Donald adds new meaning to running mate



Entry #614


Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Other than Cristy the azz kisser, any VP of worth has been shunning The Donald. I wonder why? Enquiring minds want to know.
Avatar Todd -
I guess you'll be upset when he becomes your president.
Avatar JAP69 -
That is one way to make a short list. Those that can not cut the mustard high tail it.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Todd, I am mature enough to handle whomever is President, but can you handle it if you are disappointed once again?
Avatar Lucky Loser -
Hillary is now up by eleven points in several reputable polls compared to when she was only up by four a while back. I'm looking at post-convention 'cause that's when the Independents' polling will reflect just who's actually gonna have keys to the 'House. As tight as the Clintons and Trump are, I'm pretty sure they'll have Trump over for dinner to discuss how it all went down. Bill and Donald did hold a long conversation before the 2016 race even began, you know. Kleenex is on back order and I dropped coin on some stock...
Avatar Todd -
LilSpeedy, I will certainly mourn for this country if a criminally corrupt politician like Hillary Clinton is elected president. "Disappointed" would not begin to describe it. It is not "mature" to accept a corrupt politician as president, it is a lack of patriotism.

You will thrive under President Trump, despite your constant criticism of him. As opposed to Obama, who is apparently only the president of those who support him. Everyone else is demonized by him, and all of his policies are biased in the same way.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Todd, you went a little too far when you questioned my patriotism. I was serving my country when you were shooting marbles and playing tag. Let's not talk about corrupt presidents...there were quite a few...I know this for a fact because I much older than you. Who I vote for has nothing to do with my patriotism. If you have never served in the military during a conflict, don't try to tell me about patriotism.
As far as supporting Obama, you bet I did, twice, along with millions of other Americans. It take maturity and common sense to pick a president. Trump appeals to certain people, but not to me. It's very conceited of you to tell me how great Trump is and talk about corrupt Obama and Hillary is. I support those two in spite of your constant accusations and criticisms of them.
Avatar lakerben -
Heaven forbid if Trump gets in.
Avatar Todd -
Interesting that you thought I was talking about you with regard to patriotism. Regardless, if you know a politician is corrupt and you still vote for them, then I would indeed question your patriotism. Doing a patriotic act decades ago does not make you patriotic. Lots of people served in the military, including people like Bowe Bergdahl, who is a traitor. Patriotism is something that is exercised regularly, not a hole card to pull out every time someone questions you. Patriotism means you put love of country over your personal whims. Comparing Hillary Clinton's utter corruption to Donald Trump is laughable. This is a woman whose photo would appear in the dictionary next to the word "corruption".

But you put your liberal ideology above all else, so naturally you will support her.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Todd, you see that is the difference between you and me. You don't know me well enough to gage my patriotism. You can't compare me with Bergdahl. My patriotism is not determined by what you think of me. Anyone can say that they love their country, but not many has the guts to put their words into action. There is nothing else that I need to prove. Your generation and the one before you will have to prove themselves. Then you can talk about whose patriotic and whose not. Putting all your trust in a man that has proven to be a liar, fraud, race-baiter, crook, and manipulator is a hard sell. I'm afraid you are in for another disappointment. You see everyone is not in it for the good of the country, they are in it for their own selfish gain. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PATRIOTISM BUT EVERYTHING TO DO WITH GREED.
Avatar Todd -
You are the one comparing yourself to Bergdahl, I never did. I simply used him as an example. All those things you say about Trump are in fact highly descriptive of Hillary Clinton. You're projecting her horrendous attributes on him, probably in an attempt to justify your support. He built a great company and became wealthy. She engaged in crony capitalism and massive financial corruption through the Clinton Global Initiative and became wealthy. I think it's clear who is the "GREEDY" one. Finally, it's interesting how you claim I know nothing about you and your patriotism, yet you make blanket statements about mine and how I have to somehow "prove myself" to you. That's pretty laughable.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Todd, you have a thin skin and can't take comments that are different than yours. You are not an authority on every subject. This thread is closed and I would appreciate it if you respect my rights.

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