luckyshoes's Blog

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I dont usually do this but my son is on his way back today. Lots of visions going on for me- one in particular is that food was spilled or spilt on him in the plane. I ll let you know when I talk to him. He is a dual major in math and meteorology and these numbers play for his recent adventure across the Atlantic Sea. Flight=107,297 Italy=743 Greece=367  Airplane=595 and 887 Travel=726(fell in Penn last night) University=860 Math=005 Weather=174 Also visioned that he slept on a red blanket or red couch. Red=111 Couch=355 Blanket=224 and 674 Good Luck Win Big

Welcome Home

Entry #44

Abroad Side

Thank you, Readers for the many views I had since I logged off in February. Just to catch you up on whats happened since then, I decided to do some blogging. There is one I call " the sun " who left for Italy recently and Im so happy the air travel is over and he landed safely. Guess theres  no place like Rome - via Canada and Germany  lol.  I asked my mom for a number today- remember, she never played lottery, and as I imagined her face, she turned to write down a number. I looked over her shoulder to see 6193 . The number she gave me in December came 5 days later ! So I say thank you, mom  and to Cody, remember where you live and come back safely.  I love you.

Entry #43

In The U. K.

My fab 2  want to go to England this summer. Nah, not for the royal wedding- What wedding ?They want to cross Abbey Road  a la les beatles. Oh,  one wants to go barefoot ! Are you crazy? thats a busy street! Yoko kidding? Right?  Turns out- no. Apparently you write on the fence in front of the studio- some tradition they got.  I thought... why dont we replicate the scene in our driveway ? Ono not the right answer for them.  One wants to play his guitar on the corner facing the webcam. Webcam? Oh...... thats a different story. Uhh... Im feeling a british invasion  coming on..........


Entry #42


I have  been asked "What do you know and how do you know it?" What is the difference between my psychic experiences and my dream life. Huge difference. Psychically, information is communicated in sentence form and is from mostly familiar people.  My dad speaks to me in my left ear and appears in front of me. Clear as day.Voices are extremely familiar, just as they were before departure.  Images are much more vivid as color plays a huge part in the tone of the conversation. I do not have to speak aloud to them because they seem to be able to understand me just as well. When I visited the grave of my great grandmother, she spoke in a voice not recognizable to me but I somehow knew to be hers. And lately 2 girls named Claudia and Danielle want me to relay their message to someone else. Im not sure what to do with that but as they keep coming to me every so often Ill probably get more info from them.


My dream life is just like yours. Broken images and fragmented info. And the occasional visit from George Harrison circa 1966. But Im not complaining. Talking is also oddly broken pieces. And if I can remember it in the morning, its harder to put together.

Am I Edgar Cayce? No way. Can I read your future? Probably not. Marian Apparitions? No. Card reader ? Nah. Just like you , I am someone who loved and lost and lived another day  to  experience the gift that is now upon me and reflects on my sons.

Like a kaleidoscope,  we see things differently, things that are unique only to self.  Are you one of us?

61658 - this was on the back of a gold coin my dad gave me. Good luck All.

Entry #41

Thanking You

Theres your 539 showing up from my early December blogging. Certainly hope you had that. Wishing a Happy New Year to all.  Its been big fun  writing for your pleasure this year. Many thanks for taking the time to read.  See you 2011.

Entry #40

Social Season

My dad gave me two numbers today. I didnt ask for them though. Might make them more powerful that way. (?) He held a sign in each hand. On the right was 8408 and the left was 4111. Good luck with these.   My beloved niece came to my mind today. Gone 19 years. I had forgotten that her finger was bent . No more though- she joyfully showed me a sweet daisy ring on her now perfect hand ! My mom came in and she told me she was proud of all of us. She gave the number 24. I cant pin any significance on that.  Cheerful Amy bounded in,  too. How good to see her again. Shes a cherished pet of ours. Everyones safe and everyones happy. They were just letting me know in their own way. My Christmas gift from Heaven.

