What really was happening 1/6/20.


Entry #2,471


Avatar sully16 -
Twas a good day.
Avatar grwurston -
Those were good times, but the stupid dems and lefties will vote for Biden again and so those days won't be coming back, and it's all because of their TDS.
Avatar CDanaT -
I did borrow this one but it fits my sentiments exactly
    I'm getting old and I’ve worked hard all my life. 
I have made my reputation, the good and the bad, I didn't inherit my job or my income,
and I have worked hard to get where I am in life.  I have juggled my job, my family,
and made many sacrifices up front to secure a life for my family.  It wasn’t always easy
and still isn't, but I did it all while maintaining my integrity and my principles. 
I made mistakes and tried to learn from them.  I have friends of every walk of life and
if you’re in my circle, it should be understood that I don’t have to remind you of what
I’d be willing to do for you. 
     However . . .
     I'm tired of being told that I have to "spread the wealth" to people who don't have my
work ethic.  People who have sacrificed nothing and feel entitled to receive everything. 
     I'm tired of being told the government will take the money I earned, by force if
necessary, and give it to people too lazy to earn it themselves. 
     I'm really tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming,
which, no one is allowed to debate. 
     I'm really tired of hearing wealthy athletes, entertainers and politicians of all parties
talk like their opinions matter to the common man.  I’m tired of any of them even
pretending they can relate to the life and bank account that I have. 
     I'm tired of people with a sense of entitlement, rich or poor. 
     I’m upset that I’m labeled as a racist because I am proud of my heritage.  I never
stole any one's land, the government did that . . .
     I’m tired of being told I need to accept the latest fad or politically correct stupidity
or befriending a group that’s intent on killing me because I won’t convert to their
point of view. 
     I'm really tired of people who don't take responsibility for their lives and actions. 
Especially the ones that want me to fund it.  I'm tired of hearing them blame the
government, or discrimination, or big-whatever for their problems. 
     Yes, I'm really tired.  But, I'm also glad to be in the twilight of my life.  Because
mostly, I'm not going to have to see the retched, depressing world these young useless
idiots are creating.  And lastly, because even though I shouted from the rooftops, no
one listened or seemed to give a  .  You reap what you sow, and so do your children. 
     No one is entitled to anything.  You have a choice to work, a choice to stay off drugs,
a choice to make something of yourself.  I have nothing to do with your choice. 
That's all on you.  You are entitled to what you earn.
Avatar jarasan -
Thanks to all, I am tired, sick and tired, but I keep on fighting and the powder is always going to be very dry.
Avatar grwurston -
Hang in there J. The worm will turn and things will get better. It's hard but we just have to be patient. And it will be well worth the wait in the end!!

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