DateLine: July 8th, 1947 - Roswell Daily Record: "FLYING SAUCER"


New Mexico  newspaper , the Roswell Daily Record  quoted US officials at Roswell Army Air Field as saying they had recovered a "FLYING SAUCER" that crash landed into a private ranch field; officials later rescinded story with revised with that it was a weather balloon. Till this day there are many credible people who believe that what fell to Earth was actually an alien spacecraft carrying extraterrestrial beings.

Is it a  (Gov't Memorex) Cover up or is it REAL ?

Entry #1,012


Avatar eddessaknight -
There are more forces affecting us then the ones we are aware of ......
Avatar hearsetrax -
🛸🖖👽 🛸🖖👽
Avatar JAP69 -
Avatar mikeintexas -
It's on hiatus now in between seasons, but I watched the first season of "Project Blue Book" a while back and enjoyed it. Ea. episode is based upon an actual incident, although they do take creative license with it.

I used to work nights on the drilling rigs and saw some strange things in the sky. When I was about ten or so, my pop woke us all up to show us something he was seeing in the night sky, a strange set of lights in the sky that moved quite randomly. He was a licensed pilot, so he knew it wasn't the running lights of a circling airplane. Everybody else went on to bed and I stayed at the window watching it until Dad told me to go to bed, let him go to sleep. I slipped outside and watched the thing move around for about a half hour more, then it started speeding towards our house, freaking me out, but then zipped up into the sky and the light slowly disappeared. I never could find an explanation for that.

Me 'n a friend were out on a deserted road just outside our home; we called it the "smoker's loop" <ahem> We had stopped to get rid of some beer we had drank and we heard a rumbling off in the distance, getting closer and closer. He and I had already had a "close encounter" several yrs. previously with some lights in the sky, but we had figured out that was just lights from a nearby hwy., made weird by a hot summer night and the heated atmosphere, but this thing had a soundtrack and the volume was getting louder and louder. Eventually we could make out a dark shape headed straight for us and then in a flash, it was past. No lights, just a black shape in the sky, looking like an enormous bat.   This was in the early 80's, long before it was made public, but it had to have been the first stealth aircraft, taking a jaunt from Nevada to Texas and points unknown and back.    I guess it was technically a "UFO" but at the time we thought we had had yet another close encounter.
Avatar mikeintexas -
Oh, and I discovered the original "Roswell" series and d/l all of it and enjoyed it, even though it was aimed at teens. I saw they were doing a reboot of the series and thought I'd check it out. I lasted through the pilot episode, but just barely. Like so many TV shows these days, it smacked the viewer's faces with their political and social agendas. First was a thinly veiled slam at Trump, with the Latina character angry b/c her Washington job had been cut back by funding for the wall, then at the end, one of the aliens was found to be having a gay relationship with another main character.   That was enough for me.

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