rdgrnr's Blog

Iran Says it Will Turn New York Into "Hellish Ruins" With Nukes


Isn't Biden doing a wonderful job?

Isn't it good to have a President that is not only weak but also mentally impaired?

Iran is threatening us, China is threatening us, North Korea is threatening us and Russia is threatening us.

Boy, he gets a lot of respect, doesn't he?

Wouldn't be happening under Trump.

And everybody knows it.

Entry #1,771

Nothing Has Changed

Fox News came out as Fake News and joined all the other Fake News Outlets in the Democrat Lapdog Media during the last Presidential Election. Rupert wanted to keep his spoiled-little-rich-kid-brat-sons happy and cool with their socialist friends so he went all out supporting the Democrat Presidential Candidate up to the point of declaring Arizona for him with only 5% of the vote in.

And now that his entitled aristocrat sons have taken over operations, they are  promoting the same lies and propaganda as CNN and MSDNC and all the rest. The only difference is they still have remnants of truth in a few news commentary programs which they would love to get rid of, and they would if they weren't bringing in the viewership and resultant big bucks.

It only follows that they would do something as stupid as not covering President Trump.

Stink47 is apparently SHOCKED by this old news and blogged about it today.

Try to keep up, Stinky.   

Entry #1,769

Democrat Congresswoman Sanchez Flips Off Republican Bench While Losing 10 - 0


Democrats are always the aszholes in the crowd. Ever notice that?

A friendly Congressional ballgame and this fatass slob broad has to get a pinch runner cuz she can't waddle very fast and she's embarrassed at the way everybody is looking at her blubber bounce around as she waddles so she gives the Republican Bench the finger. Her Democrat Team lost 10-0. 

I guess it could have been worse though. I remember the time a Democrat Bernie Sanders Supporter showed up at the Republican Congressmen's practice with an AR and started shooting, trying to kill everybody. Luckily a cop was there and killed the worthless Democrat mf'er.

Entry #1,763

I Love This Time of Year

The Hummingbirds just started showing up in numbers last week and today I saw the first Monarch Butterfly.

I planted a butterfly garden of sorts behind the courtyard and all around my new house and now they're here to entertain me and the blond for the rest of the summer. I enjoy that. I have bird feeders and suet baskets and hummingbird feeders and bird baths for everybody.

Now I just have to do battle with some of the wasps and the squirrels and the rabbits.

Since I now have neighbors I can no longer shoot the squirrels from my window and eat them. And they had become the bane of my existence up until recently. When you have bird feeders (which I couldn't have before cuz of bears), the squirrels will NOT stop at anything to get that seed. I tried everything with no luck. Until a couple weeks ago. That's when I found bird seed with hot sauce in it. The squirrels just sniff it and don't want any part of it. It's a little more expensive but it's worth it to me. They don't even hang around here anymore like they used to.

The rabbits are another thing. I can't shoot them here either. They not only eat vegetables, they eat my frigging flowers too! I guess I'm gonna have to rig up some kinda fence for them. PITA!

Today when the sun gets low I'm gonna put in 3 more tomato plants (Called "maters" here) and a couple pepper plants. Maybe I'll stay up late and catch them rabbits in the act and scare the hell out of 'em with my Nancy Pelosi mask.   

Entry #1,762