addai1516's Blog

i failed my nursing exams and i felt like i was loosing my mind

i did  go to nursing school and graduated but oh my God am catching hell because i failed my exams not once but twice already (nclex pn boards  ) this time  i knew i was ready but i failed again and i am soo discouraged and sad and dont know what to do , hmmm i prayed before and after the exams and still failed this is one of the lowest point of my life.  Am staying strong but i feel defeated !! God if you are real i need a solution!

Entry #27

where we you at on september 11th ?

i was some where in Detroit when i saw on the news that a plane had crush to a building very horrific . Then a second plane hit at this time i panic .. what is going on is the world coming to an end ? i ask my self. Very scary day i will never forget !! Where were you at on sept 11 ? what were you doing that morning ?

Entry #25

Pray and Restore America

shame on obama although i voted for him i did not know he was going to change big time and get away from biblical principles of the founding fathers !! How i miss George Bush , he did well for the nation than Obama , tax cuts and I.r.s refund checks which no president ever did . Bush was misunderstood but a nice funny guy.. I enjoyed  the George Bush imitation on saturday night live lol ..i also voted for obama to bring history as first African American president .. homosexuality is an abomination Obama . U must as well mr obama  legalised drug use  and prostitution . You are not God to change that law in the bible. Obama the church is very angry with u sir , the true belivers that is !!

Entry #24

Think with ur heart and soul

one way to reduce stress in your daily lives is to pray and meditate twice a day faithfully ... Have a very nice day all !!

Entry #23

Majority Americans are not stupid !! only a few are ..

They voted for Obama because they believed in their heart that he was the better of the two. Mr Romney Love to talk politics but has no solid plan to execute. '' I will help the economy " i will bring jobs " how you gonna do that Govorner ? no plans can't explain to the american people . I am an obama supporter but if Romney had won i will be happy too because like i said majority rules and just make adjustment to the situations . Do u know why Romney loss ? because Bill clinton's supporters all voted for OBAMA and Coline Powel's too..

Entry #21

Eagles are loaded !!

r u ready for some football ? will the eagles win superbowl ? I will say no i i rather go with patroits with chad ochocincco and brady. Dunk

Entry #16

To all lottrey players

If you not wining you better take some time off !! Common sense should prompt you the game has changed , every week it gets tricky with trends and tracking , the lottrey is changing every week getting smater than the players very difficult to hit gaining profit is another topic needs to be discursed. Gambling can put strain and in your life if you dont have self control. One has to learn to take time off and join back in later when you ready to have some fun.

Entry #15

Lottrey insurance for Gamblers ..

What about an idea for insurance coverage for lottrey players and taking away all the proceeds from  the states. They claim lottrey profits goes to education what proof the state got to prove . Britain i heard got free tution for all.. We still got pay for tution high as hell..

Entry #14

CT players you being played in the evening draws.

Do not play evening, play midday only , i have noticed a trend shocking that requires lots of the players to complain some how to the lottrey officials of  being cheats. Pettion may be ? am skeptical. If i was you am not going to play evening at all.You are being riped off. Big shame to the lottrey officials for being gready and not being fair to the lottrey players. How many pre draws are they going to conduct ?

Entry #13
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