity!CA # FOE MON--MD-003,078,154,155,049,014,167,155,704,714,794,--EVE-018,167,139,067,113,--P-4-1719,9758,4259,6532,5942,5517,6982,3582,6512,6817,4519,5914,-----NOV-5-MD AND EVE=434,-OR-003,466,000,023=MD,-----EVE-5-434,000,035,018,-----NOV-6-EVE-449,035,037,NOV-7--MD--880,003,845,255,EVE---677,845---WELL HAVE FUN I HIT ON THE 1ST THE945--90.00 NICE,WELL HAVE AGOOD DAY-----Dupe AlertJOE

Entry #29

well let see what happen

No Nodwell a new month ok in ca for the md-626,nov1,   ----nov-2==eve-677,773,880,---nov3-078,oo3--md,  eve-018,nov-4-md023  well have fun----p4 for ca--satnov1--6532,5942,5517,6982,3582,6512,---hopeing ya---well have fun ok let meif you win anyone ok it wood nice to hear from my 27 fan club menmber oya--so have a good daySurrender

Entry #28


Hit With StickWELL SORRY DID WIN OK--P-5 CA#4,16,20,24,36--LAST YEAR I MADE 450.00 ON THIS #YA HOPE,-4,7,15,23,38,--MD-149,449,2167,799,677---EVE-089,016,045,449,773---P-4==1946,4459----WELL GOOD LUCK OK SUFFER JOE

Entry #27

the last d# for this week

Partywell in ca md# are338,383,833,---056,067,239,882116,877,494---eve-773,377,737,--069,449,882,239,299,459,379, well good luckThinking of...hear are some f-5 # in ca for the 25 ok4,16,20,24,36,---hot7,1523,31,38,--pick-4--4459,1667--good luck--joe

Entry #26
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