Useless Promises


Entry #638


Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Trump used fear, ridicule, and bullying to hoodwink the repubs into making him their nominee for the POTUS. Trump bought his nomination but he won't be able to buy the presidency. He's a fraud and confidence man that takes advantage of the low-informed repubs.
Avatar Lucky Loser -
Right, all I can say is that I hope that Twitter has enough bandwith to support all the tweeting that Trump will be doing starting this afternoon. I mean to tell you, folks, this man tweets more than most high school and college students put together. Yet, still to this very moment as I speak, Trump has not spoken out against the Russian hack job no matter if it was the DNC. We're talking about Russia here, and, we have folks running around trying to discount this notion 'cause they want Trump in the big chair. Then, there's still the brutal 'irony of truth' on how there's all this talk of a Russian breach on the DNC server but, crickets on Hillary's server NOT being breached. No comment from Trump or the Trump-ettes 'cause they cannot put two and two together. This whole Bernie sympathy act is nothing more than a weak distraction 'cause he doesn't give two $hits about Sanders not winning.

No, he's trying to appeal to some voters which he ain't gonna get 'cause Bernie's voters despise people like him involved in tax evasion. I really believe Trump has issues and is desperate and that's why he offered Kasich the VP deal...he HAS to have Ohio. Not gonna get it, though. This reminds me that it's time to have some fun! The following is what I honestly believe happened when Trump Jr. went to Kasich's Advisers trying to bribe him with VP, was turned down, then went back to tell dad...and this is so good!! Scroll to the .54 second mark and make sure you're sitting your azz down!!!

LMBAO..over and over and over again!!!!!!!!!
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
Poor CARBO offered a weak AZZ response to my post because of his THIN SKIN. He offers no defense for Trump because he doesn't have any. How do you defend someone that's BATSH!T CRAZY? You use diversion tactics. LMAO
Avatar lakerben -
The trump followers can't handle the truth.
Avatar Lucky Loser -
Speedy, that's Trickle Down Standard Operating Procedure what he does. No BLM'ers in the news, Hillary is just getting started, Sharpton and Jesse are in conferences, the First Lady is finalizing things with her address, and President Obama ain't trippin' on a d@mned thang'cause his rating is now in the mid-50's.

Here's what's very telling, though, about our stalker. I just made the case on how black gangs have called a truce in an effort to heal and promote solidarity. It's under the topic about killing more cops here in this blog. For someone like him who is a major exploiter for all things negative black and how we need to fix our problems, I thought he'd be the FIRST one to extend that same HONORABLE MENTION to them AND to me for making mention of it. All of the LP readers and bloggers can now see just who really is GENUINE to this issue as he never uttered a word. People like him are the problem just like I said...they're never satisfied with anything and ready to find fault in everything.

Avatar Lildarryl -
They some fradulent republicans.
Avatar Lildarryl -
They some fradulent republicans.
Avatar Lildarryl -
They some fradulent republicans.
Avatar lakerben -
Liz Warren did good. Obama wife slammed the theory of Trump.
Avatar LiLSpeedy -
The first night of the convention was an overall success. The speakers were great. But most of all, I saw a true representation of Americans. Millions of Americans witnessed the real truth being told about Con Artist Donnie.

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