joker17's Blog

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Former Co-worker passed away last Sunday

I have to say, these past 2 weeks have been strange.

First David Carradine, then My former co-worker, Ed McMahon, Farrah fawcett, and then Michael Jackson.

Last Sunday, a friend and a former co-worker named Patrick, who had been fired for drinking on the job just 3 weeks prior, was found dead at his home. He had high blood pressure, but didn't seem sickened.Very active and a people person. Very surprising even with the drinking and such.

He was only 44 years old.

RIP...All of the above.

Entry #14

David Carradine

News reports say he wanted to tie the knot when he arrived in Thailand.  Sources say he wanted to get in the swing of things before the wedding but plans changed. An official claimed this report was false and his depression was so deep that he was at the end of his rope.


Peter Slavorich,

BSS news.

Entry #12

Joke of the day

A man walks into a doctor's office and says Doc, I'm shrinking, you gotta help me. The doctor says...well, you'll just have to be a little patient.

Entry #10

Joke of the day

An angry man staggers into a bar, orders a drink

and yells out, "All lawyers are a**holes!"
A man stands up from a table and shouts back, "I take offense to that remark!"
"Why? Are you a lawyer?"
"No. I'm an a**hole."

Entry #9

Woman loses $1 million inside mattress-

According to a story on June 10th, In Tel Aviv, Israel, a woman gave her elderly mother a new mattress. It was a gift, and the daughter tossed out the old bed.

The old mattress had the mom's entire life savings stuffed in it. A million bucks.

They have peope searching the dumps to no avail.

They asked her what her next plan was, and she said she would sleep on it. Jester Laugh

Entry #7

Joke of the day

Did you hear about the Buddhist who refused Novacain for a root canal?

He wanted to transcend dental medication.

Entry #6

Joke of the day

Yesterday my wife gave birth. Her family and friends brought her chocolates, flowers, and cards. The only thing I got was a bloody T-shirt.

Entry #5

Reality is an illusion

The words you are reading now is just a sample mechanism of the brain's complex ability to make sense of it all, nothing less, nothing more.

It's true when they say it's all in your head.

99 percent of the Atom is made of mostly nothing.


Great quote......

"Right behind you is a big Quantum soup. Once you turn around, your brain makes sense of it". (Paraphrasing).

Entry #4

Joke of the day

If you get an Email warning you that you'll get Swine flu if you eat canned pork, disregard it, it's just SPAM.

Entry #2

Joke of the day

First thing this morning, there was a tap on my door. My plumber, what a sense of humor.

Entry #1
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