


  A non-doer is very often a critic - that is, someone who sits back and watches doers, and then waxes philosophically about how the doers are doing.  it's easy to be a critic, but being a doer requires effort, risk and change.

Entry #134


Avatar justxploring -
Have you ever been talking to someone who keeps criticizing another for this and that. "She's so annoying. He's so obnoxious." Then you ask "So how long have you known this couple?" and the answer is "We've never met."
Avatar Rick G -
What is especially annoying is critics that can change the things they criticize but choose to sit back and criticize instead. For example, I live in a large condominium complex and the loudest critics are those who do not go to the Association meetings. Non-voting citizens who criticize the U.S. government comes to mind as well.
Avatar justxploring -
Rick, that's so true. You took the words right out of my mouth (give them back! lol) Many of my neighbors don't vote and they complain about the election results.
Avatar csfb -
Isn't that so true. It's usually the person least in accomplishments, least in action that criticizes the most and the loudest.

Someone has said that critics are like eunuchs in a harem, they've seen how it is done, but unable to do it themselves.
Avatar truecritic -
Only makes sense that I should put my 2¢ into this topic. Anyone affected by something can become a critic. Where would we be without Roger and Ebert (now Ebert and Roper) and other movie critics? Sure, maybe a critic cannot be a movie actor/actress but they serve a valid purpose. It is a way of rating the performance, independent of working for the people that made the movie. Consumers Report is a critic of all kinds of products and helps the consumer.   They are not the manufacturers. They are an independent voice. The list can go on, but it is not a bad thing to be a good critic.
Avatar justxploring -
True Critic, it was Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert. (hey, this is about criticism! lol)   I agree that we need people to give advice and opinions, but I think writing a review and criticizing are different. Maybe not, since those people can be cruel. I guess there's no way of getting around pleasing everyone if you do it for a profession. A restaurant critic can destroy another person's dream. I'd never be able to hold a public office or be in the spotlight.
Avatar truecritic -
Right you are...even with proofreading, an extra "and" got between "Roger Ebert"

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