fluffy9999's NY Vibe...



     Hey, fluff here!  OK, hey a big shoutout to all the folks fluff talks to in Schenectady,NY who follow the fluffy's Days System! Got new folks following the blog all the time and seeing is believing!  OK, 128 today NY IS a Days System play for wed, as is 254-441-1978-1155-1166! Fluff recommends 628 tonight and IS A MUST PLAY FOR THURS, as is 257 for NY and All States! ok, 000 hit NY tues evening and fluff recommends 999 and 111 for a while! 000 is a MUST PLAY ALL STATES FOR FRI AND SAT, and 444 and 555 also! 111 and the pairs and any 11x number for sat, sun and mon! At this time, fluff is NOT RECOMMENDING ANYTHING BUT A LIGHT BET on triples for NY! 6371 looks good for NY so keep in play for a few days! fluff has 9999 in play EVERYDAY NY until further notice! fluff thinks  he noticed tuesday in NY a good place for 00's and the triple a few weeks ago, but sort of forgot about it. OK, let us add tues for the 00's and 000 pick 3 NY and all states if you like! 

     fluff ALWAYS STATES DO NOT SPEND A LOT ON THE LOTTERY! The Days System lowers spending and increases money YOU collect, BUT IT TAKES TIME AND PATIENCE! Throwing a lot of money at the lottery and HOPING IT COMES BACK IS NOT A GOOD IDEA! Stay with fluffy's Days System and YOU WILL BE REWARDED!

    Best wishes TO ALL FROM fluffy9999, YOUR MAGIC LOTTERY BUNNY!

Entry #363


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