George W. Bush Is One Tough Hombre


Tough enough to execute Karla Fay Tucker-- and then laugh about it.  Tough enough to sign a death warrant for a man whose lawyer slept through the trial...and then snicker when asked about it in a debate.  Even tough enough to execute a great-grandmother who murdered her husband --after he abused her.

Mr. Bush is tough enough to invade a country that was no risk to America, causing tens of thousands of civillian deaths and shedding precious American blood in process.  Tough enough to sanction torture. 

But if you're rich and right-wing and Republican, George is a real softie.  As George W. Bush demonstrated in giving Scooter Libby a Get Out of Jail Free Card.

Paul Begala


Entry #514


Avatar oleander111 -
Avatar emilyg -
oleander - thanks - will do.
excuse my language but the man stirs great emotion in me and none of it good.the bastard has a lot of guts to pull all of the shenanigans he has pulled.i think he has done so much damage to this great country it might be best friend has spent most of 2003-2007 in freaking iraq.the man has a four year old daughter he has hardly seen because of this silly useless war.he is a good sport and won't complain.i can tell you in 2004 he did not vote for bush.
Avatar Tenaj -
This country was beyond repair long before G.W. He just made it laughable.

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