Free Brittney Griner!!


And she was detained trying to leave Russia!

Entry #232


Avatar noise-gate -
* I guess Russia doesn’t go for recreational drugs in any form. Sly Stallone was banned from Australia at one time for bringing in some illegal muscle product in his suitcase. They kicked him out of the country.

* Hope she get released pretty soon. It’s not like she caught with a nuke.
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Considering she was leaving; doubt she was selling any of the hashish oil or as the Russian Customs Service said, a “large-scale transportation of drugs”.
Avatar Think -
Don't forget to also get the Americans out of Afghanistan who were abandoned there!
Avatar noise-gate -
* Think, you better start doing that, thinking! Before the “ evacuation “ the State Dept issues a warning for ALL Americans to leave Afghanistan, but there are those who refused, perhaps because they had families there or whatever. The idea that the Biden Administration said “ Well F you” is propaganda. Much like the vaccines are killers, or that as 45 said “ Only l can fix it.” Or that the voting machines were switching votes from one candidate to another.

* In short: Don’t believe everything you hear or read as the truth.
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FYI "A Blog is a Web page that serves as a publicly-accessible personal journal for an individual. Typically updated daily, Blogs often reflect the personality of the author (the "Blogger")."

And my blog entries are usually things I read or heard about. This entry is about a news article I read where an American that plays basketball in Russia during the WNBA off season that was allegedly caught with illegal substances. The first two comments were on that subject. For the record I have no power to prevent her from serving time in a Russian prison or even know where to start helping her get out.

With all that being said, if you believe there are still Americans being held in Afghanistan and concerned for their wellbeing, there is nothing I can personally do to help them.

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"Don’t believe everything you hear or read as the truth."

Speaking of Sly Stallone, Rambo II was about documenting the possible existence of missing POWs in Vietnam in the 1985. I suppose some people have problems discerning fiction from reality and still believe there are American POWs there almost 50 years later.

Because of her basketball status, Brittney might become a political prisoner.

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@47 Good Point, I should have worded my post more clearly as I can see why you are confused as to what I meant
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"the Americans out of Afghanistan who were abandoned there!"

Brittney Griner started playing basketball in Russia seven years ago and is not being abandoned by anyone. If there is a comparison, you'll have to explain because I can't see it.
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What I was trying to say, and this is how I SHOULD have worded it, is this -

Yes, absolutely, but don't forget about the other Americans trapped around the world too!

I didn't make that clear. That is what I was really pondering. So, my bad, I see why I was confusing everyone.
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Saw where a Russian court is holding Griner until May 19, have mock trial, and sentence her to 30 years just like the other two Americans. Considering current affairs, Brittney might be there for years.

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