rdgrnr's Blog

No I Will Not!

Read this great, short note from a Marine Veteran to Democrat Senator Feinstein.


Sometimes our elected officials have to be reminded that they work for us, that they are not our rulers.

Thank God there are still a few good men and women left who will stand up and tell them what's what.

But we need a lot more.

Entry #274

Support Hobby Lobby

Hobby Lobby, a Christian-owned company, is being harassed and persecuted by the federal government for refusing to supply abortion pills to its employees on demand which would go against the religious beliefs and principles of the owners.

I've never been in a Hobby Lobby and I don't know what they sell but I know where one is and I will now support it by buying something there whenever I'm in that area.


Entry #272

Spike Lee Called For A Boycott of Django So Naturally I Went and Saw It Right Away

Tarantino can make good movies.

This one could have been a lot better if he wasn't so damm pre-occupied with his self-loathing guilt-trip about having the same color skin as the slave owners did.

But who knows, maybe his family was one of the big Democrat Plantation Owners that actually owned slaves and it has some kind of effect on him that I can't identify with because my family never owned slaves or had anything to do with slaves or the slave trade. I just can't feel any responsibility or guilt for something me and my family never had anything to do with. But maybe he does.

Anyway... If he had left all of his own personal reparations in the form of trying to make whites look as stupid and devious and evil as possible out of the movie, I think it could have been much better. He just went overboard with some of it. Beyond reason.

And a lot of the shootouts bordered on cartoonish with gallons of blood splattering all over the place with every shot.

There was a lot of action and interesting, well-played characters. I just wish he could have left his guilt and self-loathing out of it.

And all the cartoony stuff.


Entry #271

The Democrat Gun Control Nuts Won't Like This At All

I wonder if all the liberal talking heads on MSNBC will be talking about this.

Yeah, right.

Using the same logic they use with guns, they'll just wanna outlaw knives.


Nuts will be nuts, no matter what devices they have to use to exercise their insanity or rage.

Abridging the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens will do nothing to keep nuts from being nuts.

But the Democrats will forge ahead with their gun-grabbing fantasies anyway.

Entry #264

Two Ladies At The Bar

Two ladies at the bar

I was in a pub last Saturday night, drank a few, and noticed two very large women by the bar.
They both had pretty strong accents, so I asked, "Are you two ladies from Ireland ?"
One of them chirped in saying, "It's WALES, you friggin' idiot!"
So, I immediately apologized and said, "I'm sorry. Are you two whales from Ireland?"

That's pretty much the last thing I remember...
Entry #262

Senate Democrats Block GOP Immigration Bill

Check out the creative headline which tries to change Democrats' efforts to stop Immigration Reform into a failure of GOP to address the issue.

The GOP did indeed bring up an immigration bill.

But the Democrats blocked it.

The Republicans wanted to make it easier for highly educated foreigners with advanced degrees to enter the country along with their families, people who would help this country, people in fields like science, technology, engineering and mathematics who could help maintain our advantage in the world.

But the Democrats blocked that plan in favor of allowing in only basket cases who will need to be put on welfare when they get here.

You know, the ones who will vote Democrat everytime for the freebies.

Democrats are the enemy within.

They will bring this country down.


Senate GOP fails to bring up immigration bill

By JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

WASHINGTON —  Senate Democrats on Wednesday blocked Republicans from bringing up an immigration bill offering permanent residence visas for foreigners with advanced degrees that passed the House last week despite the opposition of most Democrats.

Senate Republican John Cornyn of Texas sought unanimous consent to consider the bill that provides some 55,000 green cards a year to those with masters and doctorate degrees from U.S. colleges in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

"We all know that America's immigration system is broken, but in particular by driving away highly skilled foreign workers who want to start businesses and create jobs right here in America," he said.

New York's Sen. Chuck Schumer, a Democratic leader on immigration policies, objected to Cornyn's request. Schumer said Democrats support creating so-called STEM visas  and he has a proposal to do that. "But what we don't do is take away other visas or add in other extraneous positions."

House Republicans turned to their STEM bill as a way to show Hispanics, who deserted them in the November election, that they are serious about immigration legislation. But it met strong opposition from Democrats because it eliminated another visa program that benefits less-educated people, particularly from Africa. The Congressional Hispanic Caucus said Republicans were trying to pick winners and losers among different people who want to gain permanent residency.

The Republican bill would also have made it easier for the spouses and families of people with green cards to enter the United States while they wait for their own green card applications to be approved.

The STEM bill is seen as an opening skirmish as Congress and the White House plan for writing comprehensive immigration legislation next year dealing with both legal immigrants and the estimated 11 million living in the country illegally.

The Associated Press

Entry #260