Maybe you'll believe this poll


Clinton regains double-digit lead over Trump: Reuters/Ipsos poll

By Chris Kahn

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton regained a double-digit lead over Republican rival Donald Trump this week, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Friday.


The June 20-24 poll showed that 46.6 percent of likely American voters supported Clinton while 33.3 percent supported Trump. Another 20.1 percent said they would support neither candidate.

Trump had enjoyed a brief boost in support following the June 12 mass shooting in Orlando, Florida, as he doubled down on his pledge to ban Muslims from entering the country, cutting Clinton's lead to nine points.


But Trump's rise in popularity appeared to be only temporary, unlike his lasting surge among the Republican field last year after the attacks in Paris and in San Bernardino, California.


Clinton's 13.3 percentage point lead is about the same as she had before the Orlando attack.

Trump's slip this week came as he struggled to show that he can keep up with a Clinton campaign apparatus that has dwarfed his in size and funding.


Campaign finance disclosures released earlier this week showed Trump started June with a war chest of just $1.3 million, a fraction of Clinton's $42 million. Trump sought to ease concerns among his allies by saying that he could tap his "unlimited" personal wealth if needed, and also by bolstering efforts to raise money through fundraising events and online donations.

Meanwhile, Republican leaders including House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker continued to express reservations about their new standard bearer, who has angered some in the party with his fiery rhetoric.


Ryan and Walker both said over the past week that they felt Republicans should follow their "conscience" when deciding to support the party's likely nominee, instead of urging party members to support him.

Entry #623


Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Many repubs are living in denial. They know that Trump is doing poorly in the polls nationally, but somehow convince themselves that the polls are not accurate or reliable. The majority of Americans do not view Trump Favorably. He is not presidential and his behavior and demeanor is atrocious. He is proving that he only has the interest of his empire and not the American people.
Avatar JAP69 -
I do not believe it one bit. They just kept polling until they polled the right people to make Hillary look good.
Politics in this country is as crooked as he!!.
Avatar Lucky Loser -
Speedy, they could care less about numbers unless they're really good pertaining to Republicans. The same unemployment criteria applied to President Obama is the same criteria they applied to President Bush at this point in their terms but, Obama's 'is skewed and untrue' according to them. These people know that Trump is the equivalent of a U.S. - type Hiroshima but, they're still desperate. Know why? First black president, and, he was elected TWICE. Second, Democrats have been in the 'House for eight years now with another four looking pretty darned good...and normally, administrations switch after one's been there for two terms already. More history on that, too. Finally, another historical nail in the coffin as we're on par for nominating our first female President of the U.S. Speedy, all this is too much for them, okay, which is why we're experiencing 'the Trump affect.'

That's the reason why Trump is elated over BREXIT. He's been forecasting exactly how he wants obliterate our economy, isolate us from all that have helped us to establish our super power, and render us basically comatose. The dummies here think BREXIT is the right model to follow, right? Well, just as I said elsewhere, major regret has ensued and is sweeping across Britain! If they could do it all over again, THEY'D TELL NAGEL FARAGE of UKIP to kiss their azzes...and then run him off!!!


-In the wake of the historic vote, stock markets have plunged and the value of the British pound dropped to its lowest value in 31 years, prompting many to regret their decision to vote for the Brexit. By late Friday, a parliamentary petition had been launched – and was gathering signatures at the rate of roughly 1,000 names per minute, reported the Independent – to hold a second vote. -

It's a good time to visit Trump's golf resort... according to him. LMAO!!!

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