Entry #39

A New Layer Of Hope

As this year leaves its final footprints on the border of times empire (Hawthorne), two words come to mind. Significant change. My life was radically changed by the departure of my endearing Amy and my beloved Dad. Gone too soon. Needless to say the jouney back was like walking through water neck deep and never getting out of the lake. No more tears though. If their time here was short then it was only because I thought it wasnt long enough for me. Perspective.                                                                                                             

The mark on your stone is very important. The line  marking your arrival and departure. Its how you spent your life. Your mission. Your purpose. Your impact on the lives of others and yourself. Living your dash.

I always look forward to the new year. Soul renewal, I  call it. A new layer of hope. We saw the good in the worst and the bad in the best.  We saw greatness trivialized and smallness complicated. But theres still good in the world. Here comes 2011. Are you go for launch?       


Entry #38

The Fab 2

My psychic sons are into everything Beatles - make that everything John Lennon now. And the house is quickly filling up with memorablia and the like. They find  it totally  amazing that music came on vinyl at one time and "how come its so big?" So the next purchase was to find a record player that would do the songs justice. After attending the Paul McCartney concert in Pittsburgh and taking 100s of pictures  they proudly told everyone that theyd finally saw someone who actually knew John Lennon !!So this prompts me to have a dream that Im dating John and I ask him if George is available instead  lol   and he looks at me  overtop of those circular rims and says lets just eat at Andy Warhols cafe.  ??  Whatever. Guitars are all the rage here and I must say its nice to hear the tunes float through the house. So, Imagine, Come together and oh, wait, Here comes the sun........................Oh yeah, I  tell you something I think you ll understand . Lol.  Have a nice holiday....................................................................Luckyshoes out.

Entry #37

Hello, Again

My grandmama jumped into my thoughts with a number so loudly that I just had to share with you. I have never known her to get a message across so adamently that it bears watching.. 5663- good luck and happy winnings. Also, look for 552 in all its combinations. Play On .

Entry #36


One of the ways my dad  gets messages across is by humor. Since we are looking for a very long overdue triple, I asked him to give me a sign that they re on the way. Last night , first clue . I dreamed of a sweet little red bird hopping about so contentedly.  Cardinal.  The cardinal signs are aries, cancer, libra, and capricorn. Thursday  theres a libra moon.  If Ive gotten it right, we could see one show soon. I think he likes for me to figure things out for myself  while he gets a good laugh out of it !  Just his way and I still love him for it.  Riddle me this....................  Good luck  players

Entry #35

Waiting Game

So the other day I was talking to  my dad about the things going on in my life and said that if theres an answer to it all, I really dont know where to look. His response?  1971...  Now, I do love my mother very much but, talking to my dad is easier and more fluid. I would be on my toes for her trying to be a good girl  in her eyes still after  5 years- whereas with my dad I can relate more and be the real Kandy. I got news the other day that someone I love doesnt have much longer in this world .And this is someone my dad really liked so he knows my anguish over what to do now.   As I sit here typing, he is telling me to handle it with dignity and be the best version of yourself . Believe It.

In play for you  1971, 538 and 417- this one will tavel through  all games.

Entry #34

G l i t t e r Da y s

I ve been finding lots of pennies on the ground this week .    More so than other days. Yes, I pick them up everytime. When I have extras I place them on the tops of bubblegum machines for little ones to use. Did you ever have the delight as a child of finding a penny  just  where you needed it? Imagine the joy that brings . Call it karma returned. Call it glitter from the sky. Call it heads up-because we re coming into a window of one week when triples have fallen for the last five years less 2006. Good luck pennies to you.

Entry #33


047    097  just tonight     1508 on the big4    Good luck All

Entry #31

Beads and Pearls

I have a bead on the  275x showing in the big4. Its spin number is 775- but I think this is more likely for the daily number.

Entry #30
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